Ukraine / Russia - Actions and Reactions


PREMO Member

The AH-64 Apache Helicopter, Ukraine’s Kursk Offensive and the Return of ‘Maneuver Warfare’ in Europe

The stunning Ukrainian incursion into Kursk finally marks the dawn of Western ‘maneuver warfare’ on the front. Fast moving mechanized formations assaulted the frontline ‘screens’, driving deep into the enemy rear, exploiting the lack of Russian defensive preparedness there. But as Western think-tanks like the ISW (Institute for the Study of War) suggest, it is important to capitalize on the “operational surprise,” “restore” maneuver warfare and address the “problems” with “permanent positional warfare.”

However, it is difficult to imagine Ukraine completely overturning the Russian advances and taking back the seized territory. As Western reports themselves note, the Kursk offensive merely hands Ukraine “a potential bargaining chip to be used in negotiations.”

Thus, modern armored warfare is again becoming a reality in the European theater. Armor-on-armor contacts have been recorded between Russian and Ukrainian tanks. But the one weapon system that can offer a decisive advantage in pinning down enemy steel and infantry, which Ukraine lacks in large numbers, Russia has and the US is fervently potentiating, is the attack helicopter.


PREMO Member

Ukraine On Its Last Legs

Apparently NATO had saved up the best trained Ukrainian troops (trained in NATO countries like the UK, FR, Poland, Germany) and the units best equipped with NATO armor. These were launched into the Kursk direction in the fantastical hope of capturing the nuclear facility near Kursk and, essentially, holding it for ransom. The priority placed on this crazy scheme can be seen in Doug Macgregor’s repeated claim that, of the 12K personnel involved in some way in the operation, a good 2K were NATO troops, including Americans. Macgregor’s sources tell him much the same things that Mercouris reports—that the equipment and personnel losses are staggering, the remaining units are cut off from most resupply and are being systematically eliminated. Will Schryver puts it this way: What started as a battle has developed into a “methodical massacre.”

In the meantime, on the Donbass front, the Ukrainian defenses are giving way to Russian pressure. The Ukrainians are no longer able to plug all the holes, while the Russians probe with ever more force. Back on Aug 12 Mikael Valtersson foresaw difficulties ahead in Donbass for Ukraine, as a result of the Kursk venture:

In Southern Donetsk RuAF continues their successful offensive towards Toretsk, Pokrovsk etc. This offensive is partly due to the lack of Ukrainian resources and the collapse of the entire SW Donetsk area is getting closer. If that would happen RuAF would be behind the deep (50km) Ukrainian fortified areas and have free rein to advance through Eastern Dnipro and Southern Kharkov regions. Thereby threatening the entire Ukrainian Eastern front.

On Aug 20th he added what should have been clearly implied: Rather than just rampaging westwards, the Russians, having broken through the 50km deep fortified zone, will probably seek to swing around and encircle other areas of the Donbass and Zaporozhye fronts and trapping concentrations of Ukrainian forces that will have lost their lines of supply:

Situation critical for UkrAF at the Pokrovsk-Selidovefront. Large scale collapse of several defencelines might occur the coming week. RuAF in the suburbs of Seledove. Russian advance a long the railway from the fall of Avdeevka is 40km.
New York fell to RuAF yesterday. Huge Russian territorial gains by RuAF north and east of New York the last week. All in all, more than 150 sqkm. Toretsk might become semiencircled in near future.
RuAF are taking coalmine north of Vuhledar. Vuhledar will soon also be semiencircled.

All of this collapse could force itself upon even the American consciousness as the presidential campaign season progresses.

The US is complaining to China about China’s support for Russia:

Speaking of China, Arnaud Bertrand provides an insight into the Neocon mentality, which we were discussing yesterday. Bertrand thinks the Neocons are insane. Perhaps just evil? Of course the Chinese run a professional intel and diplomatic operation and are fully aware of the crazy things Neocons say:

Genocidal speech of the most awful kind has clearly been liberated lately in some corners of the West.

Here Michael Rubin, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (a prominent US Think Tank), writes - citing the infamous Gordon Chang - that as part of its "defense" strategy "Taiwan could kill tens of millions of people by destroying Chinese dams".

Literally advocating the mass murder of tens of millions of innocent civilians. These people are very dangerously insane.
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PREMO Member

Ukraine's Invasion Of Russia Risks WORLD WAR 3, Russia Could use Nuclear Weapons In Retaliation​



PREMO Member
🚀🚀 Is the final Russian offensive beginning? The New York Times ran a highly suggestive story early this morning headlined, “Russia Launches Deadly New Wave of Missiles and Drones at Ukraine.


On Monday, Russia fired hundreds of ballistic missiles and drones at infrastructure targets all across Ukraine in what the Times called “one of the largest of the war.” Some warbloggers thought it set the all-time record. The deep-state-affiliated, pro-Ukrainian ‘Institute for the Study of War’ (ISW) opined, a little too quickly, that Russia lacked enough missiles to keep up the attack.

But about twelve hours ago, as dawn broke in Ukraine, heavy bombardment began again, for the second consecutive day. Whether or not Monday’s attacks were the ‘largest’ of the war, a two-day barrage at this scale is unprecedented, setting an official record. What does it mean?

