Ukraine / Russia - Actions and Reactions


Well-Known Member
I still say the Wuhan flu was released to destroy the Trump economy and put this corrupt old man in the White House. Not so sure the Russians don't have a point.

I will never understand why we let this old Nazi ,Soros stay in our country and involve himself in our politics.


PREMO Member

Money Pit: Zelensky govt signals intent to default on tens of billions in foreign debts

Western governments have allocated well over $100 billion to prop up Ukraine in its war against Russia, with countless billions more flooding into the country at an increasing pace. Yet as each day passes, it’s becoming more and more clear that all of the money awarded and assigned to Ukraine continues to dissolve into a black hole of secrecy, corruption, deceit, and now, default.

On Wednesday, Ukraine finance ministry asked foreign creditors to accept a delay in its debt repayments, requesting a two year freeze on billions of dollars in Eurobonds. Per the Financial Times, “a rescheduling would amount to a Ukrainian default” on Kiev’s tens of billions in foreign debt.

The news comes just one day after the EU ambassador to Kiev insisted that Ukraine would not default on its foreign debt.

The junk-rated sovereign has a balance of about $25 billion of foreign debt, Bloomberg reports.

Despite all of the money coming in from around the world, Ukraine’s budget deficit has spiraled out of control. Zelensky’s office now claims to have a $9 billion monthly budget deficit, up 80% from just last month.


PREMO Member
🔥 Across the Atlantic, Europe waits anxiously to find out if the Russians will turn the NordStream-1 gas pipeline back on tomorrow after 10 days of “routine maintenance.” European officials are arguing about the scope of sanctions. Russia has hinted that, even after resuming gas shipment through the pipeline, the amount will probably be “reduced.” Smallified. Shrunk.

Putin is blaming the reductions on the difficulty of getting replacement parts to keep everything working properly, because sanctions. So. In other words, the Russians are sandbagging the Europeans. Gasbagging.

The EU is circulating a draft plan calling for member countries to fight Russian tactics by just using less gas. You didn’t need all that gas anyways. The plan allows for mandates that would require automatic cuts if 15% reduction goals aren’t met.

More mandates! And more sacrifices. Is it just me, or does it seem like they only have one way to handle every problem? They never saw a mandate they didn’t immediately fall in love with.



Well-Known Member
I believe one of our Presidents. One who had a fully working mind , warned them about this.

Then some fool cut off America's energy independence and put the whole world in a sling.
Not just America mind you. The fool who did this fuked the whole world, and it's amazing to me that the rest of the world isn't screaming for his head.


PREMO Member
🔥 Unherd published an article yesterday headlined, “Ukraine Government Issues Blacklist of ‘Russian Propagandists’.” The gist is, the Ukrainians are labeling anyone who has questioned NATO policy or suggested compromise with the Russians as a solution to end the conflict.

On July 14th, Ukraine’s government-run Center for Countering Disinformation published a list of politicians, academics, and activists who are “promoting Russian propaganda” — including Republican Senator Rand Paul, former Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, military analyst Edward Luttwak, political scientist John Mearsheimer and popular journalist Glenn Greenwald.

Several of the folks on the list were very concerned, although Glenn had some spicy comments. Among other things, he said,

“The Ukrainians have the absolute right to pursue whatever war policies they want. But when they start demanding that my country and my government use its resources to fuel their war effort, then I, along with all other Americans, have the absolute right to question that policy or to point out its dangers and risks. I don’t care at all about Ukraine’s attempts to shut down debate in our country by smearing journalists and politicians who are questioning US/NATO policy as being Russian propagandists. That tactic is as inconsequential as it is cheap, tawdry, and discredited.”

Seems reasonable.

Blacklisting Americans seems like a really good way to fuel even MORE criticism of your side rather than accomplishing anything helpful. Still, it’s nothing new for the former comedian turned war president. From the October 22, 2021 edition of the UK Guardian:

Just saying.



PREMO Member

Ukraine Government issues blacklist of ‘Russian propagandists’

The list includes a number of prominent Western intellectuals​


The Government of Ukraine has issued a blacklist of individuals who they judge to be “promoting Russian propaganda” — including a number of prominent Western intellectuals.

The “Center for Countering Disinformation,” established in 2021 under Volodymyr Zelensky and headed by former lawyer Polina Lysenko, sits within the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine. Its stated aim is to detect and counter “propaganda” and “destructive disinformation” and to prevent the “manipulation of public opinion.”

