First of all.... congratulations
I had a c-section in '89 because my son was breech, so I never had labor with him. They tried doing a version first (manipulation of the baby from the outside to turn it around) , but it was excruciatingly painful... I'd never try that again. It didn't work, because the cord was wrapped around his neck 4 times. The other thing was, they did this at 38 weeks and then my son had apnea when he was born, and was monitored for several months. I truly believe he was not done "cooking" yet, since my second pregnancy went to 42 weeks naturally. He could easily have needed the extra 4 weeks. But it was probably better since of the cord thing that he was delivered when he was.
I had a VBAC with my daughter in '94, I have to say the doctor and nurses were not supportive of my decision. It felt like to me they were breathing down my neck to have another c-section. I really felt I should try delivering vaginally since I hadn't had labor the first time. They gave me rules, such as no labor longer than 12 hours, and the baby couldn't be more than 8.5 lbs, in their estimation (they estimated she was 7.5 lbs). Well, I labored at home for the first 12 hours (easy labor for the first 9 hours, then harder for the last 3), then I headed to the hospital. Once I got there, I was already 5cm dilated and things moved quickly and she was born 6.5 hours later. All 9 lbs of her. I used no drugs, no epidural, because I was afraid that would be "prepping" me for a c-section and it may slow down my labor. I was very determined to have a vaginal birth the second time, or at least give it a really good try.
No question for me the vaginal delivery was much easier than the c-section. I had to have pain drugs after the c-section, which made me woozy and out of it while bonding with my baby. With the vaginal birth, I never even had a Tylenol. Lamaze really does work! Especially if you have a good coach, and my husband was fantastic. Even with the tearing in 2 places and an episiotomy, I'd do that again before I'd ever have another c-section.
It really depends on the reason for the c-section the first time, it makes all the difference. And hopefully your doctor will be supportive, it makes it a lot easier! Good luck to you whatever you decide