VBAC or C-Section?


tired and content....
Need some opinions. I have finally conceived. :diva: I have a while to make up my mind, but I think about this daily. :lol: On one hand, a scheduled c-section seems to be so convenient. I HATED the recovery. I had an emergency c-section with my first after being in labor for about 7 hours. Then again, I don't want to be in labor for so long just to end up having another c-section. Thoughts?


Common sense ain't common
VBAC = Vaginal Birth After C-section.

My firstborn was an emergency C-section (I had some unexplained bleeding) and my secondborn was a VBAC. I had an episiotomy with the VBAC so that took a little longer to heal.

As for advice, talk to your doc. Whether you have a VBAC or Csection this time around really depends on why you had the C section for the first pregnancy and how this second pregnancy progresses. At any rate, I wish you the best! :huggy:


Severa said:
My firstborn was an emergency C-section (I had some unexplained bleeding) and my secondborn was a VBAC. I had an episiotomy with the VBAC so that took a little longer to heal.
Really? An episiotomy takes longer to heal than a C-section incision? I've only had the former, but would have thought the opposite

As for advice, talk to your doc. Whether you have a VBAC or Csection this time around really depends on why you had the C section for the first pregnancy and how this second pregnancy progresses.
Great advice.

Congrats GeezLouise!


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GeezLouise said:
Need some opinions. I have finally conceived. :diva: I have a while to make up my mind, but I think about this daily. :lol: On one hand, a scheduled c-section seems to be so convenient. I HATED the recovery. I had an emergency c-section with my first after being in labor for about 7 hours. Then again, I don't want to be in labor for so long just to end up having another c-section. Thoughts?

I've always been a strong proponent of vbac if you are allowed to have one. I ended up having a c-section with baby #1. I REALLY wanted a vbac but couldn't because my uterus was torn during the first delivery & it was too dangerous.

But it really is better to do it vaginally. If you don't have any medical reason not to, I'd put the "convenience" aside and do it the way it was intended. If you are concerned about convenience, remember how inconvenient recovering from surgery was. A non-emergency c-section is not an easy recovery either.
Recovery from c-section is a biatch and your body returns to it's normal shape much easier. There are soooo many reasons to not do c-section if given the option. It may seem scary, but I personally would opt for a normal birth anyday.


Where are my pants?

I had an elective c-section with my daughter. It was the best thing I've ever done for myself; and although we're not planning any more children, I'd have no problem doing it again. In fact, if I ever get pregnant again, I'm scheduling one.

Many of my friends and family who have had children the natural way complain about the pain they suffered from perineal tearing, organ prolapse, and eventual urinary incontinence---yet they claim they'd never want to have a c-section because of the "horrible recovery time". Let me tell you; I was up and walking around the hospital six hours after they cut me open. We came home the next day. I popped Ibuprofen for a few days, and never had an issue with the incision. Five months later, my scar is a thin white line that's barely noticeable, and my lady parts are unstretched and untorn. In short, my c-section recovery was a breeze.

Best wishes, whatever you decide!


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Club'nBabySeals said:

I had an elective c-section with my daughter. It was the best thing I've ever done for myself; and although we're not planning any more children, I'd have no problem doing it again. In fact, if I ever get pregnant again, I'm scheduling one.

Many of my friends and family who have had children the natural way complain about the pain they suffered from perineal tearing, organ prolapse, and eventual urinary incontinence---yet they claim they'd never want to have a c-section because of the "horrible recovery time". Let me tell you; I was up and walking around the hospital six hours after they cut me open. We came home the next day. I popped Ibuprofen for a few days, and never had an issue with the incision. Five months later, my scar is a thin white line that's barely noticeable, and my lady parts are unstretched and untorn. In short, my c-section recovery was a breeze.

Best wishes, whatever you decide!

That is great- but I should give the other side- my scar healed well..
BUT, the first c-secion recovery was not TOO bad. The second was much harder. Laughing, coughing, or anything like that made me cry for days. It took days for me to get back on my feet and I was well medicated. I'm a tough cookie and this was still the case. I'm not sure if follow-up c-sections are more difficult or what, but my second one was way tougher (or maybe because I was older!). I always envied the women that were walking around holding their newborns the day after vaginal births. Plus, I am surprised that doctors allow elective c-sections. I guess because they get more money that way!
GeezLouise said:
Need some opinions. I have finally conceived. :diva: I have a while to make up my mind, but I think about this daily. :lol: On one hand, a scheduled c-section seems to be so convenient. I HATED the recovery. I had an emergency c-section with my first after being in labor for about 7 hours. Then again, I don't want to be in labor for so long just to end up having another c-section. Thoughts?

