Valentine's Day Gift


Chairman of the Board
Club'nBabySeals said:
If all else fails, there's always the "Love coupons". You know the type... :whistle:

I forgot about those!

She got me those on our first Valentine's Day! But she never opened them.

She was really disappointed to see how PG-13 they were.


Salt Life
Please forgive me if this has already been mentioned, but what about a coupon book? You could list items such as "good for 1/2-hour massage; homecooked meal of your choice; 1-day pampering - anything you want, etc." You could also include hugs & kisses, and if you're brave, a little :gossip: wouldn't hurt, either. :really:


Sweet and Innocent

How about fixing homemade and candlelight dinner and then watch a romantic movie afterward? You can rent the movies (cheaper than going to the theater). You also can always get her a gift certificate to Target, Walmart, Bath and Body, Tanning place, Spa, or whatever she likes. Also, you can design your own "coupon" with a message saying "I wanted to get you a really nice and expensive gift for Valentine, but since we are on a budget. I owe you an awesome gift when we gets our taxes refund check." You can make up your own message that will sound very romantic. I am sure your wife will understand and will love any gifts you gave her no matters how small it is. It is the thoughts and efforts that counts. :flowers:

I hope you will have a WONDERFUL Valentine! :yay:


aka Mrs. Giant
I agree with the homemade love coupons. Good for one homecooked meal, good for one dinner out, good for full body massage, good for soaping you up and rubbing you down, etc.
I also have to admit I still have my valentine's day card that was handmade, hand drawn from an ex. It was sooo cheesy but adorable.
Also another inexpensive thought is what my godmother used to do, instead of sending flowers, she would send seed packets. So how about picking up some various seed packets (you can get several for $2) and add a note like "As the flowers grow so do our love."

disclaimer: in no way by me participating in this tread does this qualify me as girlie or frou frou.


Chairman of the Board
migtig said:
So how about picking up some various seed packets (you can get several for $2) and add a note like "As the flowers grow so do our love." .

This reminds me of an idea I had but forgot - forego the usual roses and buy her a miniature rose bush gift packet. That way, we always have the roses.


yeah yeah
I like the seed idea- and or the rose bush.. and to add to it.. You know frank.. what would be a cute idea, and a TOTAL "a" for effort on your part- is to create a scrapbook page (maybe 2) for the reasons of love, etc and such for her- (I can give you ideas) and use that pic from our wedding- along with a couple other pics of you all- ... she will be able to cherish that forever. She would love it. I can help you and get you that pic..


Nothing to see here
Make a Gift Basket with Her Favorite Goodies

This is the easiest and least creative idea but can still be very special. Purchase a really pretty basket, some filler for the basket in her favorite color and a beautiful ribbon to wrap the handle and tie a bow. These items can be purchased at a craft store. Fill it with some of her favorite things such as her favorite perfume, bath soaps, scented candles, gourmet cookies, something soft and silky wrapped in beautiful tissue and tied with a ribbon and perhaps a little teddy bear. You could also include a music cd she’s been wanting and perhaps a piece of jewelry also wrapped. By including some of her favorite things, it shows how closely you pay attention to her wants and needs.


New Member
Make a scrapbook all about the two of you - pictures from when you were dating, movie ticket stubs, cards from flowers you had sent her, saved flower petals, etc. If you're not particularly artistic you buy a scrapbook kit from a craft store relatively inexpensively.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Plant some flowers in the shape of a heart...
Add one, concentrically, for every year you've been married, and/or one for every kid you have.

Not my idea. Fiancee told me about it some book called "The Wedding".


Time for a nap
marianne said:
Make a scrapbook all about the two of you - pictures from when you were dating, movie ticket stubs, cards from flowers you had sent her, saved flower petals, etc. If you're not particularly artistic you buy a scrapbook kit from a craft store relatively inexpensively.


At KodakGallery, you can upload pictures and create a book of pictures with your own printed captions for less than $50.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
I guess the easiest thing is for me to say what my pet is getting this year. She's not on the boards that I know of, so this shouldn't be a problem. Its our first V day, so, take it for its worth.

1. Teddy bear.
2. Bracelet. I picked up a silver bangle with a blackened barbwire design. She doesn't have much "real" jewelry (long story), she has "gothic" tastes and she hates gold.
3. Note and micro-cassette. I couldn't find a card that I liked (and I looked). It doesn't help that I have eccentric tastes. So, I'll leave her a note. The recording also serves this purpose, but will also explain #4, since I give it 50/50 that it'll click. Now, I also have to watch how mushy I make it. If it ends up being too mushy, she'll get mad at me. Not because she doesn't have a "girly" side, but because its not like me to do so, and she knows that I have manipulated women in the past (and quite well). After 7 months, you'd think that she'd know I'm not playing games, but it still crosses her mind from time to time.
4. Flowers. I'm laying about 1 foot of chain on the bathroom counter in a figure 8. Then, putting one rose through each loop: One black, one purple. I'm putting a red rose through the crossing links, tying the chain together. It should be fairly easy to figure out the symbology, but her ENFP brain doesn't always do well with such things- hence the tape.

...still remember the flower shop's response when I sent her red and black roses with a card that simply said "you're welcome" :lmao:


Chairman of the Board
watercolor said:
I like the seed idea- and or the rose bush.. and to add to it.. You know frank.. what would be a cute idea, and a TOTAL "a" for effort on your part- is to create a scrapbook page (maybe 2) for the reasons of love, etc and such for her- (I can give you ideas) and use that pic from our wedding- along with a couple other pics of you all- ... she will be able to cherish that forever. She would love it. I can help you and get you that pic..

Well I went with the "gift" basket with the miniature roses. I'm no crafts expert so I asked the woman at Mike's to help me out. I got a few fake flowers to spruce it up, a nice basket to fit it all in, and a couple embellishments.

As always, she always gets a card, a long love letter and a nice dinner at a romantic restaurant. THAT is a given.

THIS year, she's been aching for a puppy - and since her allergies seem to be more tolerant of *dogs* than of cats, we went ahead and adopted *two* (so they can keep each other company). They arrive tomorrow, we have crates, toys, collars with their names and we'll be putting in a doggie door soon. They'll live in our utility room mostly (and then in our room once the one recovers from surgery), since it's empty now, and we have a pet sitter for them until Bluejay's travels are over.

So I added a couple little dogs (that bark) to the basket. They look just like the ones we adopted.

So - no jewelry, no home-cooked filet mignon dinner, no spa visit - the dogs will be enough this year. She's plenty excited anyway.


Nothing to see here
Frank said:
Well I went with the "gift" basket with the miniature roses. I'm no crafts expert so I asked the woman at Mike's to help me out. I got a few fake flowers to spruce it up, a nice basket to fit it all in, and a couple embellishments.

As always, she always gets a card, a long love letter and a nice dinner at a romantic restaurant. THAT is a given.

THIS year, she's been aching for a puppy - and since her allergies seem to be more tolerant of *dogs* than of cats, we went ahead and adopted *two* (so they can keep each other company). They arrive tomorrow, we have crates, toys, collars with their names and we'll be putting in a doggie door soon. They'll live in our utility room mostly (and then in our room once the one recovers from surgery), since it's empty now, and we have a pet sitter for them until Bluejay's travels are over.

So I added a couple little dogs (that bark) to the basket. They look just like the ones we adopted.

So - no jewelry, no home-cooked filet mignon dinner, no spa visit - the dogs will be enough this year. She's plenty excited anyway.

Sounds good, but I'll hold off commenting until I hear what Rose thinks of this.