Has anyone had there tubes tied and they still have gotten pregnant???
My moms tubed were tied and her I am. My best friends moms tubes were tied and she has 2 younger siblings. my tubes are tied and I keep having dreams that my tubes cam on down and got pregnant. I know its weird. I had a dream with all of my pregnancies and im 2 months late...lol
If you are pregnant it's probably in your tubes and if it's a tubal pregnancy you'll know soon enough. Take a test.
I had got them tied in august but i have had pain on my right side since then.
It would be just my luck and it would twins...lol!
I had got them tied in august but i have had pain on my right side since then.
It would be just my luck and it would twins...lol!
I remember having a weird "shadow pain" after they were tied... It finally dissapated and ended. Go see your doc to be sure.
I had a scare a few months back. Ended up at the ER to r/o a tubal pregnancy, that was no fun.
Oh No baby! I'm so glad you are ok. That's a horrible thing to go through.
i nervous scared and happy all at the time. i do want more kids. My mom pushed me. I had 2 miscarraiges and 2 diffulcult pregnancy. What happens happens. I will deal with it.
You need to research ectopic pregnancy.
Has anyone had there tubes tied and they still have gotten pregnant???
I will. I hope it's not that.
As much as I would love to have more kids, losing 2 babies and having 2 horrble pregnancy it wouldnt fell right or fare to my hubby and kids. One of the miscarriages was with a twin. My son was a twin and I lost the other baby in the first trimester. If it is true that i am i will be so carefully and blessed. things happen for a reason right??