Ukraine / Russia - Actions and Reactions


PREMO Member
🚀🚀 Consider these three headlines together. The first headline is from CNN, this morning: “Zelensky to make urgent in-person plea to Biden and Harris as Ukraine braces for possibility of a Trump presidency.

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The second headline is also from CNN, yesterday: “Putin issues nuclear warning to the West over strikes on Russia from Ukraine.

Third, from the Wall Street Journal, yesterday: “U.S. ‘Unimpressed’ With Ukraine’s Victory Plan Ahead of Biden-Zelensky Meeting.

Volodymyr Zelensky is Ukraine’s former president and now its unelected Martial Law Coordinator, a position invented in real time out of necessity after Zelensky’s term ended without holding new elections. Corporate media still calls him the “president,” since he wields the powers of a president, but that title is not even close to accurate.

With U.S. elections looming, and uncomfortable questions about Zelensky’s authority cropping up like spring Ukrainian sunflowers, Curruptocrat Zelensky quickly developed a secret “Victory Plan” that he plans to present to President Cabbage today in Washington.

But Ukraine is a leaky ship of state, and anonymous bureaucrats are telling eager reporters what to expect. In addition to lots more money and more weapons, Zelensky’s amazing Victory Plan is expected to rest on two main prongs.

First, he wants the United States’ help in targeting Russian cities with U.S.-supplied and U.S.-directed missiles. This, Zelensky apparently believes, will tree the Russian Bear. Zelensky thinks the Russian people are weak-minded and cowardly and, if they are subjected to devastating missile attacks, they’ll overthrow the evil dictator Putin and peace will descend on Europe like a dove.

In other words, Zelensky expects the Russians to defeat Russia.

Of course, Russia could also respond by bombing Kiev into a smoking ash heap, which it has patiently resisted doing for almost three years now. Despite Ukraine relentlessly trying to bomb Russia’s Crimean bridge, Russia has also held back from taking out Ukraine’s six bridges across the massive Dnieper river, which bisects the country. That operation would probably only take an hour.

So the plan also includes a second, defensive prong. Zelensky reportedly also wants immediate NATO membership, to protect Ukraine from Russian retribution for strikes on its civilian centers. Russia, Zelensky thinks, won’t risk a war with NATO, which would be required to directly intervene for Ukraine if it were a member.

In other words, Zelensky sees Israel’s deal and wants the same thing for Ukraine.

But Ukraine is not Israel. Nor is Russia comparable to Hezbollah and Hamas. And yesterday, the escalatory ladder extended more when President Putin announced changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine that would allow a thermonuclear response to any massive missile or drone attack against Russian cities. He also said if a nuclear state helps Ukraine, it would be considered a “joint attack” against Russia. CNN:

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This, presumably, is at least one reason why the Wall Street Journal said U.S. officials “aren’t impressed” with Zelenksy’s idiotic victory plan. Specifically, Zelensky’s scheme only amounts to escalation without any actual plan for, well, victory:

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It feels like a tough time to be escalating conflict with Russia. Between pager bombs and thousands of strikes on Lebanon, we’ve watched the Middle East theater heating up. Earlier this week, the New York Times ran a story headlined, “Pentagon to Send More U.S. Troops to Middle East as Tensions Rise.




PREMO Member
🚀 Perhaps it isn’t completely fair to say there’s no strategy. On Saturday, the New York Times ran an eye-watering story headlined, “Ukraine’s Donbas Strategy: Retreat Slowly and Maximize Russia’s Losses.” The agonized sub-headline added, “It’s far from clear if the Ukrainian strategy will succeed.” So, there is a strategy after all.

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Talk about trying to put a good spin on failure. The gist was that the Ukrainians are losing, are in retreat all along the front lines, but Kiev has ordered its troops to hold their untenable positions at all costs, in the hope that the Russians will eventually get tired of winning and go home.

That’s it. That’s the whole strategy.

To be clear, Ukraine has an alternative: pulling its troops from vast numbers of unholdable towns and villages, and mustering them together in more defensible positions, such as behind the giant Dnieper river, which divides the country in half. The main advantage of this defensive strategy would be saving tens or hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian lives.

Instead, Ukrainian martial law coordinator and former comedian Zelensky figures that, despite the astonishingly high cost in lives and free NATO materiel, by holding on till beyond the last minute in every little hamlet and township, the Russians might, sooner or later, get exhausted by all the fighting and give up.

Given that one of Russia’s stated objectives at the outset was to demilitarize Ukraine, it seems unlikely that Russia will get tired anytime soon of killing Ukrainian soldiers by the battalion.

Combined, these two stories, the Financial Times’ and the New York Times’ articles, together revealed the war’s hideous truth. Western war planners don’t care about Ukraine. They don’t care about its courageous soldiers willing to fight Russia to their inglorious deaths. As I reported yesterday, all the West cares about is the Wolfowitz Doctrine: establishing a NATO foothold in Ukraine to keep a lid on Russia and prevent it from becoming a rival world superpower.

In other words, the Ukrainian people and their land are disposable NATO resources. But there isn’t any strategy. Doing the same thing over and over and hoping for a different result isn’t a strategy, it’s insanity.

But the fact the corporate media conversation and “foreign policy circles” have evolved from a goal of crushing Russia any day now to a strategy of trading land for peace is a great sign. Perhaps the end lies in sight.