On July 14th it published on its website a list of politicians, academics, activists that are “promoting Russian propaganda” — including several high-profile Western intellectuals and politicians. Republican Senator Rand Paul, former Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, military and geopolitical analyst Edward N. Luttwak, realist political scientist John Mearsheimer and heterodox journalist Glenn Greenwald were all included on the list. The list does not explain what the consequences are for anyone mentioned.

The exact criteria for inclusion are also unclear, although next to each name the report lists the “pro Russian” opinions the individual promotes. For example, Edward Luttwak’s breach was to suggest that “referendums should be held in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions”; Mearsheimer’s breach is recorded as him saying that “NATO has been in Ukraine since 2014” and that “NATO provoked Putin.”

The relevant intellectuals were surprised and concerned to be included on a government blacklist in this way. UnHerd contacted Luttwak (an occasional contributor), Mearsheimer and Greenwald for comment.


PREMO Member

The Ukrainian Verdun

Five months after Russia invaded Ukraine, the war is now reduced to one of attrition. The current dirty, grinding slog is fought mostly with artillery and rockets. Everything from Ukraine’s shopping centers to apartment buildings — and the civilians in them — are Russian targets.

Most outsiders have already forgotten the heroic Ukrainian winter repulse of the botched Russian shock-and-awe effort to sweep into Kyiv, decapitate the government, and declare the eastern half of the country a Russian protectorate within mere days.

Months later, the long war devolves further into a contest of mass and weight — tons of explosives blowing up pathways for massed troops grabbing a few more charred miles of ruined landscape.


In the old days of the Soviet Union and a backward Maoist China, conventional American triangulation ensured that neither nuclear power grew closer to each other than to us.

After Ukraine, both nuclear powers are de facto allies, ganging up on a common American enemy. As global inflation spikes, recession looms, and oil prices soar, some of our sworn and de facto allies, including India and Turkey, prefer Russian oil to Western sermons.

The heroic Ukrainian resistance may have brought European NATO states and the United States closer. But oddly, Ukraine’s supporters seemed to have soured the rest of the world on Western economic boycotts and sanctions — and the torpid leadership of President Joe Biden and his European counterparts.

In the West, there are dissident rumblings of a possible plebiscite to adjudicate the Russian-speaking Ukrainian borderlands — with possible guarantees of an Austria-like, non-NATO neutrality for Ukraine.

But such compromise talk earns charges of appeasement from Western zealots. Apparently, American moralists intend to fight for the principle of the sanctity of national borders to the last Ukrainian.

Vastly upping aid to Ukraine has become the cause celebre of the West. But few have fully explained the ensuing costs and dangers of escalation to the American people. The United States appears to be heading into a stagflationary recession following the loss of deterrence from the Afghanistan catastrophe and with restive renegades like Iran and North Korea joining the Beijing-Moscow nuclear axis.


PREMO Member
🔥 I recently ran across a March 11th Substack post by former New York Times journalist Alex Berenson, who has reliably challenged the covid narrative since day one (and still does). In the post, titled “Don’t Be a Useful Idiot,” Berenson attempts to debunk what he characterizes as the “Russian conspiracy theory” that U.S.-supported biolabs in Ukraine contributed somehow to starting the war.

He’s wrong.

First, Berenson credulously accepts the corporate media narrative that the brave Ukrainians fought back harder and longer than the Russians expected, so TAKE THAT! Putin. The truth is Russia would have fully occupied Ukraine months ago except that Russia isn’t fighting Ukraine, it’s fighting Ukraine plus NATO plus the United States. And still, Russia continues to gain ground anyway. I’m not knocking Ukraine or promoting Putin. I’m just saying. Those are the facts.

Berenson’s overly simplistic description of the conflict make suspect the rest of his “simple explanation,” which is that in 1991 after the fall of the Soviet Union, the United States hired a bunch of the communist bioweapons scientists to keep them from going to work for rogue states and terrorists. That part is true; the stated aims for the program were to put the Soviet scientists to work in CIVILIAN jobs. Hammering weapons into plowshares; you know. For the good of humanity and so forth.

Maybe that’s how it started. But now it’s thirty years later. Most of those scientists should be long retired on generous pensions. But for some reason there are more labs now than there were at the beginning. And our government is providing ZERO transparency about them when — if the work really was civilian — a normal government would address the allegations by opening the books. Plus, the government initially lied about whether there were ANY biolabs in Ukraine, before being forced to admit there are OVER FORTY. Why should we believe them now?

