I agree with...
Mike. I think the surge is having a good impact, but we can't win this war if the Iraqis won't step up. We're doing more than our part with the assumption that they're going to do they're part. Instead, they're taking a two month vacation and refusin to do anything. They know, that as long as Mr. Bush is president, we're going to stay until the job is finished, so they have no problem taking their time - waiting a few more months. There's no timeline for them to do anything so they're just taking advantage.
Mr. Bush has the wrong idea when he says no timetable for withdrawl. He should tell the Iraqis that they need to meet these committments or at least prove they're making a serious and effective attempt to by these dates (and make them reasonable).
Both sides are pushing too hard on their beliefs. Bush is pushing "stay the course" way too hard, and the Democrats are way too committed to cut and run.
The Iraqis aren't doing their part, and Mr. Bush hasn't pressured them to do so. If we hold elections now, as divided as Iraq is now, al-Sadr will take control - and Democracy is gone. More and more, the political aspect looks like a lose-lose for U.S.
We're doing what we can, but the Iraqis aren't. Bottom line.