It is an invisible Church.
You are false on the saint part and I can tell you haven't read your Bible.
Romans 3:9 ¶ What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin;
Therefore, your definition falls apart because Paul, Peter, and the others weren't better than the them and that all are under sin.
1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
The deceivers are the Catholics according to 1 John 1:8.
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Make sure you circle the word "all" in your Bible, Radiant.
Make sure you read your Bible for yourself instead of just being fed what they think it means. They've deceived you according to 1 John 1:8.
Saints are those in heaven. In heaven there is no sin. On earth we are sinners; therefore, there are no saints on earth. It's really quite simple. I'm sorry you went to the trouble to post scripture passages that are not relevant.
The Church is BOTH visible AND invisible as much as Christ is human and divine. It's not called The Body of Christ for nothing. In fact, when Paul mentions both the faithful and the saints it is indicative of both visible and invisible. I don't have time to go through them all, but here are a few passages that should serve you well. Keep in mind you have to use a bit of reason, which, at this point, I'm honestly not sure you're capable of because you seem to love your anti-Catholic polemic more than you love Truth.
Matt. 16 and 18 - Jesus says "church" not "churches", and He's going to build it. Something that has been built is visible. Binding and loosing are visible acts, which requires a visible church. What is bound or loosed on earth is bound and loosed in heaven, which denotes both a visible and invisible church.
Eph. 1 and 5, and Col 1 - Paul called it the body of Christ, not the soul of Christ. Bodies are visible, souls are invisible. Everyone nourishes the "flesh" as Christ does the Church. Flesh is not invisible.
1 Peter 3 - Peter tells us to have unity of spirit, which is impossible unless there is a central teaching authority given to us by God, which He gave us in Matthew 16. It started from the Apostles who laid hands on their successors up to this very day. It's visible and historically documented.
In fact, when you look at what the Apostles do instead of just reading what they say, you can see that there was a visibly organized body of believers, the Apostolic Church that has continued to this day.
If it were not for this visibly organized body of believers you wouldn't have all the writings of scripture that you solely rely on. The more you denigrate the Catholic Church the more you denigrate the Word of God because it's Catholic men who were inspired to write the Bible. Let me reiterate -- it was the Catholic Church that God used to give you the bible, so how can you denigrate what God has chosen? I suspect that you don't even bother to reconcile that in your small mind.
And while I'm at it, if you believe I am able to interpret scripture as I see fit and don't need anyone to tell me how to do so, then for the love of God don't tell me how to do so. The fact that you reject my interpretations and respond with your own tells us at least two things, 1) there must be an authority for without it there is obviously no unity and 2) you're a hypocrite, you can't even follow your own rules.