VBAC or C-Section?


Cleopatra Jones
Congrats GL! :yahoo:

I had an emergency c-section with baby #1. I was 22, split hip to hip and still up and feeling grand within hours.

Since I was cut so wide I didn't have an option with baby #2. My first apt the doctor says to me "Sooooo, would you like a scheduled c-section or would you like a scheduled c-section?" Welllll, I went with the scheduled c-section.

My labor with #1 was horrid. I was in active labor when I went to the hospital and was totally unaware. I was closed up tighter than Ft. Knox and hadn't dialated at all. I was to get a dose of Cervadil (sp?) over a 12 hour period and start the Pitocin after that. We never made it that far. They lost babies heart rate several times durning the night, I'd only dialated to 1.5cm after almost 12 hours of the Cervadil and the last time they lost the babes heartbeat they couldn't find it by flipping me around. Emergency c-section and he was coding when they pulled him out. The doctor who is friends with my mother as well as being my OB did not want to chance ANYTHING with babe #2 so I didn't even get the option.

The c-section with #2 absolutely put me on my arse! A couple days over two weeks early and he was still butt down (so I'd of had a c-section anyway even if given the option). I was 3 years older and I'd say in much better shape with #2. I thought I was going to DIE. I puked my guts up all day and into the night and I was in a lot more pain. I don't know the logistics of the entire surgery BUT I had a good deal of scarring and adheasions (sp?) that the doctor had to remove; she completely cut out the old scar as well as tied my tubes.

My scar with #2 looks a TON better since she was able to take her time. Day two was easier than the first but I was still VERY sore.

Personally after the experience with #1 I think that given the choice I'd still have taken the scheduled c.

It's a totally personal choice though, you have to do what's right for you. Good luck and congrats again! :flowers:


New Member
First of all.... congratulations :)

I had a c-section in '89 because my son was breech, so I never had labor with him. They tried doing a version first (manipulation of the baby from the outside to turn it around) , but it was excruciatingly painful... I'd never try that again. It didn't work, because the cord was wrapped around his neck 4 times. The other thing was, they did this at 38 weeks and then my son had apnea when he was born, and was monitored for several months. I truly believe he was not done "cooking" yet, since my second pregnancy went to 42 weeks naturally. He could easily have needed the extra 4 weeks. But it was probably better since of the cord thing that he was delivered when he was.

I had a VBAC with my daughter in '94, I have to say the doctor and nurses were not supportive of my decision. It felt like to me they were breathing down my neck to have another c-section. I really felt I should try delivering vaginally since I hadn't had labor the first time. They gave me rules, such as no labor longer than 12 hours, and the baby couldn't be more than 8.5 lbs, in their estimation (they estimated she was 7.5 lbs). Well, I labored at home for the first 12 hours (easy labor for the first 9 hours, then harder for the last 3), then I headed to the hospital. Once I got there, I was already 5cm dilated and things moved quickly and she was born 6.5 hours later. All 9 lbs of her. I used no drugs, no epidural, because I was afraid that would be "prepping" me for a c-section and it may slow down my labor. I was very determined to have a vaginal birth the second time, or at least give it a really good try.

No question for me the vaginal delivery was much easier than the c-section. I had to have pain drugs after the c-section, which made me woozy and out of it while bonding with my baby. With the vaginal birth, I never even had a Tylenol. Lamaze really does work! Especially if you have a good coach, and my husband was fantastic. Even with the tearing in 2 places and an episiotomy, I'd do that again before I'd ever have another c-section.

It really depends on the reason for the c-section the first time, it makes all the difference. And hopefully your doctor will be supportive, it makes it a lot easier! Good luck to you whatever you decide :)


yeah yeah
First congrats!! That is wonderful news!!! You going for team pink or blue.. or rather a surprise?

I would really like to try a vbac this time around, since I wanted to go natural before. All sorts of mess later, ended up with a csection. Although, I healed from my c at an exceptional rate! :smile: Since I had my c so late (after 9pm) I was able to hold my daughter 2 hours after, and then passed out for the night. I was up the next morning though without fail. Dont get me wrong, it was painful, but the motrin helped alot. They gave me oxy to use, but I hate how it makes me feel- and the 800mg of motrin did just fine! :smile: It is really what you feel you want to do.


Well-Known Member
Congratulations! I delivered #1 vaginally with forceps after nearly 48 hours of labor. The recovery was horrid! It took forever for the tears to heal.

Baby #2 was delivered emergency c-section. Recovery was very quick for me, he was sent to Baltimore because of complications, and I couldn't wait to get up there to be with him.

Baby #3 was originally going to be a VBAC. Because of complications, she was delivered by emergency c-section as well.

I thought the c-section recovery time was ok. I find that the quicker you get up and get moving, the quicker the recovery. If you lay around and do nothing, you are sore and uncomfortable. Get up, and get moving.

You need to do what is best for the baby and yourself. Personnally, if I ever had to do it again, I would schedule the c-section. I found that a few days of being uncomfortable was better than the two days of absolute hell in labor!


Well-Known Member
GeezLouise said:
Need some opinions. I have finally conceived. :diva: I have a while to make up my mind, but I think about this daily. :lol: On one hand, a scheduled c-section seems to be so convenient. I HATED the recovery. I had an emergency c-section with my first after being in labor for about 7 hours. Then again, I don't want to be in labor for so long just to end up having another c-section. Thoughts?

congratulations :thewave:

now lets here some details :getdown: the due date and all that good stuff.

i have had 4 kids all vaginal deliveries and they were all tough. i was told that after 49 hours of labor with my 10 pound first born that i should have had a c section.... you would think the rest would have just fallen out huh :shocking: not the case.

good luck with your pregnancy and i am sure you will make the right decision, keep us posted. :lmao:

ps who is your dr.? i asked my dr. if we could schedule an induction or c-section (i have really big babies and didn't want another hard delivery) and she said nope, but i know my cousin is pregnant and her dr. is all gung ho about scheduling inductions and c sections.


