Unhinged Progbots


PREMO Member
VIOLENT DEMOCRAT Arrested in Tucson After Threatening to Assault and Murder GOP Rep. Martha McSally (Video)

Tucson.com reported:

The FBI arrested a TUSD employee on suspicion of threatening U.S. Rep. Martha McSally.

FBI agents arrested Steve Martan, 58, in connection with three messages left on the congressional office voicemail on May 2 and May 10, according to a criminal complaint filed May 12 in U.S. District Court in Tucson. Martan is a campus monitor at Miles Exploratory Learning Center in the Tucson Unified School District. He was placed on home assignment and told not to come into work as the district investigates the allegations.


PREMO Member
‘White Elitist’ Sofia Coppola Slammed for Winning Prize at Cannes for ‘Rich White Women’ Movie

You would have thought Coppola’s award- for her female-centric remake of 1971 civil war drama The Beguiled which starred Clint Eastwood- would generate widespread applause on social media given the fact she is an outspoken feminist and all the attention paid to the perceived under-representation of women directors at Cannes in recent years.

Not so. Even though Coppola’s movie stars a host of feminist actresses including Kirsten Dunst, Nicole Kidman and Elle Fanning, she is being slammed for supposedly having made a movie about rich white women.


But that’s not good enough for SJWs such as ‘Melonie’ who wrote a comment underneath a Variety article about The Beguiled: “Funny Coppola talks about sexism when her career is the result of nepotism and her movies are usually are about rarified worlds full of rich white people – but keep lying to yourself, Sofia.”

Expect more of all this when The Beguiled is released in cinemas late June.



PREMO Member
cannot leave someone alone to be happy, or Heaven Forbid have a differing opinion ..........

Romeo and Juliet: Popular Feminist Is Getting Blasted for Dating Anti-Social Justice YouTuber

But not all is well in paradise. Feminists and members of the social justice community have not taken the relationship well, declaring Green’s personal choices to be a betrayal of the movement. After all, she’s dating the man who created the viral “Ain’t No Rest for the Triggered” music video mocking social justice warriors. They’ve taken to criticizing, and even harassing Green.

Male feminist ally Steve Shives has published dozens of tweets and a video weighing in on Green’s decision to reach across the political aisle and condemning her for it. Facebook’s “Love Life of an Asian Guy,” an infamously vitriolic male feminist who once blamed white women for “enabling” Stanford rapist Brock Turner, even weighed in to call Green’s dating preferences a betrayal of marginalized people. Never mind the fact that Chris Ray Gun is Puerto Rican.

Transgender activist and occasional HuffPo writer Zinnia Jones is waging a campaign to sabotage their relationship. Jones said she thinks “there’s a legitimate case to be made for us trying to push the Laci situation into some kind of breaking point as soon as possible,” because feminist work is more important than Green’s love life.

One social justice warrior even declared: “Getting laid is more important than the lives of millions of other people, apparently,” implying that Green’s decision to date someone critical of the social justice movement would somehow endanger lives.

well #### your happiness ....


PREMO Member
Hart walked in to Starbucks on East Boulevard in Dilworth on Wednesday morning, wearing a Donald Trump t-shirt. Instead of being greeted with a smile, Kayla said the cashier laughed and her order was labeled with a political message, mocking her support for the president.

"They shouted out build a wall and shoved a drink at me and then all the barisatas in the back started cracking up laughing," said Hart.

The commotion caught the attention of nearby customers.

"I just walked out because everyone was staring," Hart said.

Hart believes she was bullied for wearing her Donald Trump t-shirt. She immediately emailed Starbucks customer service.



PREMO Member
Several shots fired at truck flying ‘Make America Great Again’ flag on I-465

Officers believe the shots were fired from a newer white 4-door Chevrolet Malibu with a Louisiana plate near Emerson Avenue around 4 p.m.

The victim and a witness informed police that the Malibu pulled up next to the pickup truck, a passenger held a handgun out of the window and then a male fired several shots.

Police say no one was in injured in the incident.

The driver of the Malibu was described as a black male around the age of 23. The passenger was described as a light skinned black male with a sleeve tattoo on his right arm.

of course it was 2 POC


Well-Known Member
I don't get the violence, but I don't equate "disagreement in politics" with "impending doom and insidious evil".
Someone I heard this week - I think it might have been Krauthammer - said something along with what I've always said - these folks who get so much into political sides -
They don't have anything else going - they get deeply into it, because without it they'd have to go back to -- nothing.

