pingrr said:
Look what somone sent me.
Trying out for the loti... 08-23-2007 10:41 AM sicko
I am not a sicko and am most certainly not a pedophile. I don't know why people think this.
Just for you Dork I will expand on my Bio
My Company:
Kid Toucher Inc.
Anytown, USA US
Repressed Memory Giver
Candy Distribution
I am a nice fellow and will not allow those unjust child pornography convictions to rain on my parade. People tell me that I'm sweet, as well as caring and a lot of fun to commit home invasions with. I like to take a girl out to dinner and get to know her, then drive to a secluded area and offer her money to cram a finger or six into my !@#$%^&. I am something of a scamp and my sense of humor has raised eyebrows on more than one occasion (I have been known to tickle the feet of a quadriplegic while yelling Coochy Coochy Coo at the top of my lungs). My grandmother once said that not only was I incorrigible, but I was the funniest person she'd ever !@#$%^&. I also believe in helping other people and spreading good cheer. When it's freezing cold outside around the holidays and I see a homeless person, I sometimes resist the powerful urge to throw ice water in his face and yell racial epithets. I am not always the man about town I've portrayed myself to be; plenty of times I enjoy just curling up with the obituaries and prank calling the loved ones of the recently deseased.
OK, everyone....Pingrr sent me this in addition to what he wrote above. I can appreciate a warped sense of humor but somethings just aren't funny.
Do you think PINGRR is a pedophile or just someone with a very strange sense of humor.
check out this survey
Name: Pingrr
Birthday: Every day
Birthplace: mom's ####
Current Location: closer to a grammar school than allowed by law
Eye Color: bloody-stool brown
Height: tall enough to get on the rides at Coney Island
Right Handed or Left Handed: tug with my right, ####### tickle with my left
Your Weakness: an invalid laying sideways with her mouth open
Your Fears: that I will be overheard making the yummy noise while glancing at an older gentleman in a rest area mens room
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: I'd like to stop needlessly kicking retarded people
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: If I new that was your baby I never would have ####ed it
Thoughts First Waking Up: whos black #### is this
Your Best Physical Feature: my taint
Your Bedtime: 10 minutes after my tranny movies end
Your Most Missed Memory: being face down ina pillow with Whiskey being breathed into my face from the side by my uncle
Single or Group Dates: I prefer single dates and group ####s
Do you Smoke: only when baby sitting
Do you Shower Daily: I prefer to have dogs lick the sweat off my balls and neck
Have you Been in Love: yes, but as soon as my balls emptied I hated her
Do you want to get Married: yes, to Laci Peterson
Do you get Motion Sickness: only when ####ing fat girls
Do you think you are Attractive: yes, when compared with burn vitims
Are you a Health Freak: I take my Aids cocktails every day
Do you like Thunderstorms: yes, because hey cause youngsters to huddle under my covers
Do you play an Instrument: I play the spoons
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: no, but I've purchased it for minors
In the past month have you gone on a Date: do prostitutes count?
In the past month have you been Dumped: yes, on my chest
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: in the kiddie pool
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: two babies and a prostetic ####
Ever been called a Tease: a cancer patient once called me that while I dangled morphine over his face
Ever been Beaten up: by a copuple of concerned parents
Ever Shoplifted: I smuggled a girble out of a store in my hiney
Lightning never strikes twice in one place because Chuck Norris is looking for it.