VBAC or C-Section?


New Member
I forgot about this thread too...

My husband and I decided to go for a homebirth after switching providers a couple of times. We found a Midwifery practice in Alexandria, VA. It wasn't easy going there for all my prenatals but we did it and had a beautiful home birth!!!

My son weighed in at 9lbs 4 ozs and was born after maybe 4/5 hours of labor. I was up and showered within about an hour of birth. I was worried it would be messy, but we prepared our room as instructed by our midwives, no problem!

I'm not saying homebirth is for everyone (history and health issues will easly disqualify many people) but it was perfect for us.


Need some opinions. I have finally conceived. :diva: I have a while to make up my mind, but I think about this daily. :lol: On one hand, a scheduled c-section seems to be so convenient. I HATED the recovery. I had an emergency c-section with my first after being in labor for about 7 hours. Then again, I don't want to be in labor for so long just to end up having another c-section. Thoughts?

Congratulations! It depends on why you had the first c-section. I labored the first time for 25 hours and had to have a c-section due to failure to dialate. When I got prego the second time my doctor told me the chances of me dialating the second time around were slim so he suggested a c-section.


Throwing the deuces
Really? An episiotomy takes longer to heal than a C-section incision? I've only had the former, but would have thought the opposite

Great advice.

Congrats GeezLouise!

I had one with my first son. It seemed to take several months before I wasn't in any discomfort from it. My second son practically fell out and I didn't even feel like I had just delivered a baby.


tired and content....
Congratulations! It depends on why you had the first c-section. I labored the first time for 25 hours and had to have a c-section due to failure to dialate. When I got prego the second time my doctor told me the chances of me dialating the second time around were slim so he suggested a c-section.

Thanks! She's here though and will be a year old in a couple weeks. :lol:


Throwing the deuces

Jealous??? :lol: Well, it didn't help that I was practically fully dialated when I went for a dr's visit and they told me to go straight to the hospital. I did (two days later!!). I was lucky that when he did fall out, I was atleast at the hospital. All the walking around I did between my dr's visit and actually going to the hospital probably helped with the delivery. Once dr broke my water, that's all it took.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
Need some opinions. I have finally conceived. :diva: I have a while to make up my mind, but I think about this daily. :lol: On one hand, a scheduled c-section seems to be so convenient. I HATED the recovery. I had an emergency c-section with my first after being in labor for about 7 hours. Then again, I don't want to be in labor for so long just to end up having another c-section. Thoughts?

Vaginal is best for mom and fine for baby. Recovery easier and with the drugs for pain they have......and the epidural, vaginal...JMO
Congratulations...lucky you.
My baby just turned 10....

Whoops, didn't look at date....


I was in labor over 28 hours with my first son before they finally decided to do an emergency c-section. It was a total friggen nighmare and I kid you not. 24 years later and 12 hours into labor, I had vivid recollections of my first labor, and opted to have another c-section (non-emergency), and have zero regrets. I had a lot of problems with the first one (internal bleeding, infection), but no problems with the second. He was born at 8:16 p.m. and I was down at the nursery and had him back in my room with me within hours!

CONGRATS to everyone having or planning a baby! Those days are over for me - hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrray for menopause!!!! :yahoo:


Free to Fly
I was blessed with three "easy" vaginal deliveries. My last child arrived an hour and a half after I got to the hospital. Best wishes to all who are expecting!!!


Need some opinions. I have finally conceived. :diva: I have a while to make up my mind, but I think about this daily. :lol: On one hand, a scheduled c-section seems to be so convenient. I HATED the recovery. I had an emergency c-section with my first after being in labor for about 7 hours. Then again, I don't want to be in labor for so long just to end up having another c-section. Thoughts?

Congratulations! Why a c-section after only 7 hours of labor??? Doctor had a golf date???
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