Trying out for the lotion dispensing job at Target


OldHillcrestGuy said:
From the look on his face in picture #8, (checking out that female deputy) if he had a free hand he'd be ready to perform again. :yikes:
She is kinda hot in an authoritative kind of way :pete:


Well-Known Member
Something that was not in the article because it was not in the court records:
The same vehicle and tag number with a description that matched him had done the same thing at other places, Belk for one. But the police could never catch him.


Danzig said:
Something that was not in the article because it was not in the court records:
The same vehicle and tag number with a description that matched him had done the same thing at other places, Belk for one. But the police could never catch him.

It would seem that he's the master of more than one domain.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Danzig said:
Something that was not in the article because it was not in the court records:
The same vehicle and tag number with a description that matched him had done the same thing at other places, Belk for one. But the police could never catch him.

If I were to do something like this, I would hang out in front of a Gym. Hotties have to exercise to keep mean, what a sicko.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
MLGTS08 said:
That is so gross... lol the sad thing is he is semi disabled, and only can use one hand his other hand just dangles.

Does anyone else find this the least bit amusing????


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mssteelvalley said:
Gee it is stuff like this that is makeing me look foreward to moving up in that area :sarcasm: . Does anyone have some advice where I should move to there is SOMD? Any advice would be of a great help.

"If this story were to have a moral, then I would say, 'Just name a hero and I'll prove he's a bum.'"----Lt Col. Greg "Pappy" Boyington,

Despite this incident, this area still far exceeds any other place I have been for safety...FAR EXCEEDS.


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lovinmaryland said:
thats my other thought... why the hell did he step out of the car to masturbate? why not just do it in the cool comfort of his vehicle? :confused:

Because he is literally one step from doing something far more dangerous. It's a pretty proven pattern. Anybody have a pic of this guy so I can take note?


How you like me now?
jenbengen said:
Because he is literally one step from doing something far more dangerous. It's a pretty proven pattern. Anybody have a pic of this guy so I can take note?

Click on the link on the first post it has a slideshow


Hmm the Banner ad on the page says "Get Busted" "Get the Best" "Get Off" LOL