Vice President Kamala Harris Says Russia will Face ‘Swift, Severe’ Sanctions if it Invades Ukraine


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Why ? What do we get from Ukraine ?

It's Vlad trying to get the band back together. I'm pretty sure the idea is the recreate the old Soviet Union by force, and I'm not sure why we care about that. I'm a kid of the 70s/80s so I understand why I'm supposed to care, I just can't work it up now that I'm an adult and less prone to Cold War posturing.

The Europeans need to step up. This is their problem, not ours.

I'm willing to be schooled, so if anyone can come up with a legit argument why we should fight this battle I'm all ears. Or eyes, as the case may be.

It's interesting to note that Biden (via his son) has had a lucrative relationship with Ukraine for decades, and now he wants to go to war with Russia to protect them. But not really because on some primitive level he understands that it's a loser and the American people are sick of these crooks and their corruption. I didn't get a damn dime from Ukraine, so I owe them nothing.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This ... and Putin has Europe over the barrel since a huge portion of the gas used for heating comes from Russia

They shouldn't care about that because they're all about SAVING THE PLANET :jameo: and climate change and blah blah blah. Europe should be thrilled to do away with fossil fuels. Greta Thunberg says so.

Let them build windmills.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The did, and Germany is having to BEG other EU Partners to bring on line there coal fire power plants ...,

Clearly they need to build more to meet their green energy needs.

Unless you think all the climate change hysteria was just a scam.....


They call me ... Sarcasmo
If Clinton (and Russia) had not done this:
JAN. 11, 1994 12 AM PT
President Clinton on Monday announced agreement with Ukraine and Russia to dismantle Ukraine’s entire nuclear arsenal, hailing the long-sought accord as “a hopeful and historic breakthrough that enhances the security of all three participants.”
I'm pretty sure we would not be dealing with Putin now.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Really? Because whenever I see one of the Democrat politicians on TV they seem super hot to go to war.
Sure - remember when Clinton "went to war"? Bombing campaigns. No boots on the ground.
They like the political dividends, but not the costs. And right now they're treading a fine line, because they know the average American doesn't want to have another war.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
We're already in a tenuous situation with Russia, since Biden put a halt to so much of our domestic energy.
We now import a LOT of oil from Russia. A war would largely - halt that.

Between Ukraine and Russia - they have a hold on a large portion of the world energy market (coal, natural gas and shale oil). Oil isn't so much "we buy from you and we make our own". It's a world market. Disrupt it substantially, and we're all paying 5, 6 dollars a gallon for gas. Think say, a war between Iraq and Iran - we may not be on either side, but a war wouldn't be good for US, oil-wise.

Ukraine is also a major source of the world's iron reserves - natural gas - and well some things like, nickel. They're the second largest provider of manganese. So WTF does anyone need manganese for? Making stainless steel - aluminum products - etc.

Frankly in terms of natural resources - Ukraine is the most valuable bit of land entirely in Europe. Even the soil is the best soil for agriculture. It's not for nothing the Nazis wanted it in WW2.

There's also the other thing - what happens to the other former Soviet bloc nations, should Russia just roll over Ukraine? You know, like when Germany just rolled over Poland, and the rest of the world said so what? Putin won't stop there.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
If Clinton (and Russia) had not done this:

I'm pretty sure we would not be dealing with Putin now.

At the time, it made sense NOT to have so many nuclear nations out there. I remember at my Mom's commencement, ex-Prime Minister of Canada Mulroney mentioned that former nuclear scientists from the Soviet Union were making garbage man wages. The world in post Soviet era was dangerous enough with former Soviet republics still holding nuclear arms. It would have been way too easy to sell them to Iran or Libya.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
We're already in a tenuous situation with Russia, since Biden put a halt to so much of our domestic energy.

But don't you think that was the goal? Why else would a US president put a halt to our domestic energy production? What other reason would there be other than a corrupt deal with other energy producing nations?

