Uh oh, Europeans are mad at Ahnuld...


You know, they are right, we should take ALL of our death row inmates and send them to Rome and Austria....:yay::yay:


New Member
rack'm said:
You know, they are right, we should take ALL of our death row inmates and send them to Rome and Austria....:yay::yay:

I've lost my bid to send them all to an island, so yea...lets go for that idea!!!


Enjoying life!
The Europeans (especially Austrians) are pissed off because we taught them freedom following WWII. After all their genocidal atrocities, and our rebuilding of their countries and political systems, we now seem barbaric in their eyes.

They learned well.

"Good doggies. Wag for your master." :lol:

What they don't realize is that euthanizing serial killers and just down-right bad guys that seek to usurp a civilization is why we are the super-power, and not another Austria or Germany.

Next up: Iraq! And let their bleeding hearts bleed!


Ponytail said:
I didn't say that I didn't know the movie. I still say I'm only as old as I act. :biggrin: Wanna go to the Green Door when I get Back? :lol:

You should watch the movie.....they wall up New York, it's the prison. :killingme

What's the Green Door? :confused:


In My Opinion
they're just pissed off because the Americans figured out how to stuff their sausages in that little can for future use.

besides, they pick on Arnold for being a standup type guy, but they dont seem to be kicking themselves in the butt for producing Hitler..

I say its time to nuke them... while we are at it, we might as well nuke france and all those little Islamic countries too...

hell, might as well throw in the taiwan while we are at it, the only thing we get from them are flip flops that fall apart.... and some McDonalds happy meal toys.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
rack'm said:
Do they have pool tables?? I'm really all about spending their money. :biggrin:
It's been a looooooong time since I've been in there. I hope the pool table room doesn't have a dirt floor anymore. :lol:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
They have covered the dirt with actual wood (I think) or it could be the solidification of years of spilled drinks. :lmao: They have two tables, and both have downhill rolls so adjust your english accordingly. :yay:


Well-Known Member
Steve said:
The Europeans (especially Austrians) are pissed off because we taught them freedom following WWII. After all their genocidal atrocities, and our rebuilding of their countries and political systems, we now seem barbaric in their eyes.
If they'd put Hitler down after Munich, they might have had better luck last century............

This annoys me - especially when the plea for clemency is somehow seen is "the governor killed him". They pulled the same crap on Bush during the 2000 campaign.

The governor doesn't kill anyone. He has no authority. He only has the right to step in and supercede the court to grant clemency. That's it. A court and a jury convicted him and sentenced him to death. THAT is how it works. Quite honestly, I hate the fact that the governor can step in and overturn a decision from the court.

Incidentally - anyone here know who was the *last* governor of California to intervene and stop an execution? You'll be surprised...........