
BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I am getting my tubes tied after this baby and I am scared. :yikes: Dr. Polko said that I can either have it done the day after I deliver this baby or immediatley after giving birth (and not have to be put under)

Does anyone have any feedback, what to expect, is it a longer recovery time, etc...

Thanks a bunch :howdy:

Congrats! I didn't know you were expecting! And I know nothing about tubals.

Gonna have a girl this time?


New Member
I got my done when i had my c section. I would just do it as soon as possible before you changed your mine.......lol!


Well-Known Member
Congrats! I didn't know you were expecting! And I know nothing about tubals.

Gonna have a girl this time?
Thanks :huggy:

I would love to have a little girl... but I just have a feeling it is another lil boy. I did however go through a ton of girl clothes that were given to me by a friend and that was so fun! I now have some boy and girl newborn stuff all ready to go for the big day :dance:
I got my done when i had my c section. I would just do it as soon as possible before you changed your mine.......lol!

Uh no changing of the minds here :lol:


New Member
Do the tubal right immediately following the c-section, no sense in having to go through two surgeries...when everything is right there and you'll be so doped up on morphine, you won't care...My boss had her done immediately following and was very happy with everything... Ask for a tummy tuck before they close you up... I wish I had done a tubal after my daughter/c-section 6 yrs ago. Birth control pills make me sick, depo makes me nuts, and everything else is too scary... to include my husband getting snipped, the doctor saying he's good to go and opps his tubes fuse back together... I'd rather get the tubal and request a tummy tuck during the process :)