yeah as if .........
Andy Marquis said:
If you watched the particular segment on MSN Video, you'd see that soldiers said they used torture tactics from 24 because it was onn 24 and they thought it was acceptable.
Somewhere above in the 1st couple of posts was a rant about MSNBC that some of our troops had "seen" some torture on "24" - so that must be OK - cause Jack Bauer did it? - sounds like a break down in the Chain of Command - and didn't several Soldiers end up in Jail over Torture ? ( I do not recall the exact people or ranks ) yeah I know the bastard @ the top got off ....
Interesting video Andy ......... so now a lefty reporter or journalist - Olbermann has New Yorker's Jane Mayer, who quotes how republicans complained for years that SEX on TV did not influence Morals and how "kids" grew up, are suddenly coming up with this allegedly right wing TV show
on one cable channel out of how many other channels ? or I guess it is a good target because it gets good ratings ?
is influencing our troops to torture terrorist suspects, cause it is shown on 24 every week? Sounds sensationalizing and rehashing old Abu Grab News ...... where is the other side of the story, why is this one guy coming forward? where are his buddies ?
SamSpade said:
And that TV doesn't inspire criminals, make people violent? Isn't that what liberals and Hollywood having been saying for decades?
TV is so over the top with Sex, Violence, Crap so far out of touch with reality - but Hollywood and TV is Pure, its those M Rated Video Games kids buy when mommy and daddy aren't looking ...... just ask congress and there campaign to bag violent video games

........ Liberman? I believe ??
Sorry I play some of those games and I am not in the least inspired to go "Postal" on my neighbors ........... I play More 1st Person Shooters that are Historical in nature - Call of Duty, Black Hawk Down
Really how many of us here are old enough to have grown up on Sat morning Cartoons. Buggs Bunny anyone ? These were cartoons shown to our parents along with a newsreel before the main movie - like b4 TV ?
Sat afternoon reruns of old John Wayne, Clint Eastwood westerns - sure thing s were not as realistic - yeah the blood was really fake ..... stories were about people, over coming difficulties, growing, not a pornography of CSI style autopsies, murder and mayhem - the medium has changed, hollywierd is constantly pushing to see how much more graphic it can get.
Anyone remember when the "Faces of Death" videos came out in the late 70's movies shot after disasters, animal attacks, yes Autopsies - like that airline crash in San Diego in 1978, raw footage someone shot ....... i'll leave the scene to the imagination.
Faces of Death wouldn't be a warm up for the evening news these days.
Regular TV (broadcast and cable) has restrictions on sexual explicit content - barely - so now we get 24, CSI Vegas, Miami and now your bloodiest CSI yet NY - there words not mine ...... Criminal Minds, NCIS, hey its not Law and Order anymore ...... we'll replay the murder scene in in all its gory detail
sure the bad guys still get whats coming to them - and one could argue the original CSI was about the Science - but the rest is glorified and sensationalized - we have so grow accustomed to it as a culture, you sit down with your dinner plate and go "Oh look at that" , pass the salt dear ........
Ironically the internet has made the Iraq Sectarian Conflict probably one of the most video taped photo graphed event in History - I can get video of soldiers calling in 500lb JDAMS to take out a sniper or the latest Islamofascist executions from Al Jerizza of Iraq Policemen being shot for being Police and cooperating, while trying to earn a living, in the new Iraq Gov.
TV used to have Morality ( Oops there is that word ) now it is all about how sensational can we get with this weeks Autopsy.
Even better anyone seen Mel Gibson in Payback? nobody in the entire movie is honest, its crooks and dirty cops ...... and we end up rooting for the bad guy, cause well he was double crossed by his partner trying to buy his way into the mob, his ex is a junkie and his girl friend was a call girl ......
movies with Police breaking the laws there supposed to enforce, and we cheer cause well the bad guy was really a Bastard working the system and he was going to get away .....
it all slowly alters the mind to what acceptable .... you'd never see Jack Web of Dragnet pulling the crap you see on Cop TV Show's now ........
One Adam 12 Anyone ?
Well Hell, we will even give your real COPS on Beat, The First 24 ..... The DOG
No to knock John Walsh - his was a true tragedy.
But when TV has the power to make a great impact. And we all hope it is independent of the gov. but if circumstances were a little different how many of our neighbors would turn us in to that 1-800-tips line if our faces splashed across the 21 inch screen " Have You Seen This Person"
So blurred have the line between right and wrong, reality and fiction they have switched places, like the Twilight Zone -
Everyone makes choices in life, right or wrong ? It is what you do after the choice, accept moral responsibility for you actions? blame the system, i grew up in X ....... I saw torture on 24 so it must be ok .....
ya know i have been out of work since Jun 06, lawyers are gonna waste a crap load of ANS 478 Mil maybe i ought to hack the bank and take a cut shoot the interest alone could keep me and my 50 closest friends happy till death ..........
Sorry Trying to Rationalize my way to a better life ...........