US military chiefs denounce Washington Post cartoon

SAHRAB said:
Its hilarous listening to the LibTARDs when they try to say there is no Liberal Press, but in the same breath will spout Fox News is Biased (usually as their example of no Liberal Bias).

Dan Rather would be proud

I think its fun arguing with em! Makes me realize how free this country really is :yay:


This is fun right?
thakidistight said:
I think its fun arguing with em! Makes me realize how free this country really is :yay:

Exactly, except the only ones calling for any kind of regulation regarding news reporting are the LibTARDS (they want the Fairness Doctrine re-instated)


Routinely Derailed
The cartoon is tasteless, insensitive, immature, non-patriotic crap, but there's an element of truth in what it says. The Dimocrips have gutted our military with cuts that have reduced the size and flexibility of our forces to the point where it really IS difficult to project power and do the multi-tasking associated with today's world situation. We are doing a SUPERB job of rising above such limitations and still getting the job done, but that doesn't make it right. And the fact that we're doing all of this with very light casualties and very few mishaps, while stretching things to their limits, is a testimony to the personnel doing their jobs the best they can (despite inadequate training and morale problems). We should be very proud of them all, but as a nation we should also support them as they deserve to be supported.