Vinny Has Resigned as the VP of Operations???


Nothing to see here
And why was that thought? :popcorn:

He's been dead man walking since they took the playcalling away from him, only logical that he would be the first to go. From what I understand, lots of activity at the park last night and it was thought that zorn was history today, not Cerratto


I know nothing
When your favorite restaurant has run hot and cold the last ten years, food, drink, atmosphere, some great, some good, some not so good, some simply terrible, always inconsistent, kinda competitive with other places but, never the best anymore, and head chefs have come and gone and wait staff has come and gone over the years and now the manager is leaving yet the same person still owns the joint, what would you expect next?

Can you say that out loud, all in one breath? :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
He's been dead man walking since they took the playcalling away from him, only logical that he would be the first to go. From what I understand, lots of activity at the park last night and it was thought that zorn was history today, not Cerratto

However, Zorn has handled himself with utmost dignity and professionalism. Maybe Dan wants to keep him and that was the rift. Vin says, as he plopped another grape in The Dan's mouth "Well, you'll have to choose! It's either him or me, darn it!"


Peter Forsberg

New Member
When your favorite restaurant has run hot and cold the last ten years, food, drink, atmosphere, some great, some good, some not so good, some simply terrible, always inconsistent, kinda competitive with other places but, never the best anymore, and head chefs have come and gone and wait staff has come and gone over the years and now the manager is leaving yet the same person still owns the joint, what would you expect next?
Mike Vick to Washington maybe? :popcorn:

Peter Forsberg

New Member
However, Zorn has handled himself with utmost dignity and professionalism. Maybe Dan wants to keep him and that was the rift. Vin says, as he plopped another grape in The Dan's mouth "Well, you'll have to choose! It's either him or me, darn it!"

If Zorn stays he is a dumb$hit.


Just heard a blurb on the radio - say it 'aint so!?!?!


Congratulations Warshington Redskins Fans. :yay:

Perhaps this is the Step 1 for Warshington D.C. to getting back an NFL team that they can proudly hold their heads up high once again.

Good on ya!


When your favorite restaurant has run hot and cold the last ten years, food, drink, atmosphere, some great, some good, some not so good, some simply terrible, always inconsistent, kinda competitive with other places but, never the best anymore, and head chefs have come and gone and wait staff has come and gone over the years and now the manager is leaving yet the same person still owns the joint, what would you expect next?

I would expect that they wouldn't be your favorite restaurant any more, and you'd start eating at the much better purple and black restaurant up the street :biggrin:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I would expect that they wouldn't be your favorite restaurant any more, and you'd start eating at the much better purple and black restaurant up the street :biggrin:

But, what if you have strong emotional attachments to the place? Posters on your wall of the place? Named your kids after the place??? What then???



But, what if you have strong emotional attachments to the place? Posters on your wall of the place? Named your kids after the place??? What then???


I dunno - some of us had our favorite blue and white restaurant torn down by surprise, and had to wait for many years before a suitable replacement was erected.