Unhinged Progbots


Well-Known Member
Blew a vein? Can always become a corpsman.
Just because she said it on social media doesn't mean it happened. White House posts things all the time.


Well-Known Member
A person has to be pretty smart to be studying to be a Doctor.
How can someone alleged to be smart make such a stupid statement.?


Beloved Misanthrope
A person has to be pretty smart to be studying to be a Doctor.
How can someone alleged to be smart make such a stupid statement.?
That's not an uncommon thing.

Even smart people get lost in the doctrine of their religion.

For the left, that's fascist enforcement of identity politics.


Well-Known Member
A person has to be pretty smart to be studying to be a Doctor.
How can someone alleged to be smart make such a stupid statement.?
You ever listen to Anthony Fauci speak?
Hopefully this answers your question


Well-Known Member
You ever listen to Anthony Fauci speak?
Hopefully this answers your question
Nothing stupid about Faucci. Covid is making him millions.

Here is my conspiracy theory.
1. Trump was hurting the Chinese He was bringing jobs back to America. He was charging them Tarriff's
The Chinese are wanting to take back Taiwan ,and Trump would not put up with that. The Chinese wanted to get rid of Trump.
2.Fauccie was told that his experiments with Virus and changing animal virus into Human virus was too dangerous, so he sent his information on it to the Wuhan Laboratory, Then he sent them money to pay for their experiments.
3. The Democrats wanted to get rid of Trump ---bad. Trumps economy was so good that there was no way he wasn't going to get re-elected. The had to come up with another plan.

Now let's see what happened.
1. The flu got away from the lab and spread around the world.
2. It killed people and it killed economies.
3. The Democrats benefited from the flu and the ruined economy and the cheating in the election.
4. Biden and Hunter have Chinese Connections.

Question: was it all planned?


Well-Known Member
Nothing stupid about Faucci. Covid is making him millions.

Here is my conspiracy theory.
1. Trump was hurting the Chinese He was bringing jobs back to America. He was charging them Tarriff's
The Chinese are wanting to take back Taiwan ,and Trump would not put up with that. The Chinese wanted to get rid of Trump.
2.Fauccie was told that his experiments with Virus and changing animal virus into Human virus was too dangerous, so he sent his information on it to the Wuhan Laboratory, Then he sent them money to pay for their experiments.
3. The Democrats wanted to get rid of Trump ---bad. Trumps economy was so good that there was no way he wasn't going to get re-elected. The had to come up with another plan.

Now let's see what happened.
1. The flu got away from the lab and spread around the world.
2. It killed people and it killed economies.
3. The Democrats benefited from the flu and the ruined economy and the cheating in the election.
4. Biden and Hunter have Chinese Connections.

Question: was it all planned?
That’s exactly what I was thinking.
What was the quote, “just because you are a paranoid conspiracy theorist, doesn’t mean you are wrong” or something.
And the recent events and revelations are showing this to be true.


Beloved Misanthrope


Beloved Misanthrope
They keep repeating the "Pro Russian" bullshit for their base.

Nobody that actually watches Fox will hear anything "Pro Russian" on their broadcasts.

It only exists in the feeble minds of the moronic left. :lmao:


PREMO Member

Leftist Iowa Congresswoman Mocks Christians for Having ‘Weaponized Religion,’ Dons Hijab to Visit Mosque

The Left’s overall objective is to do nothing less than shame Americans into acquiescing in the discarding of their own culture and heritage, and its replacement with one that is quite different. Christianity, with its emphasis on the dignity of every human being, must go. Islam, which readily lends itself to authoritarianism as the perfect Islamic society, based on Islamic law (Sharia), is authoritarian in itself, is much more readily compatible with the Left’s increasingly open distaste for the freedom of speech and the free society that free speech makes possible.

And then there’s the hijab, which Axne happily donned while she was in the mosque. A simple gesture of respect and courtesy? Sure. But there are women around the world, and inside the United States as well, who have been threatened, brutalized, and even killed for not wearing the hijab, which is based on the idea that it is the woman’s responsibility to ensure that men are not tempted, and the woman’s fault if men are tempted anyway.

The hijab, as many Muslim and ex-Muslim women have attested, is a symbol of misogyny and the oppression of women. Cindy Axne was bowing to the Left’s idol of multiculturalism when she put it on, but her doing so manifested an ignorance of or indifference to the plight of Muslim women — or both.

Cindy Axne is a minor member of Congress, known more for allegations of corruption than anything else. And she likely won’t be a member of Congress at all after January 2023. But she is also a typical Leftist, sneering at Christians, accepting uncritically all things Islamic, and readily furthering the COVID hysteria and the rest of her masters’ authoritarian agenda. She may be leaving Washington soon, but there are many, many others like her.