Originally posted by Kyle
As long as there wasn't an injury.. Metal can always be fixed.
Originally posted by vraiblonde
[ I WANT her to have some fear, damnit!
I think that, despite what she says, the first time she drives that
stretch of road(which, according to Larry should be 2015 )
those knuckles will be whiter than David Dukes in Harlem.
. I didn't say anything yet because I though he had sense enough to stop
Boy is only 7 and we have already had several conversations about the definition of the word "accident". I wanted boy to know that "It was an accident" is not a free pass on bonehead choices. An accident happens when you have eliminated all percieved risks and something happens that is totally beyond your control. An "incident" is when you don't think things through and take unnecessary risks, or fail to see clearly present risks and something that was bound to happens based on the circumstanses happens.Originally posted by Larry Gude
I am concerned now as to whether or not she understands that it was pilot error and not just some 'act of God'.
The accident, as we've pieced it all together, looks worse than it was. The truck clipped the rear of the Jeep, barely (the guy told me he almost missed her. So, it was a 'racking' across the width of the back, tearing up fiberglass, exploding the rear window, ripping off the lights and trim. No frame damage.
The scary part is that what was almost a miss could have just as easily been a T bone and killed her.
That part, she understands. She was scared bad and now, I hope, has a little more sense of vulnerability.
Originally posted by Pete
An accident happens when you have eliminated all percieved risks and something happens that is totally beyond your control.