Ukraine / Russia - Actions and Reactions


Power with Control
American gunner, part of a foriegn volunteer unit. Runs out of ammo, asks for more. They hand him a handheld rocket launcher instead. He just arms it and launches it. Then another, then he's telling them "50 cal, I need 50 cal!!!!!" :)



Well-Known Member
Am I the only one concerned all these reports of Russian troop retreats will not be because the Ukrainian forces are that supreme, but rather because of Putin’s next move from his playbook?

I was thinking the same thing. Are they retreating or getting the hell out of there for whats coming next?


PREMO Member
🚀 Reuters ran a story yesterday headlined, “Indonesia Open to Buying Cheap Oil ‘From Anywhere’, Energy Minister Says.”

You know what THAT means. “Anywhere” means Russia.

According to Reuters, Indonesia’s president Joko Widodo told the Financial Times earlier this week that Indonesia was considering joining India and China in buying Russian oil to “offset increasing pressure on his country’s energy subsidy bill.” The country is “evaluating” the risk posed by U.S. sanctions compared to the widespread protests and unrest caused by high energy prices.

Or maybe they’re saying, give us some cheaper oil or we’re going to talk to Putin.

The story illustrates that there is going to be a point where, to some of these poorer countries, U.S. sanctions would be better than the alternative. Biden should consider whether he is driving toward a tipping point that could cause the world to suddenly lean toward the Russia/China alliance, to avoid even bigger problems.

And we’ve seen just this week that German social media influencers are angry with the U.S. for the local problems in that country. If that sentiment spreads to German officials, then all bets are off. I wonder how many other worldwide citizens suffering under the Biden sanctions regime agree.



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Owww. That isn't a good sign.
Maybe the Russians really are fighting Ukraine Nazi's Certainly this guys Daddy worked with the German Nazi's. And the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.


PREMO Member

"Cannot rule out sabotage"

One leak would be curious enough, under the current circumstances. Having both Nord Stream pipelines develop large leaks in the Baltic Sea “almost simultaneously”? Especially when it involves three separate pipes? That smells like a whodunit.

Not that anyone was using either pipeline at the moment, but perhaps someone wanted to make sure that neither could be used ever again:

The authorities are trying to determine the cause of leaks in two gas pipelines running from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea after both experienced a sudden drop in pressure, German and Danish officials say.
Neither of the pipelines, Nord Stream 1 and 2, had been active, but both were filled with natural gas when they experienced a sharp drop in pressure on Monday, which the authorities said could only be caused by a leak.
“There must be large holes; otherwise pressure would not fall so quickly,” Fiete Wulff, a spokesman for Germany’s network agency, said on Tuesday. “There is no other way to explain it.”
The pipelines have been a focal point of the broader confrontation between Russia and Europe. After the European Union imposed economic sanctions on Russia to penalize it for invading Ukraine, Russia began withholding the natural gas that for decades it had abundantly sent to Europe, threatening its energy supply as winter looms.


PREMO Member

14 Things We Know About the Mysterious “Explosions” That Severely Damaged the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 Pipelines

#1 We are being told that the sections where the pipelines were damaged are “70-90 meters below sea level”. So someone would need to go down pretty deep to get to them.

It’s not too late to prepare for what’s to come. Many of our sponsors are perfectly suited to help. Don’t wait until the crap hits the fan. Be READY when it does with our “Be Prepare” List.

#2 It is extremely unlikely that these pipelines could have been ruptured by accident because they are extremely thick

The steel pipe itself has a wall of 4.1 cm (1.6 inches) and is coated with steel-reinforced concrete up to 11cm thick. Each section of the pipe weighs 11 tonnes, which goes to 24-25 tonnes after the concrete is applied.
#3 It is being reported that explosions “were heard” in the areas where gas is now leaking out of the pipelines…

Explosions were heard near the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipes where gas is now leaking into the Baltic from three holes, scientists have confirmed, while chronic safety concerns have led to a five-mile exclusion zone being imposed around the affected area.
#4 The Swedish National Seismic Network detected one explosion that registered 1.9 on the Richter scale and another one that registered 2.3 on the Richter scale

Two powerful underwater explosions were detected on Monday in the same area of sea as the Nord Stream gas leaks, according to the Swedish National Seismic Network.
The monitoring network said the first explosion occurred on Monday at 2:03 a.m. Swedish time with a magnitude of 1.9 on the Richter scale, followed by a second at 7:04 p.m. on the same day with a magnitude of 2.3.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

14 Things We Know About the Mysterious “Explosions” That Severely Damaged the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 Pipelines

#1 We are being told that the sections where the pipelines were damaged are “70-90 meters below sea level”. So someone would need to go down pretty deep to get to them.

