Unhinged Progbots


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
This actually happened: Unhinged DeVos haters vow to never have children after education secretary vote
See?! Trump is making America great again and again and again and again! :cartwheel:

So.much.winning. :yahoo:


Power with Control
which amendment is that?

you might want to read up on your history. our founders were not quite protestors who were worried about disturbing your peaceful street

Amendment? How bout the the Declaration? You know, that whole pursuit of happyness deal? Pretty sure that having this crap going on outside your house at night is not a good way to be happy. And no, the founders were not above making some noise. But of course, they didnt have the legal right to "peaceably assemble", now did they? Nor very many other rights, which was the point.


Well-Known Member
which amendment is that?

The first one:
US Constitution said:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Any other questions, don't hesitate to ask! :cheers:


PREMO Member

yeah know GLHS to progressives the 1st A gives them the right to stand in front of anyone's house or their yard, and terrorize them, their children home alone - annoy the neighbors

because THEY are RIGHT and you are just a WRONG Thinking Right Winger / bank CEO / Parents of someone who shot a Thug of color - who has no rights


Power with Control
yeah know GLHS to progressives the 1st A gives them the right to stand in front of anyone's house or their yard, and terrorize them, their children home alone - annoy the neighbors

because THEY are RIGHT and you are just a WRONG Thinking Right Winger / bank CEO / Parents of someone who shot a Thug of color - who has no rights

Hell, they think it gives them right to block highways and cause deaths, for sure your right to live your life and not have to listen to the shrill gay dance mob, meh, not so much of that.


Well-Known Member
Hell, they think it gives them right to block highways and cause deaths, for sure your right to live your life and not have to listen to the shrill gay dance mob, meh, not so much of that.

Then while they are interrupting the streets and a black child gets hit by a car it gives them the right to kill the driver.


Well-Known Member
Amendment? How bout the the Declaration? You know, that whole pursuit of happyness deal? Pretty sure that having this crap going on outside your house at night is not a good way to be happy. And no, the founders were not above making some noise. But of course, they didnt have the legal right to "peaceably assemble", now did they? Nor very many other rights, which was the point.

like I said, a little history would improve your understanding of the situation. The founders did not go through the trouble of fighting for our independence so we could continue to be denied our rights.


Power with Control
like I said, a little history would improve your understanding of the situation. The founders did not go through the trouble of fighting for our independence so we could continue to be denied our rights.

My history is just fine thanks. The people there protesting, which rights have they had taken away? Does the right to assemble bring the right infringe on others rights to go about their lives? Think if you blocked George Washington's access to his house, he might have had you cleared away, and had you staged a loud disturbance in front of his house at night, he might have had you moved? Protest is to make yourself heard, getting the government to address your concerns. This form of protest isn't about that, it's about making life miserable for someone they don't like. The protestors would love for the neighbors to band together to force her to move.
Which part of you exercising your rights doesn't give you the right to impinge on my rights isn't clear to you? Harassing people at home is BS. If conservatives were to have done this to the Clintons or the Obamas, I would be just as unhappy with it.

Have your queer dance party in a public venue. At the place where you think they are doing you wrong. But they can't stop personalizing this, trying to punish those they disagree with.


Well-Known Member
My history is just fine thanks. The people there protesting, which rights have they had taken away? Does the right to assemble bring the right infringe on others rights to go about their lives? Think if you blocked George Washington's access to his house, he might have had you cleared away, and had you staged a loud disturbance in front of his house at night, he might have had you moved? Protest is to make yourself heard, getting the government to address your concerns. This form of protest isn't about that, it's about making life miserable for someone they don't like. The protestors would love for the neighbors to band together to force her to move.
Which part of you exercising your rights doesn't give you the right to impinge on my rights isn't clear to you? Harassing people at home is BS. If conservatives were to have done this to the Clintons or the Obamas, I would be just as unhappy with it.

Have your queer dance party in a public venue. At the place where you think they are doing you wrong. But they can't stop personalizing this, trying to punish those they disagree with.

Ivanka and her husband sit at the right hand of the president. They are fair game if people want to protest government.
The Obamas and the Clintons lived at the Whitehouse and had plenty of people protesting outside all of the time. I cant think of a recent president who didn't


Power with Control
Ivanka and her husband sit at the right hand of the president. They are fair game if people want to protest government.
The Obamas and the Clintons lived at the Whitehouse and had plenty of people protesting outside all of the time. I cant think of a recent president who didn't

Yep, they are fair game. Go protest outside where they work all day long. The neighbors? Leave them alone.


Well-Known Member
like I said, a little history would improve your understanding of the situation. The founders did not go through the trouble of fighting for our independence so we could continue to be denied our rights.

Did you read the first amendment? Do you see "peaceably" in it?

Please provide the source of your right to violently, destructively assemble. I'll wait.....



Power with Control

so now the first amendment has a curfew?

Think we tossed out that first amendment thing a while back. You right to protest does not trump my right to live peacefully in my house (pursue happiness, that thing?) and move about my neighborhood. Noon, midnight, 3am. doesn't matter.


PREMO Member
It is Harassment no other description is needed .... why show up outside someone's home - and claiming the White House is the same thing is :bs:


Union Protestors Target California Republican, Go to Wrong House

Showing up at the Wrong House after Spike Lee tweets what he thinks is the address for George Zimmerman's Parents - really what is the point protesting in front of the Parents House

Spike Lee pays up for wrong-address tweet in Trayvon Martin case

Roseanne Barr Sued by George Zimmerman's Parents For Tweeting Address

The lawsuit alleges that Barr's tweets were "an open and obvious call for vigilante justice and were intended... to cause a lynch mob to descend" on the couple’s home.


Well-Known Member
Think we tossed out that first amendment thing a while back. You right to protest does not trump my right to live peacefully in my house (pursue happiness, that thing?) and move about my neighborhood. Noon, midnight, 3am. doesn't matter.

that's not the way the BOR work. you don't just toss them out because they inconvenience you. Do you have any precedent to back up your claim that 'pursue happiness' trumps the first amendment?