Unhinged Progbots


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
It's scary to think that these types of "people" are really out there. I can't imagine my embarrassment if one of my children acted that way in public, or private for that matter. There must be something in the water or they've just come from the dispensary and scored some of the good sheet. Nobody acts like that naturally, JMHO.


PREMO Member
We don’t know who Stirling Morris is, apart from the fact that he’s verified (with just above 1,000 followers) and what we know from his very woke Twitter bio: he’s a dad, a feminist, a GunSense reform advocate, an LGBTQ supporter and a global citizen.

We also know he’s going viral with his tweet about MAGA hats and the people who wear them. We’ve already been assured by Alyssa Milano and others that the red MAGA hat is the new white Klan hood, but we guess that wasn’t demonization enough.




Well-Known Member
We don’t know who Stirling Morris is, apart from the fact that he’s verified (with just above 1,000 followers) and what we know from his very woke Twitter bio: he’s a dad, a feminist, a GunSense reform advocate, an LGBTQ supporter and a global citizen.

We also know he’s going viral with his tweet about MAGA hats and the people who wear them. We’ve already been assured by Alyssa Milano and others that the red MAGA hat is the new white Klan hood, but we guess that wasn’t demonization enough.


When Mr. Stirling Morris says that to me I will smile and go away laughing.

My hat has done it's job and pissed off another idiot liberal.


PREMO Member

That prompted Logan, who says he is a “primarily political YouTuber and also a graphic designer by trade” who was born in Rand, West Virginia, grew up in Southeastern Virginia, and now lives in Tennessee, to shut her down with gusto, firing back, “Please, miss white lady, tell me what my interests are? Because I'm just some slow black guy and I don't know any better, right?”



PREMO Member
Couple Arrested After Driving Kids With Trump Flags on Their Bicycles Off The Road Shouting ‘Y’all Scared, Just Like Your President’

Kyren Gregory Perry-Jones, 23, and Cailyn Marie Smith, 18, were arrested after evidence of the attack on the boys, who are twins, was posted to Snapchat.

“Y’all scared, just like your president … America is not great, (expletive),” Smith could allegedly be heard saying on a Snapchat video obtained by police, according to a report from NWI.
Perry-Jones was also heard asking one of the boys if he was a Trump fan in the video, which the boy responded that he was.

NWI reports: “Snapchat video obtained by police shows the Malibu, driven by Perry-Jones, swerve the wheels sharply ‘as if he saw the boys and wanted to hit them with the vehicle’ while yelling ‘Y’all better get home,’ court records state.”



Well-Known Member
Just shows everyone how crazy people who don't like Trump are.

Vote for the Crook the Commie, Liawatha, or the Male wife.

Are you sh*tting me? You have to be a retard to vote Democrat for this bunch of Educated morons.


PREMO Member
Pioneer City County Museum Director: ‘I hope every single one . . . that votes republican, dies today’


During voting for primary elections on Super Tuesday, director Melonnie Hicks made a post to her personal Facebook page that reads, “I hope every single one of you pieces of s*** that votes republican, dies today.”

A screenshot of the post has since gone viral, getting thousands of shares from across the country.

Hicks posted an apology to her personal Facebook a few hours after the original post, but both posts have since been removed.

It’s unknown if Hicks is still serving as director of the museum. The phone has been ringing with no answer all day, and there is no longer a Pioneer City County Museum page on Facebook.
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PREMO Member
‘You Simply Do Not Care About Us’: Neighbors Allegedly Write Letter Singling Out Neighbor For Trump Yard Sign

“Thank you for proudly and prominently displaying your signs of political support! These symbols make it impossible for us to ignore how you truly feel about us as your neighbors,” said the handwritten note, which was signed “your neighbors who dare to be different.”

The letter continued, “They make abundantly clear to those of us who are women, people of color, immigrants and those who may worship or love differently than you that you simply do not care about us at all.”


“P.S. If you believe yourself to be a Christian (which we assume is also likely) thank you for further proving that you do not hold true Christian values or follow the teaching of Christ, who preached love and acceptance for all your neighbors. We sure hope you enjoy the heat!”



PREMO Member
Boulder police: Woman assaults 12-year-old boy for carrying Trump campaign sign, tries to steal it

According to BPD, the incident occurred shortly before 2 p.m. Monday at Folsom Street and Glenwood Drive.

The boy was riding his bicycle and carrying a yard sign in support of President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign.

A woman riding a gray-blue moped drove past the boy and saw the sign. Police said the woman made a U-turn, approached the boy and “began assaulting him because of his political banner.”

According to a police report, the woman struck the boy four to five times with a closed fist.

The woman reportedly tried to take the yard sign but was unsuccessful. The report states the boy was using the sign to defend himself.

“I was just shocked about why she did that,” the boy said. “She probably didn’t know that I was a 12-year-old. But either way, whatever age I am, they shouldn’t be doing that.”


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
With a little luck her leftist ass will go from "Folsom Street, to Folsom Prison!"


PREMO Member
This is why I laugh straight in the face of anyone who dares suggest that Trump "incites violence". These people are so strung out that they default to physical attacks and intimidation.

77-year-old veteran wearing 'MAGA' hat beaten in California: 'We just don't like people like you'

A 77-year-old military veteran in California is recovering from his wounds after he said he was beaten by two people because of his “Make America Great Again” hat.

Red Bluff police have charged Daniel Gomez-Martinez, 26, with battery and elder abuse after a man said he was attacked for his political views outside the post office in Red Bluff on Friday.

The man, who asked not to be identified during an interview with KRCR-TV, said he was wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat in support of President Trump and a Thin Blue Line mask in support of law enforcement when he was attacked by a man and a woman.


PREMO Member
WHOA: You know this tweet from blue-check harpy Kate Morgan to pregnant white women was REALLY bad if Twitter suspended her for it

If you’ve never heard of Kate Morgan don’t feel bad, this editor hadn’t either until she started writing for Twitchy and saw horrid tweets from this horrid woman. And of course, Twitter in all of their infinite wisdom, verified Kate which means they were AOK with her tweets.

Until this one, apparently.

Kate has been suspended (we were as shocked as you are) and while we can’t say for sure this is the tweet that did it, we’d like to think so. Luckily, Jessica O’Donnell, who happens to be a white woman pregnant with a white baby boy, snagged a screenshot and dropped her:



..if momma ain't happy...
"These self hating white people are just pathetic."

Or something, I dont know that pathetic is the best word.


PREMO Member
No Racism? No Problem! College Racial Hoaxes Are Back

Cue up the outrage. Emory University released a statement after the “attack” on their Autism Center:

These acts of racism and antisemitism are painful for all of us at the EAC and in the Emory community. They will not be tolerated and every effort will be made to bring the perpetrators to justice. Our priority remains the wellbeing and safety of our faculty, staff, learners, patients and their families, and upholding our values and Emory’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.


Not surprisingly, the “bigot” isn’t a white goober in a MAGA hat. The culprit is a part-time, temporary Emory employee, who happens to be a middle-aged black man named Roy Lee Gordon, Jr. He was arrested last week and was somehow only charged with burglary in the second degree. I guess painting a swastika is no longer considered a hate crime.

Emory released the name of the offender but no information on Gordon’s race. So much for diversity, equity and inclusion. If their “priority remains the wellbeing and safety of our faculty, staff, learners, patients and their families,” why not tell the students and faculty there isn’t a racist prowling the campus after all?