I don't have TG my way anymore. The giant nixed almost all my family traditions. Damn Yankee.

We'd have a turkey, a ham, boiled potatoes, sweet potato pie, cole slaw, mashed potatoes, cornbread, biscuits, gravy, black strap molasses, fresh churned butter, green bean casserole, oyster and walnut stuffing, pecan pie, ambrosia, chocolate pie, pumpkin pie, stack cake, cranberry salad, 7 layer salad, mac-n-cheese, corn on the cob, deviled eggs, a relish plate, a veggie plate, greens, spiced peaches, homemade ice cream and a red velvet cake. Pure food hog heaven.
My husband just want a turkey, mashed potatoes, sausage stuffing, instant gravy, instant biscuits, and a store bought pumpkin pie. It's

He also likes instant boxed mac and cheese. I blame his upbringing.
Thankfully, I have the opportunity to join people on TG that really know how to put on spread.