US military chiefs denounce Washington Post cartoon


New Member
David said:
Don't worry about it Mandingo. That's the way alot of these right wing zealots behave. Karma is to punish people who behave badly, e.g. use inappropriate language, etc. Instead, the small minded use it to punish those they don't agree with. I'll bet they're the same people who jump and down when Bush says for we're "fighting for freedom." Freedom is great to them as long as you don't think differently than they do. God forbid anyone should listen to all sides and then make up their own mind. It's easier to get your opinion from Bill O'Reilly.
Oh really?? I found this in the SOMD FAQ....

Karma is a system that allows you to give and receive feedback for posts made in the forum.

You're the small minded one goob!! :smack: :buttkick:

Your pal,

Right Winged Zealot
(who knows we are fighting for freedom)
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In your head
Mikeinsmd said:
Oh really?? I found this in the SOMD FAQ....

You're the small minded one goob!! :smack: :buttkick:

Your pal,

Right Winged Zealot
(who knows we are fighting for freedom)
:yeahthat: And we don't have the admin powers to jack our karma to any amount we want.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
David said:
Don't worry about it Mandingo. That's the way alot of these right wing zealots behave. Karma is to punish people who behave badly, e.g. use inappropriate language, etc. Instead, the small minded use it to punish those they don't agree with. I'll bet they're the same people who jump and down when Bush says for we're "fighting for freedom." Freedom is great to them as long as you don't think differently than they do. God forbid anyone should listen to all sides and then make up their own mind. It's easier to get your opinion from Bill O'Reilly.
David, despite the fact that you are one of the almighty poobahs of SOMD, karma is used as the users deem fit. I don't think I have ever seen it used on any board for inappropriate language, etc.

Since you are one of the almighty poobahs of SOMD and you apparently don't like the way karma is used, talk it over with Vrai and if the two of you agree, do away with it. The sane among us couldn't care less about little green and red squares. Most of the main posters here are maxed out anyway. Karma games are played, bombing, retaliation, whatever.

Relax a bit. You are way too uptight, and coming from me, that's saying something.


David said:
Freedom is great to them as long as you don't think differently than they do. God forbid anyone should listen to all sides and then make up their own mind. It's easier to get your opinion from Bill O'Reilly.


Good one David! :lmao: :jerry:

I still think of O'Reilly as the Nerdy Inside Edition anchor! :killingme
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Schizo said:
Good one David!
It is the height of hypocrisy to fill your head with Leftist crap day in and day out, then chastise someone else for "not listening to all sides and making up their own mind".

My opinion was formed by history, factual documents and recorded Congressional votes, not the ravings of George Clooney and Katie Couric. Anyone in the world can look up these facts and documents - they are readily available on the internet. Yet you mention "Iraq War Resolution" and you're met with :lalala: from the Left. They don't want to know about it because the facts get in the way of what they want to believe.

I'll tell you now that I'm not a big George Bush fan. If he hadn't screwed around with the UN for so long, we'd have invaded Iraq and found those weapons. As it stands, he was so concerned about UN approval that he gave Saddam plenty of time to move those weapons into Syria, and now we're screwed.

But Iraqis are now voting in free elections, without fear that Saddam's goons will bust down their door and drag them off the woodchipper. That's a good thing, and anyone who says it's not is just ignorant.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Mandingo said:
for those people sending me bad karma...if you fell that strongly about the war then sign up for the Marines and go fight in Iraq. it is easy to support a war when you are not on the front lines. :bigwhoop:

...not. Or are you logging on from Camp Taji?


In My Opinion
Mandingo said:
She actually celebrated the death of another human being.
If one believes in Jesus Christ and the message that he brought to mankind, the celebrating death is not so far fetched or ignorant. The person that dies is going to be joined in Heaven with God for an eternal life. No pain, no worries, no hardships. What a great thing.
Yes it is still sad when people die, and we mourn more for the survivers than we do the dead. Religious funerals are in fact a celebration of our life on earth, and a celebration in our life with Christ afterwards.

Mandingo said:
The cartoon is only making fun of the truth and the truth hurt
The cartoon is rather cold an ignorant, I suppose that its ok for the soldiers that actaully did sustain injuries as such to be used as a political toy for the God hating, American hating liberals?
funny how its wrong to make fun of the terrorists when they get killed, but perfectly accptable to make fun of the very people fighting for your right to be ignorant.
you are a sad person.
Mandingo said:
Support our troops...impeach Bush
The impeach Bush thing is really getting old. If the dems are so upset about having their wonderboy run through the mill, then maybe instead of spending so much time trying to seek revenge, it would be to their benifit to exhaust their energy in search of a candidate that is not dirty. (like the dems could find one.. LOL)
Like Bush or not, the troops are fighting now, the majority of them are doing so with a great sense of pride in what they are doing.
The least we can do is express our pride and our gratitude in their actions for us by NOT putting them down every chance we get.

Now, how about you wash up that towel, wrap it back up on your greasy head and run on down to the mosque and pray that the rest of your little sand monkeys start to act civilized to keep this from happening again.


This is fun right?
US military chiefs deno... 03-10-2006 07:57 AM Chickenhawk retardlican

Typical LibTARD :smack: , thanks for re-inforcing what i posted :howdy:


SMinsider said:
You my friend are an A-hole. "Impeach lying murderous Bush" quick before he Succeeds in faking another moon landing!

Wow, you certainly appear to be a source of wild amusement for the next week or so.

If I give you a dollar would you just write your "You guys are a bunch of jerks" departure speech now, and dispense with the preliminary BS that is, no doubt, forthcoming.


I bowl overhand
US military chiefs deno... 03-09-2006 11:01 PM choke on this moron, there is no liberal press and the war in Iraq is completely fabricated

WOW.. some people's kids..


Enjoying life!
itsbob said:
US military chiefs deno... 03-09-2006 11:01 PM choke on this moron, there is no liberal press and the war in Iraq is completely fabricated

WOW.. some people's kids..
Now who could have sent you that? :rolleyes:
itsbob said:
US military chiefs deno... 03-09-2006 11:01 PM choke on this moron, there is no liberal press and the war in Iraq is completely fabricated

WOW.. some people's kids..

:killingme No liberal press whatsoever....


This is fun right?
thakidistight said:
:killingme No liberal press whatsoever....

Its hilarous listening to the LibTARDs when they try to say there is no Liberal Press, but in the same breath will spout Fox News is Biased (usually as their example of no Liberal Bias).

Dan Rather would be proud
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