Yesterday, Biden popped out of his groundhog hole and bleated, or squeaked (or however groundhogs talk), that the attacks were an “outrage.” The former comedian, now Ukraine’s martial law coordinator, vowed revenge and called the strikes “crimes against humanity.”

We have been watching for a major Russian offensive following the DNC. Could this be it? Could the scale of these unprecedented strikes be pre-invasion signals, softening up the Ukrainians for the next phase of the Proxy War?

Who knows. The Russians aren’t saying. People call the Chinese ‘inscrutable,’ but the Chinese could take lessons from the Russians.

We expected a game-changing move in Ukraine in final last months of 2024 because now is simply the best time. The Groundhog-in-Chief is mostly AWOL, and our military is distracted in the Middle East. If Ms. Cackle laughs her way into the White House, NATO will promptly resupply Ukraine’s depleted armories. On the other hand, if Trump is elected, he’s promised to immediately negotiate the war’s end.

Now is Russia’s best time to strike. We’ll soon find out.



PREMO Member
🚀🚀 Yesterday, Reuters ran a story headlined, “Putin says Russia advancing fast in eastern Ukraine.” Although Reuters included the sneering phrase “Putin says” in its headline, the story confirmed that, for the first time since the beginning of Russia’s war of attrition, Russian forces are in fact advancing fast over the battlefield.

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Following the Ukraine war is often a meaningless memory exercise of trying to keep track of the long, convoluted, consonant-dense names of various Ukrainian towns and villages. I don’t report the daily play-by-play here at C&C, since other sources cover the war more thoroughly and much better than I can.

It is worth a short aside to marvel at how war reporting has changed. The only real-time sources of reliable information are now found on Telegram and X, and even corporate media has begun quoting them instead of the various involved officials. As a result of independent, real-time, open-source reporting, the public enjoys more visibility into granular, hour-by-hour battle detail than in any other war in history.

I often wonder whether Telegram readers have better battlefield intelligence than do the NATO war planners. I’d bet my left kidney the NATO General Staff carefully reads the Telegram channels.

Anyway, as we suspected might happen, following the DNC, the Russians shifted into a new, more aggressive mode. Until this month, Russia’s strategy has been defending its 600 kilometer line of contact, and inching slowly and steadily westward by yards through Ukraine toward the Dnieper, the massive river that bisects that Eastern European country.

But over the last couple weeks, Russian units shifted into overdrive, now making what war commenters call “big arrow” movements, and racing toward strategic battlefield objectives. Instead of discussing at length the gradual Russian advances in terms of weeks and months and meters, the war bloggers are now dizzily ticking off the increments of Russian victories in days and hours and kilometers.

Not only that, but the Russians are finally fighting like they want to win. A weekend Bloomberg article reported that, “This week’s air raids on Kyiv and other cities across the country were the largest since Russia’s full-scale invasion began 2 ½ year ago.” The devastating infrastructure attacks produced this record-setting headline:

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Why now? To me, it appears all about the timing relative to the US election. Russia could have done this anytime.

The map above shows the part of the battle getting the most attention this week. The otherwise unremarkable Ukrainian town of Pokrovsk (shown above, top left) is much more remarkable than it appears. It is Ukraine’s last major logistics hub east of the Dnieper river. In other words, after crossing the vast banks of the Dnieper, all NATO supplies pass through this well-positioned town before making their way to Ukraine’s supply-starved forces.

There is no realistic replacement for Pokrovsk’s logistical role. When the Russians capture Pokrovsk, absent some unforeseen miracle, they will have shut down Ukraine’s ability to easily supply its troops in the Eastern half of Ukraine. Hence, Russia will have won the logistical war.

Ukraine suffers from a warehouse of weaknesses. Ukraine’s only remaining asset is its unlimited supply of NATO weapons and supplies. But if Ukraine can’t deliver the weapons and supplies to its dwindling numbers of troops, that lone advantage will be neutralized, disappearing in an acrid puff of gunpowder residue.

Corporate media headlines are studiously avoiding mentioning the real risk that Ukraine is staggering on the brink of losing fully half its territory, which raises serious questions about its ability to survive the military equivalent of having all its limbs amputated.

It’s hard to imagine what unknown stockpile could deliver a badly-needed miracle. The neocons are bogged down in their unwinnable middle-eastern Proxy War with Iran, and the equally thorny matching political problem at home. The CIA-led ‘peace talks’ with Hamas are going nowhere, fast. NATO’s inventory for resupplying Ukraine, even if it could deliver the goods, is gasping for air. For example, Germany just reduced its Ukraine budget to zero. Headline from Politico, two weeks ago:

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It all looks exactly like we suspected, that Russia has held back for two years, exhausting Ukraine’s ability to fight, and now that U.S. presidential elections are imminent, is doing what it always could have done: easily overrunning Ukraine’s positions with superior manpower, equipment, and air supremacy.

This story is most remarkable because of its incredible timing. A massive loss in the Proxy War is the last thing Democrats want people thinking about going into the November elections. We’ve spent enough money in Ukraine to rebuild Maui, build six border walls, and give free houses to every homeless person in America. And for what?



