Urgent- neglect need advice....


New Member
Have a horse with major health issues and needs care ASAP. Barn manager refused to treat and will not contact owner. What would y'all do in this situation? We had the vet out and was told this horses injury is to the point he may have to be euthanized. Manager will not release owner info. She doesn't come often and just sends a board check every month. This jerk just cashes it and she has no idea. Any advice? Horse needs urgent care! I'm going to try animal control, but any help will be appreciated!!


New Member
Have a horse with major health issues and needs care ASAP. Barn manager refused to treat and will not contact owner. What would y'all do in this situation? We had the vet out and was told this horses injury is to the point he may have to be euthanized. Manager will not release owner info. She doesn't come often and just sends a board check every month. This jerk just cashes it and she has no idea. Any advice? Horse needs urgent care! I'm going to try animal control, but any help will be appreciated!!

WOW..1. Get photos of the injury....2. call animal control and police.

Dont places like this need some kind of permit/inspection by Dept of Ag to operate?
Poor horse.


New Member
WOW..1. Get photos of the injury....2. call animal control and police.

Dont places like this need some kind of permit/inspection by Dept of Ag to operate?
Poor horse.

Yeah they should!! But I don't believe this place does. Will do on the pics, animal control and police. I don't want this ass doing this to another animal or unknowing owner!!


New Member
Yeah they should!! But I don't believe this place does. Will do on the pics, animal control and police. I don't want this ass doing this to another animal or unknowing owner!!

Got any lawyer friends??? I would talk to one...just because...
Sounds like this barn 'otta be shut down and folks know that the manager is well...ummm...... ___________ you fill in the blanks!!

What county? (each county has rules on animal abuse and each county is a bit different from the other)


New Member
Who made the vet appt and paid for it? If it was you, give the report to AC and let them handle it. I'd also make plans to move barns if only for the potential retaliation. Not sure what more you can do.


New Member
Who made the vet appt and paid for it? If it was you, give the report to AC and let them handle it. I'd also make plans to move barns if only for the potential retaliation. Not sure what more you can do.

K one of the boarders did and moved my horses so I'm covered. Nothing to lose for me. Just want to help this horse out.


Active Member
Is there no written boarding agreement? Why on earth will this manager not contact the owner for crying out loud? Is the manager also the property owner? If not, maybe contact the land owner. These people could be sued, are they so ignorant to this? I'm having a lot of trouble wrapping my head around the whole REASON why the owner isn't being contacted.


New Member
Update- he is being euthanized. Apparently barn manager contacted the owner and she ok'd it. I was there but couldn't stay and never saw the owner. I find it very suspicious. Still trying to peice everything together. Would love to see him prosecuted. Neglect is what caused this. Absolutely heartbreaking!!


New Member
Is there no written boarding agreement? Why on earth will this manager not contact the owner for crying out loud? Is the manager also the property owner? If not, maybe contact the land owner. These people could be sued, are they so ignorant to this? I'm having a lot of trouble wrapping my head around the whole REASON why the owner isn't being contacted.

I think he's full of #### and lied to her about his condition if he talked to the owner at all. No he is not the property owner. He is leasing the farm. I agree 100%. I want to see him sued! I can't believe that he did this. I have video. It's sad.


New Member
Update- he is being euthanized. Apparently barn manager contacted the owner and she ok'd it. I was there but couldn't stay and never saw the owner. I find it very suspicious. Still trying to peice everything together. Would love to see him prosecuted. Neglect is what caused this. Absolutely heartbreaking!!

Hate to have to write this, but thank goodness he is dead and not suffering anymore. Hang onto video and followup! Good Luck!


Active Member
Hate to have to write this, but thank goodness he is dead and not suffering anymore. Hang onto video and followup! Good Luck!

Wow.. Sounds like something that happened at a barn I had left some years ago... I had warned the barn manager about a pipe gate... It was rusted and coming apart. I told the barn manager that it needed replacing. Needless to say it never got replaced and a horse impaled itself... That horse I believe was also put down but not by a vet....

I'm glad the horse you talk about here is no longer suffering but is there a chance that if he had been treated prior to this, he wouldn't have been put down? Really sad that someone would own and/or care for others horses and not take proper care of them...



New Member
Wow.. Sounds like something that happened at a barn I had left some years ago... I had warned the barn manager about a pipe gate... It was rusted and coming apart. I told the barn manager that it needed replacing. Needless to say it never got replaced and a horse impaled itself... That horse I believe was also put down but not by a vet....

I'm glad the horse you talk about here is no longer suffering but is there a chance that if he had been treated prior to this, he wouldn't have been put down? Really sad that someone would own and/or care for others horses and not take proper care of them...


I'm sad to see him go but I feel the same that he isn't suffering anymore. Wonder if your place is the same place... There was a similar incident years ago. And yes I think with proper care this would never have happened. Could have been prevented. Very upsetting.


New Member
Also animal control did come and we are building a case!!! Any more advice any of you have would be great!!! It's very helpful!!


Active Member
Also animal control did come and we are building a case!!! Any more advice any of you have would be great!!! It's very helpful!!

My advice would be to pursue whatever legal damages might be possible so that this is hopefully prevented in the future. I'm guessing that the horse owner would have to be the one to pursue the case but it might be possible for the boarders as a group to bring a case of negligence if there are other routine type instances as well.


And staying mum on who/where this is is not a good decision. It should be made public and the place should be reported to the state. I would hate for someone else to board there not knowing what happened.


New Member
And staying mum on who/where this is is not a good decision. It should be made public and the place should be reported to the state. I would hate for someone else to board there not knowing what happened.

^^^ I COMPLETELY agree! I'm one of those "Don't want to slander anyone public" type people but I would HATE if this was my horse. Can anyone PM me with where the place is? I am fortunate enough to be able to get to the barn about 5-6 days a week but two of the other boarders only visit 1x a week or so and if something is awry with their horses, the owner of the barn calls or I do (sometimes we both do)..


Active Member
I have boarded with this facility before... I was not surprised to find that it was the same barn I thought it was when first reading this thread.. Based on my experiences, it was only a matter of time.

What I would like to remind everyone, especially those that board their horses under "full board", is to check on your horses... At least once a month.. I realize how convenient it is to have someone else taking care of them but when you don't take the time to check on your own, your horse could end up in the same situation.

I admit, I did this for a short time.. Paid full board and checked on my horse every now and then. But one day she told me there was a problem. I learned that she was being put into her stall and beaten, not with a crop but with a whip. This was by another party that helped the barn manager but did not own a horse of her own. I spoke with the manager and told him I couldn't stay. I moved her to another place that very weekend. Luckily, my horse wasn't physically injured but it took months to get her used to a lunge whip again without being scared. That was the LAST time I did "full board".
NOTE: This was the same barn although it was under a different manager...

Sometimes it may be a boarder that doesn't like your horse, or maybe doesn't like you. All I'm asking is you check on your horses or have someone you are close, check on them if you can't... Remember, you know your horse better than anyone and if they are trying to communicate a problem, you are more likely to pick up on that than anyone. And trust me, if you know your horse, they will try to tell you.. All you need to do is just to listen and think it through.

Most often times, you will figure it out. Just think like they do!



New Member
Why in the world would anyone have a horse, regardless of board type, that they only see infrequently? What's the point?