I've said something similar - it's supplanted religion in their life. For some people, religion is the demarcation between good and evil.
Heaven - and hell on earth. Your opponents are not people who disagree - they're the enemy. The devil.
Oh you don't CALL them the devil - after all, you don't believe in all that. But you assign the same attitude to them.
Your beliefs - they're dogma - they cannot be questioned. Your leaders - they're saints. They have their foibles, but they're God's anointed.
And they're on a Mission From God.

Of course, no one consciously does this, but the similarities are so striking - if I had any writing chops at all, I could make a mint writing about it.


New Member
Your leaders - they're saints. They have their foibles, but they're God's anointed.
And they're on a Mission From God.



Well-Known Member

I was IN a religious cult for about nine years. I can tell you while some people might dare to ridicule the leaders behind closed doors -
some of the fanatical considered it borderline blasphemy - and might consider YOU dangerous.

I might answer - dude - I've done their laundry. I've cleaned racing stripes out of their underwear - they're just PEOPLE.

But mocking them was met with *fury*.


PREMO Member
It’s Not Just CNN Trying to Incite Mob Attacks, Either

This is not just an isolated case of people with broad media power attempting to use it to punish people with less. Also the Fourth of July, CNN posted what perhaps they thought was an empowering story: A plus-sized model, Natalie Hage, confronting a “fat-shamer” on a flight, berating him for thinking badly of her because of her weight.

How exactly did this man shame Hage? He sent private text messages to a friend. That’s it. There was no communication between Hage and her seatmate, nor between the seatmate and anyone else on the flight, nor did the seatmate post anything about Hage publicly. The same cannot be said for Hage, who appears to have achieved success with the intended goal of posting the confrontation: her 15 minutes.

Hage took photos of her seatmate’s private text message conversation before takeoff, then filmed her confrontation with him upon landing in order to share the video with her 100,000 social media followers. She berated him, “Don’t ever treat someone like that again.”

To be clear: the man didn’t treat Hage in any way. He sat next to her, she leaned over and invaded his privacy, and photographed his private communication to share it with the world to amp up her profile and punish him for private actions. In this bizarre universe CNN and “Good Morning America” (who first ran the story) have made Hage, a woman who invaded the privacy of a stranger, into the victim.



Well-Known Member
It’s Not Just CNN Trying to Incite Mob Attacks, Either

This is not just an isolated case of people with broad media power attempting to use it to punish people with less. Also the Fourth of July, CNN posted what perhaps they thought was an empowering story: A plus-sized model, Natalie Hage, confronting a “fat-shamer” on a flight, berating him for thinking badly of her because of her weight.

How exactly did this man shame Hage? He sent private text messages to a friend. That’s it. There was no communication between Hage and her seatmate, nor between the seatmate and anyone else on the flight, nor did the seatmate post anything about Hage publicly. The same cannot be said for Hage, who appears to have achieved success with the intended goal of posting the confrontation: her 15 minutes.

Hage took photos of her seatmate’s private text message conversation before takeoff, then filmed her confrontation with him upon landing in order to share the video with her 100,000 social media followers. She berated him, “Don’t ever treat someone like that again.”

To be clear: the man didn’t treat Hage in any way. He sat next to her, she leaned over and invaded his privacy, and photographed his private communication to share it with the world to amp up her profile and punish him for private actions. In this bizarre universe CNN and “Good Morning America” (who first ran the story) have made Hage, a woman who invaded the privacy of a stranger, into the victim.


I can't believe the guy didn't tell her to go sh1t in her hat.


PREMO Member
Besides claiming the Republican Party has become “pro-Putin,” MSNBC host Joy Reid said during a panel discussion that the “alt-right” believes Russian President Vladimir Putin is “advancing white Christianity.”

Reid, the host of “AM Joy,” made her remarks Wednesday on “Deadline: White House,” hosted by Nicolle Wallace, Real Clear Politics said.

Reid said her “old, cold-warrior Reaganite father must be spinning in his grave to know” that the GOP is becoming “Putinite, pro-Putin” at its base.

“And it’s not just the president,” Wallace said. “There are loud voices in conservative media who celebrate [WikiLeaks founder Julian] Assange, who praise just the brute strength of Putin.”

“That’s right,” Reid said. “And for a lot of reasons, the alt-right — you know, for these sort-of weird, sort-of white nationalist reasons — they feel he’s advancing white Christianity.”

