Well-Known Member
It's the first time I've ever applied. In my 60 years.I thought you needed to say you're looking for work - that's what I was "told" by someone who has done this before said to do. Anyhoo, due to the COVID-19 situation, there are a lot of different issues that needed clarifying. Since you don't have to search for work -they've waived that and I only saw later in the 1,000's of pages of information (and I've printed out a crap ton of them.
) Consequently, I thought I filed my 2nd WEBCERTcorrectly, but I realize I answered two of the questions wrong, and I need to correct.
I see somewhere in the 1,000's of pages of information that they will call you if they see a descrepancy. I've tried to be proactive and found an email address - and sent an email. I also tried to call. I finally got thru after an hour of trying once you get thru to the number and select the options to speak to someone - they say if you're calling to speak to someone - try later.
sigh I know it's a high volume call time, and all that. So I guess I just wait. Do they call you?
Just fill it out and wait. That's all you can do. You'll hear back. Took my wife something like 2 weeks. She's getting the max allowed but even wiuth the additional $600/wk it's a big dent in our income.
FYI, the unemployment website says you don't need to search for work if laid off due to COVID-19. WORK SEARCH EXEMPTION INFORMATION
Due to the state of emergency proclaimed by the Governor of Maryland, and the labor conditions across the state of Maryland, the Secretary of the Maryland Department of Labor (Labor) has ordered, effective March 20th, 2020, a temporary exemption from the work search requirement for individuals receiving unemployment insurance benefits.
Labor will exempt all current and new unemployment insurance benefit recipients from the requirement to actively seek work for a ten (10) week period. The temporary exemption from the work search requirement will begin the week ending on March 21st, 2020. However, recipients still need to continue to file their weekly certifications, either through the online Weekly Claim Certification or by calling 410-949-0022.
Claimants who are selected to participate in a federally-required reemployment workshop during this period will be required to complete a one-on-one telephone session with a reemployment facilitator. However, claimants will not be required to complete the activities detailed in the their Individual Reemployment Plan (IRP) until the state of emergency has been lifted.
Despite the order exempting claimants from completing the work search each week, YOU MUST STILL FILE A WEEKLY CLAIM CERTIFICATION in order to receive benefit payments. You may file your weekly claim certification by Internet or telephone. Each weekly claim certification covers a one-week period. When you file your certification, you will be asked whether you have searched for work. Please respond accurately. Because of the exemption, even if you answer “No,” you will still receive your benefits.
If you have questions about filing your weekly claim, please visit our Weekly Claim Certification frequently asked questions.
We strongly encourage you to complete Reemployment Activities that you can perform virtually at the Maryland Workforce Exchange. By completing these activities, you can maintain and increase your skills and training and position yourself to be hired quickly when the labor market stabilizes.
For more information about the exemption from the work search requirements and a list of virtual Reemployment Activities, please visit the Work Search Exemption frequently asked questions page.