Trying out for the lotion dispensing job at Target


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czygvtwkr said:
Hmm the Banner ad on the page says "Get Busted" "Get the Best" "Get Off" LOL

So why is he sitting in his car for so long during the pics? Were they waiting for "things" to calm down? I know that unstable people look normal, but my first reaction was "he looks so normal". LOL. I do feel sorry for his stepson. Hopefully he doesn't have to live under the same roof with that guy right now.


New Member
jenbengen said:
So why is he sitting in his car for so long during the pics? Were they waiting for "things" to calm down? I know that unstable people look normal, but my first reaction was "he looks so normal". LOL. I do feel sorry for his stepson. Hopefully he doesn't have to live under the same roof with that guy right now.
Waiting for it to dry, maybe?


Highlander's MPD
pingrr said:
I do that from time to time myself. But I always stay in the car behind my tinted windows so I don't get cought.

Please tell us what parking lots you frequent so we know to keep our kids away.


Highlander's MPD
Dork said:
Please tell us what parking lots you frequent so we know to keep our kids away.

08-23-2007 12:37 AM I surely hope your kids are 16+ if not no one would be looking, sicko.

Someone seems to have missed my message here. If you haven't figured it out PINGRR is likely a pedophile. He has admitted to being a member of NAMBLA and if you look at this profile you will get the picture. Anyway, it bothered me that he said he sits in parking lots in car with tinted windows and does the same thing.

Anyway, I'm not the sicko, just thought I'd try to keep everyone informed about PINGRR.

Just in case he decides to change it, here is what he has listed in his profile. The only thing that doesn't send up a red flag is the location of DOJO. The rest is scary.

I am a nice fellow and will not allow those unjust child pornography convictions to rain on my parade.
Location:The Dojo
Repressed Memory Giver
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I don't see any priors on his record. He either grew a wild hair or this is just the first time he's been caught and charged.


Stretch's Mom
jenbengen said:
So why is he sitting in his car for so long during the pics? Were they waiting for "things" to calm down? I know that unstable people look normal, but my first reaction was "he looks so normal". LOL. I do feel sorry for his stepson. Hopefully he doesn't have to live under the same roof with that guy right now.

My daughter and I were at the Target this day...there was also an armored truck picking up money so there were cops EVERYWHERE in the parking lot. Everything came to a halt while the money was taken out of the Target to the truck and the truck drove off. We inside the store couldn't get anywhere near the entrance until that deposit was carried outside under police escort. Only after that was over and the armored carrier was gone did this guy get arrested.

I thought he maybe had something to do with the armored truck, like harassing the driver or something... we saw him in the cuffs and everything...

Now I'm just... ew. How icky.


Well-Known Member
Dork said:
08-23-2007 12:37 AM I surely hope your kids are 16+ if not no one would be looking, sicko.

Someone seems to have missed my message here. If you haven't figured it out PINGRR is likely a pedophile. He has admitted to being a member of NAMBLA and if you look at this profile you will get the picture. Anyway, it bothered me that he said he sits in parking lots in car with tinted windows and does the same thing.

Anyway, I'm not the sicko, just thought I'd try to keep everyone informed about PINGRR.

Just in case he decides to change it, here is what he has listed in his profile. The only thing that doesn't send up a red flag is the location of DOJO. The rest is scary.

I am a nice fellow and will not allow those unjust child pornography convictions to rain on my parade.
Location:The Dojo
Repressed Memory Giver

Look what somone sent me.
Trying out for the loti... 08-23-2007 10:41 AM sicko
I am not a sicko and am most certainly not a pedophile. I don't know why people think this.

Just for you Dork I will expand on my Bio

My Company:
Kid Toucher Inc.
Anytown, USA US
Repressed Memory Giver
Candy Distribution

I am a nice fellow and will not allow those unjust child pornography convictions to rain on my parade. People tell me that I'm sweet, as well as caring and a lot of fun to commit home invasions with. I like to take a girl out to dinner and get to know her, then drive to a secluded area and offer her money to cram a finger or six into my !@#$%^&. I am something of a scamp and my sense of humor has raised eyebrows on more than one occasion (I have been known to tickle the feet of a quadriplegic while yelling Coochy Coochy Coo at the top of my lungs). My grandmother once said that not only was I incorrigible, but I was the funniest person she'd ever !@#$%^&. I also believe in helping other people and spreading good cheer. When it's freezing cold outside around the holidays and I see a homeless person, I sometimes resist the powerful urge to throw ice water in his face and yell racial epithets. I am not always the man about town I've portrayed myself to be; plenty of times I enjoy just curling up with the obituaries and prank calling the loved ones of the recently deseased.


Highlander's MPD
pingrr said:
Look what somone sent me.
Trying out for the loti... 08-23-2007 10:41 AM sicko
I am not a sicko and am most certainly not a pedophile. I don't know why people think this.