Well-Known Member
I have 3 kids, and had all 3 naturally. I can't imagine scheduling a c-section. It was actually my worst fear when I went into labor. The thought terrified me! Natural childbirth is painful, but there is something surreal, and empowering about the experience. Giving birth is the single most incredible thing I've ever experienced. I know that in some cases it's medically necessary to have a c-section, but if you haven't had a baby naturally, I think you are really missing out on something incredible. It's the most wonderful, magical part of being a woman!


Well-Known Member
keekee said:
I have 3 kids, and had all 3 naturally. I can't imagine scheduling a c-section. It was actually my worst fear when I went into labor. The thought terrified me! Natural childbirth is painful, but there is something surreal, and empowering about the experience. Giving birth is the single most incredible thing I've ever experienced. I know that in some cases it's medically necessary to have a c-section, but if you haven't had a baby naturally, I think you are really missing out on something incredible. It's the most wonderful, magical part of being a woman!

i was scared of a c section also but when my dr. told me during my last pregnancy that my baby was measuring way bigger than my 3 others (my biggest was 10lbs) i got a little.... well not a little a lot nervous. :shocking:

with the first one i was in labor for 49 hours and once i delivered him they shot me up with morphine, i passed out and awoke to my husband asking the dr. how many stitches he was doing adn he replied "i stopped counting after 50" :yikes: so yeah i would not have liked to go through that trauma again... ripping from a$$ to...........well you know :bawl:


Congratulations!!!!! I had 2 babies delivered vaginally and everything went smooth. Was in labor 8 hours with both. Time went by quick. Just need to decide if I want to have another one :jameo:


New Member

Congrats! Talk with your doctor to discuss what options are for you. I definatley believe that a vaginal birth is preferred over major abdominal surgery but there seems to be a lot of differing opinions on this thread.

I had my first two children naturally and cannot complain about my recovery at all. I was up taking a quick shower within an hour of my son's birth two years ago today. I just found out we are pregant again too. I am bummed that there are not any practicing Midwives in the area that deliver since my first two were attended by midwives. Oh well, good luck and congratulations again.


Well-Known Member
Hawkeyewife said:
Congrats! Talk with your doctor to discuss what options are for you. I definatley believe that a vaginal birth is preferred over major abdominal surgery but there seems to be a lot of differing opinions on this thread.

I had my first two children naturally and cannot complain about my recovery at all. I was up taking a quick shower within an hour of my son's birth two years ago today. I just found out we are pregant again too. I am bummed that there are not any practicing Midwives in the area that deliver since my first two were attended by midwives. Oh well, good luck and congratulations again.

congratulations are in order for you too :thewave: ...

keep us updated with due date etc... i love babies... can you tell :howdy:

i bet you are super excited. i love love love being pregnant.

i have four and would love to add one more to my group ... i will keep everyone posted on that :cheesy:

regarding no practicing midwives, my first was born with the help of a midwife i highly recommend dr polko she is FANTASTIC...i was new to the area and by word of mouth had her as my ob gyn and by far the best one i have had in my 14 years of seeing ob's


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
I say plan for VBAc, but don't rule out c-section. If you plan to have more children, avoid a c-section if at all possible

My first was an emergancy c-section after an induction that failed.

Number 2 I'd planned for VBAC, but when they started discussing an induction for the same reasons and #1, I told them no way, the induction was worse than the c-section, and I'd still probably end up with a c-sec. anyway.

The second recovery was much easier than the first.

The third time, VBAC wasn't an option. No biggie, I figured if the second was easier, the 3rd should be a breeze.... I thought I was going to die, I was in so much pain, for weeks after the surgery.

I've heard other say the same thing about having a third c-section.


tired and content....
Dymphna said:
I say plan for VBAc, but don't rule out c-section. If you plan to have more children, avoid a c-section if at all possible

My first was an emergancy c-section after an induction that failed.

Number 2 I'd planned for VBAC, but when they started discussing an induction for the same reasons and #1, I told them no way, the induction was worse than the c-section, and I'd still probably end up with a c-sec. anyway.

The second recovery was much easier than the first.

The third time, VBAC wasn't an option. No biggie, I figured if the second was easier, the 3rd should be a breeze.... I thought I was going to die, I was in so much pain, for weeks after the surgery.

I've heard other say the same thing about having a third c-section.

That's one of my other issues. I'm not sure if I am going to stop after 2. I was thinking maybe 3.....much later down the road though. :lol:

I know after you have the second c-section, the rest will have to be delivered by c-section. :ohwell:


New Member
GeezLouise said:
That's one of my other issues. I'm not sure if I am going to stop after 2. I was thinking maybe 3.....much later down the road though. :lol:

I know after you have the second c-section, the rest will have to be delivered by c-section. :ohwell:

I've had 3 C/S. I didn't find the 3rd to be any harder.

I know it's a tough decision and when I was pg with #2 I struggled with it myself. Good luck making the decision :flowers:


Active Member
I had an emergency C-section with my first (twins) and then 6 years later had a VBAC with my singleton. The VBAC was a much easier recovery. Plus, you have a much lower risk of infection afterwards. I was up and christmas shopping 5 days later, w/my baby and twins in tow. Good luck with whatever you do. A good outcome is all that matters, really!