It’s not too late to prepare for what’s to come. Many of our sponsors are perfectly suited to help. Don’t wait until the crap hits the fan. Be READY when it does with our “Be Prepare” List.

#2 It is extremely unlikely that these pipelines could have been ruptured by accident because they are extremely thick

#3 It is being reported that explosions “were heard” in the areas where gas is now leaking out of the pipelines…

#4 The Swedish National Seismic Network detected one explosion that registered 1.9 on the Richter scale and another one that registered 2.3 on the Richter scale
I bet it's those damn NORKs.


Just sneakin' around....
I'm not a pipeline expert, nor gas nor explosives, but how could you "hear" an explosion 225 feet underwater? Maybe with sono-phones...

I was thinking an incendiary device would cause a a massive gas explosion, but then I remembered you have to have an almost perfect combination of air to fuel ratio for it to ignite, 14% for propane comes to mind? And there's no air at that depth.


PREMO Member
♟️ Professor Plum and the Lead Pipe: Britain and its minehunters. About a month ago, the Defense Post ran an article headlined, “UK Donates Underwater Drones to Ukraine for Mine-Hunting.” Fascinating. The article explained the drones are remote-controlled, and can swim up to 100 meters (328 feet) deep — thirty feet deeper than the two explosions, in other words.

♟️ The Revolver: The New York Times. The day before the attacks on the pipelines, the Times ran a prominent op-ed titled, “Biden’s Cautious Foreign Policy is Imperiling the United States.” The op-ed encouraged a more direct, more forceful, more aggressive response to Russia; it argued that fears of World War III were overblown and were making Biden too timid.

♟️ Colonel Mustard: Joe Biden. I reviewed Biden’s twitter feed. Over the last two days, he’s rambled about climate change, Hurricane Ian, Social Security, and capitalism, but has said NOTHING about the Nordstream attacks. Which is odd, because you’d think the U.S. would want to distance itself from the terrorist attacks. The normal script writes itself: “While we strongly disagree with Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine, we also condemn the terrorist attack on its energy infrastructure in international waters, and we pledge our full support to help Russia identify and bring the perpetrators to justice.”

He might have just forgotten though. You know Joe.

Joe may or may not remember that, back in February, he smirkingly promised that “there will be no longer a Nordstream 2, we will bring an end to it … if Germany, uh, if Russia invades” Ukraine:

And, of course, Russia DID invade Ukraine, didn’t they? So…

♟️ Miss Scarlet: Around the same time as Biden’s comments, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who engineered the 2014 color revolution in Ukraine, and is all messed in with the Ukraine biolabs somehow, also threatened the pipeline:

Nuland’s statement proves it was a matter of U.S. policy, and not just something goofy that Joe said.

♟️ Mrs. Peacock: Ukraine. The day before the terrorist attacks, Russia completed a referendum which by all accounts just effectively transferred 20% of Ukraine’s territory to Russia, which would be comparable to Mexico annexing the states of Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. Ukraine considers the referendums to be a sneaky trick, legalistic sleight-of-hand. But the same sleight-of-hand worked about ten years ago when Russia annexed Crimea.

Ukraine also now has those British mine-hunter drones that can go 330 feet deep. Those might really be dangerous if, say, Ukraine had a larger ally to help rig a couple mine-hunters for detonation, and point out exactly where the pipelines are.

It’s not a new idea. Back in 2015, the Pipeline Journal ran an article headlined, “Explosive-Laden Drone Found Near Nord Stream Pipeline.” The article said the Swedish military successfully cleared a remote operated vehicle (drone) rigged with explosives near the Nord Stream Natural Gas offshore pipeline system. The drone’s nation of origin was never determined, for some reason.



PREMO Member

Nord Stream Attack Updates

Radosław Sikorski, MEP, former Polish defence minister and husband of well-connected neoconservative intellectual Anne Appelbaum, has publicly thanked the United States for attacking the Nord Stream pipelines.

Jim Geraghty, senior political correspondent for the American political journal National Review, has also praised the attacks in a brief column under the headline “Who Will Rid Me of This Meddlesome Pipeline?” He’s been arguing about the importance of taking Nord Stream 2 offline since February, and suggests that the present attacks reflect his influence.