Here’s how Berenson sums up his flawed argument:

“Now the Russians need a new excuse for their war and its crimes. It doesn’t have to be a good excuse, it just has to be something they and the Chinese can say that is a little less absurd than /Zelensky drinks the blood of Russian children morning noon and night (/they may yet get there). Thus the talk of biolabs and bioweapons, which forces the media to explain that Ukrainian labs weren’t actually doing… whatever it is the Russians are hinting they were doing.”

To his credit, Berenson admits, as he must after his last two years of reporting, that our government was caught more or less red-handed in its involvement with gain of function research in Wuhan. And he also allows that the media has been lying nonstop for two years about covid so it’s hard to believe their denials about biolabs in Ukraine. But he dismisses all that out of hand. We can trust them NOW.

I disagree. Just because we hired Soviet bio-scientists thirty years ago to keep them off the market does NOT provide a satisfactory explanation of what the Democrats have been up to in Ukraine since helping install the Zelensky regime in 2014, especially in the face of unanswered Russian claims. If we can spend billions to help octogenarian Nancy Pelosi jet over to check out her semiconductor investments in Taiwan, it seems like we could throw a little cash at debunking the Russian claims.

I love Alex, but he’s wrong about ivermectin, he’s wrong about Dr. Malone, and he’s wrong about this one, too.



PREMO Member

Since the Russian pullback from north and northeast Ukraine that concluded on or around April 5th, the Ukraine has been attacking across the border into Russia, with a favorite target being Russian border guards and border crossing stations.

In this case, a U.S.-supplied “Switchblade” kamikaze mini-drone (the distinguishing, nose/propeller piece on the ground was filmed later by others) was used to attack a border crossing station just inside Russia.

(Strangely enough, some Ukraine-Russia border crossings, including this one, are still functioning; some travel and small-scale business continues, perhaps only with respect to third-country citizens… read on.)

The drone hit the ground and blew up next to a group of men in civilian clothes, two standing next to and another one apparently inside a civilian vehicle.

As per video from several angles that a Ukrainian controller (or his girlfriend, or who the hell knows?) posted online, there were no uniformed persons and certainly nothing “military” visible in the vicinity. One of the civilians was killed and another is on life support at a Russian hospital.

If you doubt these two were civilians, and not Russian secret agents as Ukraine damage control is now claiming, the Moldovan Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed they are Moldovan citizens. Moldovan media reports they are/were truck drivers.

Moldovan media reports the Moldovan Embassy in Russia is in touch with their relatives. A Transnistrian Telegram channel named the dead Moldovan as Ivan Surdul and the hospitalized one as Vasilii Culiș.

The video is below. Again, this is (at least, originally) from a Ukrainian military source. It has been going around on the “Ukro-net”, a big hit.



PREMO Member

Ukraine claims it needs $750 billion more to ‘Build Back Better’

A new US-funded report out of Kiev assesses $108.3 billion in economic damages for Ukraine, but requests a 7x replenishment of $750 billion so that the country can “Build Back Better.”

The Kyiv School of Economics has released a new assessment claiming that Ukraine will need hundreds of billions of dollars to “Build Back Better” from its war against Russia.

As of August 1, 2022, the new update from the Ukrainian institution assesses $108.3 billion in economic damages from the war, roughly the equivalent of the country’s gross domestic product in 2020.

All the problems in the US we do not need to be sending money to Ukraine


PREMO Member

Two things can be true at the same time. I don’t care how corrupt you think Ukraine is, Russia was not justified in invading (and is certainly even more corrupt itself). Corruption in Ukraine is a problem for Ukraine to fix, not an outside nation that was in no way under threat, and if anyone is still buying the “NATO aggression” garbage, I’d suggest they not be so gullible.

Still, Boebert’s critique of Ukrainian aid is a separate question, isn’t it? A cause can be worthy of support while the support being offered is mishandled and misappropriated, and I think that’s where the CBS News report misses the point, and purposely so.

The real story here is not that an oligarchic nation with a myriad of issues in the middle of war might not have total control of weaponry being mass imported in a chaotic fashion. The real story is that the Biden administration and the US Congress are sending all those weapons with no system of accountability in place. CBS News wants you to focus on the endpoint without even bothering to critique the starting point.

Sen. Rand Paul tried to insert protections into the $40 billion Ukraine aid bill that would ensure taxpayers were given an account of how the money is spent and where the weapons end up. He was attacked for doing so and the spending bill passed anyway. We are now seeing the results of that, and that’s on Joe Biden. That’s also on Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and yes, Republicans in Congress who refused to hold the line for some basic accountability. None of those people should escape responsibility by making this about Ukraine’s corruption, and the media should not get away with trying to obfuscate blame.
