Unhinged Progbots


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Witnessed my one roommate berate the other for political opinions and it was bad​


I set up my current roommates to live together a few years ago. I only moved in a few months ago: I’d just been a friend to both of them, and they’d gotten close since living together.

But recently they’ve been fighting a lot and my one roommate (M) has been getting mad at the other (F) for every little thing.

It’s mostly about politics: M is really left wing and F is a bit more moderate (code: center-left. they don’t fundamentally disagree on a lot of stuff). M has been snapping at F for asking how he is “with everything going on in the world.”

But at a literal birthday dinner for F, M unloaded and gave a 30+ minute speech about the reasons M no longer wants to be her friend, which was all about the fact that their politics don’t line up and M felt uneasy being prodded in political debate/with things as simple as the books on our shared shelves (referring to GMAT books and some other business-related books).

M also said they’d move out when the lease was up, which I was aware of but F was not. I knew both were feeling tensions but was not aware this would come to a head so suddenly, and now we’re all living in an apartment that is tense to say the least. I moved into this place after living alone and now it’s a freaking war zone and I’m in the middle of it on both sides. So that’s fun.

leftist triggered by a book ....


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‘I feel bad for her’: Rita Panahi laughs at BBC anchor's ‘embarrassing moment’​



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Laneisha Shantrice Henderson “was detained by the bystanders at the historic home on Auburn Avenue and taken into custody Thursday night,” The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported. “Unlike many national monuments, there is no gate restricting access to the civil rights leader’s birth home, which attracts more than 700,000 visitors from around the world annually.”

“That action saved an important part of American history tonight,” Atlanta police Chief Darin Schierbaum told reporters at the scene.

A man who became suspicious of Henderson asked her what she was doing after he saw her throw a liquid onto the front porch of the residence. Once he smelled gasoline and realized what she was allegedly doing, he grabbed her car keys — which she left in the grass — to prevent her from leaving. The man then blocked her from getting back on the porch when she returned with a lighter.



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Trump Deranged Streamer SHOCKED After Getting DESTROYED By Dana White For Threatening Trump At UFC!​



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University of Minnesota Professor Calls to ‘Dismantle’ the U.S. to Fight ‘Colonization’ for Palestinians

Dr. Melanie Yazzie, a member of the Navajo Nation and assistant professor of American Indian studies at UMN Twin Cities, joined the “teach-in” panel discussion on December 3, where she made several controversial statements.

Yazzie, who boasts of teaching about “queer Indigenous studies” and “Marxism” on her university biography page, joined the stage with representatives from progressive groups, including American Muslims for Palestine and the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

According to the professor, “It’s our responsibility as people who are within the United States to go as hard as possible to decolonize this place because that will reverberate all across the world.”

“Because the U.S. is the greatest predator empire that has ever existed,” she explained.

What a load of Bollocks .... There have been many conquerors

Dutch East Indies

The professor co-founded the anti-colonial and anti-capitalist group The Red Nation, which hosted the Palestinian event at the New City Center for Healing Justice in Minneapolis.

Yazzie said that her group wants the U.S. to get “out of everywhere,” including “Palestine” and “Turtle Island” — a name used by some Native American activists to describe North America.

“And that the goal is to dismantle the settler project that is the United States for the freedom and the future of all life on this planet,” she continued. “It very much depends on that.”

The leftist activist continued to imply that the “entire world” changed with the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel — in which Hamas terrorists slaughtered more than 1,200 Israelis — claiming that “Palestine” paved the “alternative path for native nations.”

“It is a righteous struggle, and it is so powerful that it has literally, in 60 days, changed the entire world,” Yazzie said. “The entire world has changed. I knew it the moment that it happened that nothing, and I mean nothing for colonizers or for any of the good, humble people of the Earth, would ever be the same ever again.”

She continued to say, “We need to lean into that. Lean into the fact that colonizers are scared.”

Yazzie laughed as she instructed audience members to “Lean into scaring them and making them feel uncomfortable!”

The UMN professor also decried “liberalism” as “bullshit” that was “founded upon imperialism and colonialism,” promoting “death” to the colonialist structure instead.

She addressed the radical message to her “Palestinian relatives,” calling the U.S. a “violent settler project.”

“In addition to solidarity and the things that we might do, having the moral authority as the original people of these lands, to push back against the violent settler project that is the United States.”

“I hope you seek to dismantle the United States,”
Yazzie said while the crowd applauded.

This chick needs to be on a watch list and there NO NATIVE NATIONS
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I cannot find the original clip

This British Woman goes on a rant about Feminism and the Evils of Capitalism because women do not get ' paid ' for Domestic work

Feminism of the 99% is a contemporary, grassroots, radical feminist movement, which recognises intersectionality and advocates activism for and by all women - including those who have been overlooked by other feminist movements.[1] It was proposed by a collective of prominent American feminists in an appeal published in Viewpoint Magazine in February 2017, and built upon the mobilisation of women seen in the 2017 Women's March in January. The appeal simultaneously called for an International Women's Strike on 8 March 2017. It is a successor to the accumulated intellectual legacy of feminist movements such as radical feminism, Marxist feminism, Black feminism and transnational/decolonial feminism, and asserts that gender oppression is not caused by a single factor, sexism. They insist that it is rather a multifaceted product of the intersections of sexism, racism, colonialism and capitalism.

Key criticisms and demands

Feminism of the 99% criticises other contemporary feminist movements, such as lean-in feminism and corporate feminism, for only serving the privileged top 1% of women. It holds the logic that women are able to succeed in their career as long as they work to serve the benefit of the patriarchy, and that this relies on these women having access to resources and opportunities that most women are unable to access. The authors of the appeal recognise the need for a feminist movement which serves the needs of the many, and calls attention to the women who are overlooked by neoliberal feminism. However, they call for the movement to look beyond just issues of gender, criticising a number of key issues and movements including: racialized gender violence, the failings of neoliberalism, attacks on labour rights and the undervaluing of labour; reproductive injustices; homophobia; transphobia; and xenophobia. The aim of the movement is to contribute to what its creators see as a “a new international feminist movement with an expanded agenda–at once anti-racist, anti-imperialist, anti-heterosexist, and anti-neoliberal”.[1]
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