PREMO Member
🔥 It is a challenge calibrating the right level of war news, since some readers hang on every exploded tank, while others press their throbbing temples and mutter “just tell us when it’s over.” So to maintain balance, I try to select an occasional story that sums up the bigger picture. Yesterday, CNN ran an unexpectedly honest story headlined, “Outgunned and outnumbered, Ukraine’s military is struggling with low morale and desertion.” Guns, numbers, morale, desertion. What is going right for the Proxy War?

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It was a long article packed with gritty details and human interest anecdotes, lacking any ration of good news for the Proxy War. Three remarkable paragraphs near the top of the extended article painted a shocking picture of life on Ukraine’s floundering front lines. First, what two months ago was only a Russian 5-to-1 troop advantage has apparently doubled:

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The most astonishing metric of how bad things are getting for Ukraine was the fact that, after new conscripts get one glimpse of the front lines, assuming they live through it, they promptly head for the hills:

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Who can blame them? Desertion is now so common and so understandable that Ukraine decriminalized first-time desertion offenses, and officers don’t even report many desertions anyway:

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Despite that, CNN cited twenty thousand ongoing prosecutions for desertion, a figure CNN rightly called “staggering,” since it could represent up to 10% of Ukraine’s current combat forces. The article went on to describe a depressing inventory of Ukrainian woes: crumbling defenses, fatal communications breakdowns, bottom-barrel morale, untrained soldiers, and zero reinforcements available for when the shooting gets hairy.

Applying our fake news filter, we also find signs this story was handed to CNN for propaganda purposes. First, all the sources were all anonymous. Second, the article failed to explain how CNN found the “six commanders and officers” it allegedly interviewed. Obviously, someone connected CNN’s reporters with these particular Ukrainian officers. It’s fair to assume CNN concealed its connection because it would have given away the real source — like, say, some U.S. intelligence agency.

So, the more interesting question is: why did they plant this story about how awful the frontline situation in Ukraine has become? Is it an evolving narrative, to draw the sting from a likely Russian victory? Are they paving the way for an awkward peace settlement? Or was it just meant to manipulate a former comedian-turned-martial law administrator?



PREMO Member
🚀🚀 Meanwhile, smothered under all the debate coverage, the Wall Street Journal ran a Proxy War story yesterday headlined, “Ukraine Pressed to Think About a Plan B for War With Russia.” At first, I thought they were talking about sending Kamala “Plan B” Harris to the front lines, but sadly, no.

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It’s an intervention. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, U.K. Foreign Secretary David Lammy, and “senior U.S. and European officials” will meet with former comedian and war leader Zelensky today in Ukraine. The Journal reported the agenda will include how best to define a Ukrainian victory and exactly how much aid would be needed to get there.

The article meandered through various baffling questions, like whether and when Ukraine should negotiate for peace, and/or whether the U.S. should green-light missile strikes deep into Russian territory. But the two most important questions posed in the article, were —two and a half years into the war— what does ‘victory’ look like, and what would it cost?

Usually, most people start with those questions.

It reminded me of that gentle conversation one has with a teenager who just declared their career goal is to become a social media influencer and asked you to buy them a home studio. Okay, so what exactly is the plan, and how are you going to earn the money?

In bad news for Ukraine, the article was sprinkled with phrases like “Ukraine needs to be more pragmatic” and “the military reality on the ground.” It used a completely different tone than the normal bellicose articles, which never fail to mention the next shipment of wonder weapons that are certain to turn the tide of the war in Ukraine’s favor.

For a quick example, take the much-vaunted F-16 fighter jets, six of which were delivered to Ukraine last month, with one already destroyed. Consider this ridiculous headline from a Fox op-ed, just two days ago:

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That kind of logic, the ‘logic’ that Russia and China should be “scared” by the explosion of one of Ukraine’s few F-16s, reflects NATO’s perverse approach to the Proxy War. That’s the logic that got us to this point of finally asking where this train is headed.



PREMO Member

Vladimir Putin warns the US and NATO will be 'at war' with Russia if Ukraine is allowed to use long-range missiles

Putin said the move from the West would 'change the very nature of the conflict', and issued a severe threat against giving Zelensky more firepower.

'It would mean that NATO countries, the US, European countries, are at war with Russia,' he told a state TV reporter on Thursday.

'If that's the case, then taking into account the change of nature of the conflict, we will take the appropriate decisions based on the threats that we will face.'


He added that clearing the way for Ukraine to use missiles that can hit Russian targets 'is a decision on whether NATO countries are directly involved in the conflict or not''.

Putin's warning came 24 hours before President Joe Biden is set to meet British Prime Minister Keir Starmer at the White House.

The ICC has issued arrest warrants for several Russian officials, including President Vladimir Putin for the unlawful deportation of children during the war.

A warrant on the same grounds was issued for Maria Lvova-Belova, Russian commissioner for children's rights.

Also subject to warrants are Sergei Shoigu, head of Russia's Security Council, and Viktor Sokolov and Sergey Kobylash, who are accused of directing attacks against civilian sites.