Turn Offs/Ons


elaine said:
It was simply an opinion based on your posts. Don't like it? Don't post.
Exactly what was it about that post that gave the impression that I was a success at bein a turn off?


elaine said:
Of course I do. :diva:
You can tell a lot about a person by the way they speak of and about others. Hurting people like to hurt people. People who think little of themselves tend to think little of others as well.


professional daydreamer
SRV said:
You can tell a lot about a person by the way they speak of and about others. Hurting people like to hurt people. People who think little of themselves tend to think little of others as well.

You must not be reading what you're posting. That's exactly what you did when you said you're either a turn off or a turn on, you can't be both.

As mommy would say, "there's a butt for every seat". You're still playing musical chairs.


elaine said:
You must not be reading what you're posting. That's exactly what you did when you said you're either a turn off or a turn on, you can't be both.

As mommy would say, "there's a butt for every seat". You're still playing musical chairs.
I don't think so. I can't see how you came by your conclusion please explain. Thank you.


New Member
SRV said:
If that is what i am then that is what I am. All I can do is to deside do I want to be a turn off or a turn on and work from there to change or remain the same.

WOW - This sounds like one of JPC, Sr. posts !!!!!!!!