I can't give you any advice as I'm having my first this summer, but CONGRATULATIONS!!! :flowers:


Common sense ain't common
Wenchy said:
Really? An episiotomy takes longer to heal than a C-section incision? I've only had the former, but would have thought the opposite

Great advice.

Congrats GeezLouise!

I had a fourth degree episiotomy, the worst you can have. I won't go into the details here, but yeah it was a rough recovery. Thankfully I had a great doctor stitch me up (for both the episiotomy and the first C section) so I didn't have any complications from either childbirth.


I have had 2 VBAC's and I don't regret either one of them! It took me forever to get over the C-section with my first child, and the doc cut me vertically on my stomach then horizontally on my uterus and now my stomach looks HORRIBLE! I have no idea to this day why he did that to me because even though it was an emergency he still could have done a prettier cut then what he did. Oh well, it's neither here nor there. I recommend VBAC if your doctor will allow you to do it. It very much depends on which way your uterus was cut when you had the C-section. Congratulations and Good luck!! :huggy: :baby:
Club'nBabySeals said:

I had an elective c-section with my daughter. It was the best thing I've ever done for myself; and although we're not planning any more children, I'd have no problem doing it again. In fact, if I ever get pregnant again, I'm scheduling one.

Many of my friends and family who have had children the natural way complain about the pain they suffered from perineal tearing, organ prolapse, and eventual urinary incontinence---yet they claim they'd never want to have a c-section because of the "horrible recovery time". Let me tell you; I was up and walking around the hospital six hours after they cut me open. We came home the next day. I popped Ibuprofen for a few days, and never had an issue with the incision. Five months later, my scar is a thin white line that's barely noticeable, and my lady parts are unstretched and untorn. In short, my c-section recovery was a breeze.

Best wishes, whatever you decide!
:yeahthat: I had two c-sections and both times I was up and about walking better than the va-jay-jay deliverers. With baby #2 they went along the same scar so it was even easier. :yay: I had back labor for both and it was beyond miserable. I didn't even get to the hard labor part and it was all I could do to keep my eyes from rolling back in my head from the pain. :dead:


New Member

My 1st son was born by emergency c-section after a failure to progress after a 24 hour induction. I was up and walking 12 hours later. I actually breathed a sigh of relief when they told me I was getting a c/s. The labor was so hard and I was so exhausted at that point. I was told he was 7lbs 2 days before the induction and he was 10lbs at birth.

When I got pregnant the 2nd time (twins) I opted for a c-section and set my date at my first appointment. Even if it had only been 1 baby, I still would have opted for a c/s. It;s not so much about the planning and convenience for me, but I just did not want to go through what I did with my oldest again.

I had them @ 38 weeks, on the date I set up when I was just 8 weeks along.

I think combined with your doctors expertise and your feelings, you both can come to an agreement about what will be best for you and baby!

Congrats again :huggy:


tired and content....
kwillia said:
:yeahthat: I had two c-sections and both times I was up and about walking better than the va-jay-jay deliverers. With baby #2 they went along the same scar so it was even easier. :yay: I had back labor for both and it was beyond miserable. I didn't even get to the hard labor part and it was all I could do to keep my eyes from rolling back in my head from the pain. :dead:

You are a better woman than me! :lol: It took me forever to get up....I had my c-section a little before 8 in the morning and didn't get up until about 8:30 that night. Everytime I tried to get up the room would just spin. It took all I had to walk to the bathroom and back. It probably didn't help that I hadn't slept in over 24 hours either.


tired and content....
Club'nBabySeals said:

I had an elective c-section with my daughter. It was the best thing I've ever done for myself; and although we're not planning any more children, I'd have no problem doing it again. In fact, if I ever get pregnant again, I'm scheduling one.

Many of my friends and family who have had children the natural way complain about the pain they suffered from perineal tearing, organ prolapse, and eventual urinary incontinence---yet they claim they'd never want to have a c-section because of the "horrible recovery time". Let me tell you; I was up and walking around the hospital six hours after they cut me open. We came home the next day. I popped Ibuprofen for a few days, and never had an issue with the incision. Five months later, my scar is a thin white line that's barely noticeable, and my lady parts are unstretched and untorn. In short, my c-section recovery was a breeze.

Best wishes, whatever you decide!

My scar is very small....not even 4 inches and it healed well. I just had a difficult time dealing with the recovery from my first c-section. I'm hoping that if I do decide to go that route this time, the recovery wouldn't be as bad as the first because I would know what to expect and i'd be well prepared (well, as prepared as you can get).