Two New Moons Discovered Around Pluto


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
However, the new finding does little to clear up Pluto's planetary status. While it was discovered in 1930, Pluto has such an eccentric orbit around the sun that some have questioned whether it deserves to be called a planet.

The International Astronomical Union, which considers such matters, calls it a planet, but the specific definition of what constitutes a planet is under review.

Mere multiple moons do not change Pluto's status, according to Stern, who serves on an astronomical panel that is working on the new definition.

"Whether or not an object has a moon is not part of the criteria that we've considered, because so many small objects in the solar system have moons," Stern said. "But I think, just on a visceral level, the fact that Pluto has a whole suite of companions will make some people in the public feel better about its status of planethood."



New Member
That’s not news. I been tryin to tell them there was 2 others for nearly 2 years but them astrologers don’t listen. They always just wanted to talk about my sign and stuff. I told that woman I didn’t have no sign, but I discovered 2 new moons around Pluto. She wasn’t much of a scientist cause she kept insistin I had “the moon of Venus in my 3rd house” and some other jibber jabber. No matter how many times I told her I only had 1 house and it weren’t near big enough to have any dang moon in it she kept on insistin it. I am not much on those astrologers, I figgered scientists who studied space and stuff would be smarter but I was wrong.
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StanleyRugg said:
That’s not news. I been tryin to tell them there was 2 others for nearly 2 years but them astrologers don’t listen. They always just wanted to talk about my sign and stuff. I told that woman I didn’t have no sign, but I discovered 2 new moons around Pluto. She wasn’t much of a scientist cause she kept insistin I had “the moon of Venus in my 3rd house”. No matter how many times I told her I only had 1 house and it weren’t near big enough to have any dang moon in it she kept on insistin it. I am not much on those astrologers, I figgered scientists who studied space and stuff would be smarter but I was wrong.


New Member
kwillia said:
I thought so to. Even when I splained to her I was a fellow scientist she just kept on jabberin about silliness like 28 degrees of Gemini, cosmic aspect ratios and it made me kinda mad cause I needed to talk about real science.


They would have found those moons long ago had some one moved that fat Uranis just a few more inches to the left or right.... lol, I know I know...corny..


24/7 Single Dad
"But I think, just on a visceral level, the fact that Pluto has a whole suite of companions will make some people in the public feel better about its status of planethood."
Worrying about that had been keeping me awake at night


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
aps45819 said:
Worrying about that had been keeping me awake at night
You laugh, but I for one have been extremely concerned about Pluto's planethood status.


ajhkmr97 said:
They would have found those moons long ago had some one moved that fat Uranis just a few more inches to the left or right.... lol, I know I know...corny..

This is the only Uranus joke here?

Jeez you people are slacking.

Actually, I have been following the debate about Pluto's planentary status, and I think the main problem is that there is no established criteria which defines a planet.

It certainly can't be satellites, or the lack thereof, because neither Mercury nor Venus have moons, and I don't think anyone disputes their claims of planet-hood. I don't think size should be a driving factor either, because Mercury's size is comparable to Pluto's.

Maybe they'll go the route of Star Trek, and they'll have things like "M-Class" planets.

Yeah, I know. :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
Actually, I have been following the debate about Pluto's planentary status, and I think the main problem is that there is no established criteria which defines a planet.

It certainly can't be satellites, or the lack thereof, because neither Mercury nor Venus have moons, and I don't think anyone disputes their claims of planet-hood. I don't think size should be a driving factor either, because Mercury's size is comparable to Pluto's.


vraiblonde said:

You think that's geeky... I once wrote an OpenGL program which animated our solar system - orbits all the planets, major moons and objects, and they were rotating on their axes and and orbiting all to proper proporitions.

And I did this....

for fun.


This Space for Rent
ajhkmr97 said:
They would have found those moons long ago had some one moved that fat Uranis just a few more inches to the left or right.... lol, I know I know...corny..


jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
Actually, I have been following the debate about Pluto's planentary status, and I think the main problem is that there is no established criteria which defines a planet.

It certainly can't be satellites, or the lack thereof, because neither Mercury nor Venus have moons, and I don't think anyone disputes their claims of planet-hood. I don't think size should be a driving factor either, because Mercury's size is comparable to Pluto's.

Maybe they'll go the route of Star Trek, and they'll have things like "M-Class" planets.

Yeah, I know. :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

Same here. I've been reading about Pluto for many years and find it fascinating. They had a good article about it this year in National Geographic as they're getting ready to launch a probe next year that will finally visit the planet in 2015. Maybe then a lot of questions will be answered.

There is no firm definition of a planet, but the International Astronomical Union has ruled that Pluto meets the criteria. Generally, Pluto is considered a planet because it orbits the sun and is large enough that its own gravity gives it a circular shape.

Sounds like they're saying because it meets SOME criteria, it must be a planet. I don't know if I buy that but without a good definition, they can call it a planet if they want to do so. :shrug:


This Space for Rent
grey karma from "tex" said:
I just don’t understand why you are so set on attempting to rile me up. What ever the case, hope you have fun doing it because it is going to be hard for you to do. I see it childish that you give me bad Karma for no reason outside of spite.

Dear not going to be riled up,

I am glad for you and your restraint. The reason I "attacked" you the first time is because you used an example citing, "If I were a flower, I would bloom all year long", which was quite gay, to be honest, and thus I distanced you from being a Texan. It was humorous more than an assault. Just because you get all worked up by some stranger on the internet does not mean I have a problem. My follow through here is because your joke was not only bad; it was pathetic. So, again, I jokeingly removed you from being a Texan.

People here throw crap at each other daily. If you are going to be such a thin skinned little yankee, then you need to check yourself out of this Hotel California, and go find yourself a Disney forum.

Hugs and kisses,

P.S. I didn't give you karma here, so it looks like you have more people to talk to. Maybe you can get the higher powers of the board involved. I think you said you would be talking to them.


Routinely Derailed
We should all worry about Pluto! After all, this could be very dangerous! Ever hear of Plutonium?! The very issue of half-life and radiation ought to make us worry about a big old ball o' that stuff out there in space, just cruising in menacing circles around our sun! What happens when Einstein's relatives get involved?! He had a theory about them, you know - the theory of Relativity. E=MC squared, or loosely translated, Everybody is My Children(squared!) :yikes: That means that the show "All My Children" is probably full of messages to the Einstein family, who probably control what to do with that big ball of nukular stuff out there!! We could end up being one big flaming Insurance Claim!!! Glad I don't work for Aetna!


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
I would think it'd be pretty simple to come up with the definition of a planet. Or rather... if they just want to make everyone happy, they should just call any body in space a planet, and just give it classifications. (type B planet , A planet, etc.)