There's also the other thing - what happens to the other former Soviet bloc nations, should Russia just roll over Ukraine? You know, like when Germany just rolled over Poland, and the rest of the world said so what? Putin won't stop there.

Of course not. I said in another post, Putin's getting the band back together. Then I asked the question: why do we care and how is this our problem?


..if momma ain't happy...
He's reading that telee-prompter so fast you cant even keep up.

Big question - will he take questions?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
But don't you think that was the goal? Why else would a US president put a halt to our domestic energy production? What other reason would there be other than a corrupt deal with other energy producing nations?

He's also got his finger in RUSSIAN energy. And Chinese real estate. And it's not just him.

No, I think as far as domestic energy production, he is totally taking cues from his idiot progressive friends who want the world to run on butterflies and unicorns. Precisely why they would wipe out domestic production, try to shut down access to federal lands while approving pipelines to Germany (a country so vaunted by the left by their embracing green technology - which apparently isn't anywhere near enough).

They have this hare-brained notion of a world that doesn't need oil - and the way to get there is to STRANGLE all use of it - but only HERE, in the Unted States.

Next time anyone sits down at a table, try to see materials in your house NOT produced by means of oil production. And I mean, directly.

Found this list:

Adhesive Air mattresses Ammonia Antifreeze Antihistamines Antiseptics Artificial limbs Artificial turf Asphalt Aspirin Awnings Backpacks Balloons Ballpoint pens Bandages Beach umbrellas Boats Cameras Candies and gum Candles Car battery cases Car enamel Cassettes Caulking CDs/computer disks Cell phones Clothes Clothesline Clothing Coffee makers Cold cream Combs Computer keyboards Computer monitors Cortisone Crayons Credit cards Curtains Dashboards Denture adhesives Dentures Deodorant Detergent Dice Dishwashing liquid Dog collars Drinking cups Dyes Electric blankets Electrical tape Enamel Epoxy paint Eyeglasses Fan belts Faucet washers Fertilizers Fishing boots Fishing lures Floor wax Food preservatives Footballs Fuel tanks Glue Glycerin Golf bags Golf balls Guitar strings Hair coloring Hair curlers Hand lotion Hearing aids Heart valves House paint Hula hoops Ice buckets Ice chests Ice cube trays Ink Insect repellent Insecticides Insulation iPad/iPhone Kayaks Laptops Life jackets Light-weight aircraft Lipstick Loudspeakers Lubricants Luggage Model cars Mops Motorcycle helmets Movie film Nail polish Noise insulation Nylon rope Oil filters Packaging Paint brushes Paint roller Pajamas Panty hose Parachutes Perfumes Permanent press Petroleum jelly Pharmaceuticals Pillow filling Plastic toys Plastics Plywood adhesive Propane Purses Putty Refrigerants Refrigerator linings Roller skate wheels Roofing Rubber cement Rubbing alcohol Safety glasses Shampoo Shaving cream Shoe polish Shoes/sandals Shower curtains Skateboards Skis Soap dishes Soft contact lenses Solar panels Solvents Spacesuits Sports car bodies Sunglasses Surf boards Swimming pools Synthetic rubber Telephones Tennis rackets Tents Tires Tool boxes Tool racks Toothbrushes Toothpaste Transparent tape Trash bags Truck and automobile parts Tubing TV cabinets Umbrellas Unbreakable dishes Upholstery Vaporizers Vinyl flooring Vitamin capsules Water pipes Wind turbine blades Yarn

This is what pisses me off about lefties and their hatred of oil companies. Without oil, we'd have none of that (or a lot less of it)


Well-Known Member
Sure - remember when Clinton "went to war"? Bombing campaigns. No boots on the ground.
They like the political dividends, but not the costs. And right now they're treading a fine line, because they know the average American doesn't want to have another war.
You know how hard it is to get parts for my Yugo fleet?