I usually fill up on the antipasto and the following pasta course

I hardly ever eat any turkey...it tastes like rotisserie chicken to me and I eat those just about every week. I honestly would never complain if I never had turkey again. However I do appreciate the leftover turkey bc I'll freeze it and make various things with it over the next couple months like turkey enchiladas or chowder or something else where I can't tell the difference that it's turkey and not chicken.
I know when you're craving a food you just make it, Vrai, vs. only having it on special occasions, but since I'm usually a low-carber and since I'm usually only cooking for one, pasta is a big treat for me! I'm not going to make a big pan of lasagna for just myself bc I'll eat every single bite of it

plus, while my cooking skills can knock anyone's socks off...no one does it like my mother. Sounds like she can easily go head-to-head with BadGirl in the kitchen. She'll completely blow you away. Going home is usually a long giant carb-induced coma-weekend and I'm

right now thinking of all the things she's planning on making for us! Plus, now that she's an empty-nester, when all us kids come home she goes just all. out. Completely over does it and I couldn't be more excited!

can't have it.
seriously, in true Italian upbringing, there are certain recipes I'm not allowed access to until I offer grandchildren
That actually brings me to ask a question: with all the favorite family recipes that go on during the holidays, surely some of them aren't even written down they've been passed along via word of mouth and physically making them together....but are there any family recipes that you try to replicate, and while good, they never compare to the person's version who taught you?
That's how I am with Lasagna

I don't feel bad though bc my mother's the same way. The one thing my grandmother actually makes well is lasagna. I don't know why...or how...everything else she does is bland and boring, but her lasagna? ####. she was taught from her MIL who came straight off the boat from Sicily. She in turn taught my mother...who in turn taught me. My mother's is great...and so is mine...but NOT. LIKE. GRANDMA'S. This is a fight we have every holiday she brings her pan. They compare their recipes...exactly the same every time. But Grandma's wins. Every time.