She said that while “Russia is an adversary of the United States” and “wants to dismantle our influence in Europe,” President Donald Trump “seems to agree that we should have less influence in Europe, that we should detach ourselves from the NATO alliance. That we should even dismantle our own cybersecurity and make ourselves more vulnerable to Russia, make ourselves more vulnerable to their influence.”

MSNBC host: ‘Alt-right’ believes Vladimir Putin is ‘advancing white Christianity’


PREMO Member
'My Body, My Choice': Feminist Mom Edits 3YO Daughter's Disney Princess Book. It's Ridiculous.

A feminist mother who bragged about editing her three-year-old daughter’s Disney princess book in order to smash archaic gender roles, or something, has predictably been praised by fellow feminists.

The lovely edits include rejecting that horrible notion of being kind, promoting abortion, and emasculating Aladdin, along with other silly feel-good feminist nonsense.

Danielle Lindemann, a sociologist who studies — wait for it — gender roles, decided to crank the anti-gender role awareness “up to a whole new level” after her daughter took a liking to a Disney princess-themed book she received as a gift. (The girl must already be suffering from internalized misogyny.)

"The constant inundation with princess stuff drives me crazy," Lindemann told POPSUGAR MOMS. "Because it's basically teaching these little girls that their worth lies in looking nice and hooking up with the right guy. Still. In 2016."

“My daughter wanted to read it over and over, so to prevent my eyes from rolling permanently into the back of my head, I decided to make a few edits,” she whined.

Whatever Lindemann’s contention is with Disney princesses, the pages of the book she publicly edited did not promote the idea to “little girls that their worth lies in looking nice and hooking up with the right guy.” Not even close, actually.


Power with Control
One of the edits was

"A princess likes to dress up..."

...in her medical scrubs when she goes to work as a neurosurgeon.

First comment on the story?

"A princess likes to dress up..."

...in a full hijab so the religious mob doesn't throw battery acid in her face.


PREMO Member
ok this was back in 2016 but ....

Meet The Idiot Who Cancelled His Holiday Party Because Trump Supporters Might Have Come

The intolerance on the left demonstrated throughout the 2016 presidential election and soon following November 8 has been quite impressive, even by insanely high leftist standards. Triggered by the shocking win of President-elect Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton supporters spiraled into an uncontrollable fit of rage: violent "protests" broke out in big cities; Ivanka Trump was harassed on an airplane while traveling with her three young children; liberal has-beens called for disruptions on Inauguration Day; college Trump voters were shamed by their professors, and the list goes on.

On Sunday, another liberal highlighted the fascistic nature of the left: Dallas resident Henry S. Rosen, writing in the Daily Kos, explained that he canceled his annual post-holiday party because he feared Trump voters, whom he's banned from his house, might attend.

This, of course, was the only rational solution.

Rosen cannot seriously be expected to open his safe-space Dallas home to now-former friends who voted differently than he did. That would be insane...


New Member
Rosen cannot seriously be expected to open his safe-space Dallas home to now-former friends who voted differently than he did. That would be insane...

I'd be willing to bet he's got a lot of former friends and tennis partners delighted they have one less crazy to deal with now.


PREMO Member
The Atlantic Claims Monday's Solar Eclipse Is Racist
Essayist professor says that the solar system has an "implicit bias" against African-Americans

At first glance, the headline, "American Blackout" appears to be an attempt to one-up the Boston Globe, who claimed that the sun, dastardly conservative that it is, was biased towards Trump supporters, since the swath of the country that will witness 100% coverage, is made up, mainly, of counties that went for Trump in the 2016 election.

But no, the essay, penned, unsurprisingly, by a university professor — Alice Ristroph of Brooklyn Law School — insists that the solar system, which itself exhibits signs of "implicit bias," has it out for minorities.

On August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will arrive mid-morning on the coast of Oregon. It has been dubbed the Great American Eclipse, and along most of its path, there live almost no black people. Presumably, this is not explained by the implicit bias of the solar system.

I think we can safely presume, yes, that the solar system is not capable of exhibiting either implicit nor explicit biases or, frankly, any preferences whatsoever. But of course, that doesn't mean the solar system itself isn't guilty of, say, "inanimate object privilege."

Ristroph goes on:

Oregon, where this begins, is almost entirely white. The 10 percent or so of state residents who do not identify as white are predominantly Latino, American Indian, Alaskan, or Asian. There are very few black Oregonians.