Valentine's Day is Fast Approaching


Well-Known Member
I like that song by Faith Hill, "Cry".
I think it's one of the few songs by her that I like.
The video is cool too.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
kwillia said:
Hey Chain... did she have the baby yet?

Yep. My little princess was born Nov 27th and is doing fine. She scheduled for her 6 week appt on Monday.

Things went well, except for GF's panic attack on the table. She's still mad at the doc for the way he handled it and at the hospital for not listening to her or reading her file. She's pretty much back to normal, other than having more anger outbursts than usual and she seems to be starting on an episode of depression. She healed quite a bit quicker than I thought she would, considering that she heals slowly and this was her 3rd C-section.

Thanks for asking. If I get a chance this weekend, maybe I'll start a thread and put up a few pics.
Chain729 said:
Yep. My little princess was born Nov 27th and is doing fine. She scheduled for her 6 week appt on Monday.

Things went well, except for GF's panic attack on the table. She's still mad at the doc for the way he handled it and at the hospital for not listening to her or reading her file. She's pretty much back to normal, other than having more anger outbursts than usual and she seems to be starting on an episode of depression. She healed quite a bit quicker than I thought she would, considering that she heals slowly and this was her 3rd C-section.

Thanks for asking. If I get a chance this weekend, maybe I'll start a thread and put up a few pics.
Congratulations... I sincerely hope she ends up being less psychotic than her mother sounds...:lol:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
kwillia said:
Congratulations... I sincerely hope she ends up being less psychotic than her mother sounds...:lol:


I'm not entirely innocent myself. Of course, I still want her to turn out better than the two of us and not make as many mistakes.