PREMO Member
🚀🚀 Highbrow blogging site UnHerd ran a thoughtful Proxy War article yesterday headlined, “Emmanuel Todd: Nato will disintegrate if Ukraine loses.” The titular Todd is a French historian and a “public intellectual,” whatever that means, who publishes books critical of American hegemony. His most recent book The Defeat of The West argues that in Ukraine, America may have sheared away more than can be successfully reattached. In other words, we chopped our own d—k off.

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Historian Todd made several observations with which most C&C readers would agree. For example, he thinks World War III has already started, that NATO will suffer irreparable shrinkage if Russia wins the Proxy War, that Western governments have been captured by what he neatly described as the “liberal oligarchy,” and that “Western economic sanctions have done more damage to the European economy than to the Russian one.”

My only quibble was he forgot to mention sanctions’ self-inflicted injury to the American economy. It also appears to have been drastically shortened. But I digress.

There was nothing particularly novel (for us) about Todd’s political analysis, except of course that it is the complete opposite of the government-approved, corporate media-sustained narrative. But I found the article’s closing paragraph stunning. Reporters interviewing Todd about his book provocatively asked him whether he’d move to Russia since he hates the West so much, and he declined. But look what he said about the U.S.:

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Ouch! Touché, Frenchman. Indeed, nihilism is the danger we face. But the rest of the West also faces that danger, including France. Psychedelic nihilism is the last stop on the liberal oligarchy’s high-speed rail line.



Well-Known Member
This coupled with china no longer exporting minerals to make weapons munitions to the United States, Iran attacking Israel, Russia and china together violating our airspace off of Alaska, proxy war depleting our military armament in Ukraine. Seems like we are headed to something bad happening in the future. Seems kind of coordinated by our enemies. If Harris wins the election you can be assured they will be emboldened. Thought I was going to have to learn to speak Spanish, way things are headed it may be mandarin.


PREMO Member
🚀🚀 Unpexpectedly! The Hill ran a story yesterday headlined, “North Korea wades into Ukraine.Wades was a strange choice of verb. I could see wading into North Carolina or Tampa Bay, but Ukraine? Are they using boats? Whatever. I digress.

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The story was as silly as the headline. The only helpful takeaway was that North Korea, driven into Putin’s arms by the Proxy War, has been allegedly selling vast numbers of artillery shells to Russia. This is a development that our DEI-fueled generals somehow never saw coming. Bless their hearts, they always thought Russia would run out of artillery before NATO did.

It was a critical mistake verging on military malpractice.

But look! The Proxy War bore more even unexpected fruit this week. On Wednesday, the Associated Press ran an ominous story headlined, “North Korea vows to block border with South Korea and build front-line defense structures.” In short, the Norks have closed the border and are building anti-tank defenses all along the line — defenses that remarkably resemble the Surovikin Line that the Russians built in Ukraine in 2022, demolishing Zelensky’s catastrophic Glorious Spring Offensive.

Finally, on Tuesday, the UK Independent ran a story with the outraged headline, “Kim Jong-un makes outlandish claim in birthday message to Putin.” The “news” was North Korean president Kim Jong-un, the little rocket man, sent President Putin a nice card on his birthday. In the note, Kim referred to Putin as his “closest comrade,” a microaggressive moniker that badly triggered corporate media.

Hilariously, when referring to Putin, the Independent reflexively regurgitated the exhausted phrase “increasingly isolated” to describe the Russian president:

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Increasingly isolated? What on Earth was the Independent prattling about? Behold yesterday’s Globe and Mail headline, which succinctly described just how not-isolated Russia is:

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Vladimir Putin is increasingly isolated in the same way Taylor Swift is increasingly isolated. Russia is being “increasingly isolated” only in the estrogen-soaked cells of the Pentagon’s brain.

Our generals need to retire.



PREMO Member
🚀 Overnight, the Kyiv Independent ran a much-hyped and much-anticipated story headlined, “BREAKING: NATO, long-range strikes, deterrence — Zelensky unveils Ukraine's victory plan.” Ta-da!

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Zelensky’s secret-squirrel victory plan to defeat the wily Russians, which the green-shirted dictator privately showed Joe Biden a couple weeks ago, was dramatically unveiled in public yesterday. The made-for-TV resistance leader presented the non-classified parts of his Victory Scheme to his entire Ukrainian parliament.

His clever strategem was all dressed up with yellow and blue ribbons and bows, but in sum, Zelensky is haggling harder than a Turkish rug merchant the day before the fiscal year end. His ‘victory plan’ is, at bottom, an offer to buy some armies from NATO to fight Russia with, in exchange for exclusive sweetheart deals on Ukraine’s valuable uranium, lithium, and titanium deposits.

Resource-rich Ukraine is up for sale, and all you have to do is light the fuse on World War III.

As Zelensky sees things, it’s win-win. His oligarchs and our oligarchs could get rich together. But the problem with Zelensky’s grade-school logic is that mining will become intensely difficult after the ground starts glowing from the inevitably high radiation levels that will exist across Ukraine shortly after NATO joins the fight.

Tellingly, the Kyiv Independent did not quote one single member of Ukraine’s parliament about what they thought of their Glorious Leader’s vaunted victory scheme. Not one quote. It didn’t even say they clapped.