Just for you Dork I will expand on my Bio

My Company:
Kid Toucher Inc.
Anytown, USA US
Repressed Memory Giver
Candy Distribution

I am a nice fellow and will not allow those unjust child pornography convictions to rain on my parade. People tell me that I'm sweet, as well as caring and a lot of fun to commit home invasions with. I like to take a girl out to dinner and get to know her, then drive to a secluded area and offer her money to cram a finger or six into my !@#$%^&. I am something of a scamp and my sense of humor has raised eyebrows on more than one occasion (I have been known to tickle the feet of a quadriplegic while yelling Coochy Coochy Coo at the top of my lungs). My grandmother once said that not only was I incorrigible, but I was the funniest person she'd ever !@#$%^&. I also believe in helping other people and spreading good cheer. When it's freezing cold outside around the holidays and I see a homeless person, I sometimes resist the powerful urge to throw ice water in his face and yell racial epithets. I am not always the man about town I've portrayed myself to be; plenty of times I enjoy just curling up with the obituaries and prank calling the loved ones of the recently deseased.

OK, everyone....Pingrr sent me this in addition to what he wrote above. I can appreciate a warped sense of humor but somethings just aren't funny.
Do you think PINGRR is a pedophile or just someone with a very strange sense of humor.

check out this survey


Name: Pingrr

Birthday: Every day
Birthplace: mom's ####
Current Location: closer to a grammar school than allowed by law
Eye Color: bloody-stool brown
Height: tall enough to get on the rides at Coney Island
Right Handed or Left Handed: tug with my right, ####### tickle with my left
Your Weakness: an invalid laying sideways with her mouth open
Your Fears: that I will be overheard making the yummy noise while glancing at an older gentleman in a rest area mens room
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: I'd like to stop needlessly kicking retarded people
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: If I new that was your baby I never would have ####ed it
Thoughts First Waking Up: whos black #### is this
Your Best Physical Feature: my taint
Your Bedtime: 10 minutes after my tranny movies end
Your Most Missed Memory: being face down ina pillow with Whiskey being breathed into my face from the side by my uncle
Single or Group Dates: I prefer single dates and group ####s
Do you Smoke: only when baby sitting
Do you Shower Daily: I prefer to have dogs lick the sweat off my balls and neck
Have you Been in Love: yes, but as soon as my balls emptied I hated her
Do you want to get Married: yes, to Laci Peterson
Do you get Motion Sickness: only when ####ing fat girls
Do you think you are Attractive: yes, when compared with burn vitims
Are you a Health Freak: I take my Aids cocktails every day
Do you like Thunderstorms: yes, because hey cause youngsters to huddle under my covers
Do you play an Instrument: I play the spoons
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: no, but I've purchased it for minors
In the past month have you gone on a Date: do prostitutes count?
In the past month have you been Dumped: yes, on my chest
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: in the kiddie pool
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: two babies and a prostetic ####
Ever been called a Tease: a cancer patient once called me that while I dangled morphine over his face
Ever been Beaten up: by a copuple of concerned parents
Ever Shoplifted: I smuggled a girble out of a store in my hiney
Lightning never strikes twice in one place because Chuck Norris is looking for it.


Well-Known Member
Dork said:
OK, everyone....Pingrr sent me this in addition to what he wrote above. I can appreciate a warped sense of humor but somethings just aren't funny.
Do you think PINGRR is a pedophile or just someone with a very strange sense of humor.

check out this survey


Name: Pingrr

Birthday: Every day
Birthplace: mom's ####
Current Location: closer to a grammar school than allowed by law
Eye Color: bloody-stool brown
Height: tall enough to get on the rides at Coney Island
Right Handed or Left Handed: tug with my right, ####### tickle with my left
Your Weakness: an invalid laying sideways with her mouth open
Your Fears: that I will be overheard making the yummy noise while glancing at an older gentleman in a rest area mens room
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: I'd like to stop needlessly kicking retarded people
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: If I new that was your baby I never would have ####ed it
Thoughts First Waking Up: whos black #### is this
Your Best Physical Feature: my taint
Your Bedtime: 10 minutes after my tranny movies end
Your Most Missed Memory: being face down ina pillow with Whiskey being breathed into my face from the side by my uncle
Single or Group Dates: I prefer single dates and group ####s
Do you Smoke: only when baby sitting
Do you Shower Daily: I prefer to have dogs lick the sweat off my balls and neck
Have you Been in Love: yes, but as soon as my balls emptied I hated her
Do you want to get Married: yes, to Laci Peterson
Do you get Motion Sickness: only when ####ing fat girls
Do you think you are Attractive: yes, when compared with burn vitims
Are you a Health Freak: I take my Aids cocktails every day
Do you like Thunderstorms: yes, because hey cause youngsters to huddle under my covers
Do you play an Instrument: I play the spoons
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: no, but I've purchased it for minors
In the past month have you gone on a Date: do prostitutes count?
In the past month have you been Dumped: yes, on my chest
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: in the kiddie pool
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: two babies and a prostetic ####
Ever been called a Tease: a cancer patient once called me that while I dangled morphine over his face
Ever been Beaten up: by a copuple of concerned parents
Ever Shoplifted: I smuggled a girble out of a store in my hiney
Lightning never strikes twice in one place because Chuck Norris is looking for it.
:roflmao: thank you for posting this i have been having a terrible day :lmao:
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