Her "slum" has hardwood floors and nice cabinetry. Nice 60 inch TV, think she has the premium cable package?
Some choice quotes and info:
This time the war will be because some (not all) of the low-income public housing projects are being demolished to make way for new housing, some of which will be mixed income and some will be individual residences for low income individuals.
“If you bulldoze our homes, we’re going to fight,” Sharon Jasper, who lived in one of the developments shuttered after Hurricane Katrina, said before the council meeting. “There’s going to be a war in New Orleans.”
Note the reference to “our homes.” These are publicly-owned and taxpayer-subsidized apartment buildings.
"You think there's a war in Iraq? There's going to be a war in New Orleans -- and you don't want to go to war with New Orleans," public housing advocate Sharon Jasper said.
Nice. Threaten violence if you don’t get your handouts just like you want them. Some of those armored bulldozers the Israelis use might come in handy, call Caterpillar.
The 58-year-old Jasper’s voice rises and falls with a biblical fervor as she stands outside a 75-year-old public housing project called the St. Bernard Housing Development.
“I am a former resident of St. Bernard. My mother and father moved here in 1949, when I was 6 months old,” she says, pointing to a row of solidly constructed brick homes and neatly manicured lawns.
In other words, she’s lived on welfare to one extent or another for the last 57 years and now she’s not receiving “her” benefits in exactly the way she wants to receive them. It’s a bit late to expect her to start taking full responsibility for herself now at her age, but at least we can say no to another generation like Ms. Jasper. Oops, too late. Here she is with her daughter Kawana (big surprise on the name huh?) Think Kawana holds a job and pays her own rent?