Very proud


24/7 Single Dad
BS Gal said:
All I'm saying is that I had all my stuff together last night (little bike so I have to put a little thing around my waist to hold what I think I need, which includes license, debit card, $20, cell phone, hubby's work phone to call if I get hit, and, naturally, my card that says I'm a Princess, given to me by Zane years ago -.
They grow up so fast :bawl:

Add a listing in your cell phone under the name ICE (In Case of Emergency) That's the first place emergency folks will look.


In My Opinion
BS Gal said:
So, you're saying what? I'm not following this.

I was saying that in this world there are evidently people out there sick enough to take pleasure in a pair of soiled personal wear.

now that being said,
I removed the link to that site because it was gross, I did get a red comment telling me it was gross.
Out of all the reds I have ever recieved, this just may be the most deserved red yet. So, in light of the warrented displeasure of at least one poster, I have removed that link and will sustain from posting like links in the future.

By the way, when my "friend" at work did this to me, I opened up the browser in front of a group of people that should not have seen it.
As I think back, I would have loved to have a video camera taping that moment and the moments that followed as I tried to explain my way out of that one.
Without going into further explanation, I will say that my revenge on this person was without a doubt worse than what he did to me.


Super Genius
:yay: Yesterday was a nice day to ride. I also rode in to work. Of course, I've been riding in to work off and on for a couple weeks now.

I also saw one of the guys from my MSF course riding the other direction (did the biker wave to each other). He was riding his new Goldwing that he was talking about getting while taking the course. Not sure if he recognized me because I wear a full face helmet. But it is a distinctive helmet, so he may have.


Super Genius
aps45819 said:
Add a listing in your cell phone under the name ICE (In Case of Emergency) That's the first place emergency folks will look.
I never put one in because I never knew if that was true or not. I just checked snopes and it is true (for anybody who is also unsure). :yay:


You're all F'in Mad...
Dupontster said:
I took a ride yesterday too and a lot of the girls followed me too....I think it was my butt.....

Looks like that guy is giving birth to a crotch rocket... :confused: