Violent Music Boosts Aggressive Thoughts


Football season!
Originally posted by Bruce
I think one of the biggest effects the music has is that it makes the obscene seem normal. If some people hear (or read) about murders, rapes, debasing woman, etc, etc, all the time they loose their natural sense of revulsion to these acts and after a while the acts seem totally acceptable or "normal" to them.

should the 6pm news be banned?


Football season!
Originally posted by SmallTown
Take N.W.A. around '88 with Straight Out Of Compton with one of their "big" tracks, F the police which caused quite a stir in the media

I always liked the 8ball track on that tape (yes, I had tapes back then)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Bruce
I think one of the biggest effects the music has is that it makes the obscene seem normal. If some people hear (or read) about murders, rapes, debasing woman, etc, etc, all the time they loose their natural sense of revulsion to these acts and after a while the acts seem totally acceptable or "normal" to them.

Does this happen to everyone, no, but it does happen to enough, I believe, that we are seeing a difference is what is considered accceptable behavior by our youth.
Thank you, Bruce - that's what I was trying to say but couldn't get it out properly.


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by SmallTown
28. started listening when I was about 15 or so. Grew up listening about "pimping ##'s", how to treat your b!tch, popping a cap in a 5-0's a$$, all that wonderful stuff. It was just music, not something to model your life after. Granted, I prefered the miami style sounds of the time, but your so-called gangsta rap had its roots back then. Take N.W.A. around '88 with Straight Out Of Compton with one of their "big" tracks, F the police which caused quite a stir in the media. ICE-T had his gangsta times (though his style came and went. Not quite sure what to call his Bodycount group, gangsta rock?)

Ok that being said it was still nothing like today's gangsta rap. And just as you said it caused a stir in the media then; it's mainstream and much more explicit now.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
The news doesn't promote murder, obscenity and rape as an acceptable way to live your life.

But they show the imagas all the time. Funny how people put for emphasis on entertainement than facts.


Football season!
Originally posted by pixiegirl
Ok that being said it was still nothing like today's gangsta rap. And just as you said it caused a stir in the media then; it's mainstream and much more explicit now.

What are some of today's so called gangsta rappers? I'll have a listen and see.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
But they show the imagas all the time. Funny how people put for emphasis on entertainement than facts.
Even funnier how people will go to the mat for a position that's completely ludicrous. Showing the images is very different than promoting it as a lifestyle. If you don't understand that, then there's nothing left to talk about.


Originally posted by SmallTown
should the 6pm news be banned?

I'm not even gonna honor that with a reply.

oops, I just did.:frown: well then, I might as well go ahead and answer then.

NO, and nobody has mentioned censorship here until you just did. But we may want to encourage partent to take more interest in what their children are listening to instead of using music as a baby sitter so they can"do their own thing" and not parent as they should.

The bottom line is upbringing, both good and bad, and I am a good example of that (but I won't go into details, sorry) but it doesn't mean we should encourage our children to immerse themselves in negative influences.

thanks, vrai, I think I just got lucky :blushing:


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by SmallTown
What are some of today's so called gangsta rappers? I'll have a listen and see.

Big-E and Tupac were big when I was in high school. I wouldn't know much these days because I don't really listen to a lot of it. My ex husband listened to it all. Funny how a bunch of rich little white boys all ran around like poverty stricken ghetto birds. He listened to stuff like DMX, Wutang (sp?), Ghostface Killer, Red Man, Ruff Ryders. Go check some of that out, interesting stuff...


Originally posted by SmallTown
But they show the imagas all the time. Funny how people put for emphasis on entertainement than facts.

I agree totally, its entertainment, not reporting, but who do we have to blame for that ? We need to "vote with our wallets" as they say. I think press has gone off the deep end with what they call reporting the news.


Originally posted by pixiegirl
Big-E and Tupac were big when I was in high school. I wouldn't know much these days because I don't really listen to a lot of it. My ex husband listened to it all. Funny how a bunch of rich little white boys all ran around like poverty stricken ghetto birds. He listened to stuff like DMX, Wutang (sp?), Ghostface Killer, Red Man, Ruff Ryders. Go check some of that out, interesting stuff...

Right on the money pixie, I used to ask my son why the heck he wanted to pretend he was a poor, inner city kid when I was bustin' my butt to make sure he didn't have to live that way. Never did get an intelligent answer, lol, but he's going to college now and acting like himself.


Football season!
Originally posted by pixiegirl
Big-E and Tupac were big when I was in high school. I wouldn't know much these days because I don't really listen to a lot of it. My ex husband listened to it all. Funny how a bunch of rich little white boys all ran around like poverty stricken ghetto birds. He listened to stuff like DMX, Wutang (sp?), Ghostface Killer, Red Man, Ruff Ryders. Go check some of that out, interesting stuff...

Yea, I listen to those. Maybe i'm just use to it, but I don't classify that as gangsta rap. Some people in the media have basically packaged the entire rap genre into the "gangsta rap" category, which isn't fair. Their lyrics might be "raw" and some of their songs might be gangsta related, but as a whole they don't come off that way. Many of the old school gangsta rappers have changed their tune. People such as Dr. Dre and Ice Cube of the old NWA days, and even Notorious B.I.G. was getting a little more mellow before he was shot.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
People such as Dr. Dre and Ice Cube of the old NWA days, and even Notorious B.I.G. was getting a little more mellow before he was shot.
Yeah, you know why? THEY HAVE KIDS NOW! Dre has been VERY outspoken about how he feels differently about his music than he did before his baby was born. Jesus, ST! What does someone have to do? Drop an anvil on your head? :duh:


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Yeah, you know why? THEY HAVE KIDS NOW! Dre has been VERY outspoken about how he feels differently about his music than he did before his baby was born. Jesus, ST! What does someone have to do? Drop an anvil on your head? :duh:

What a waste of a perfectly good anvil, Vrai !


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by SmallTown
Yea, I listen to those. Maybe i'm just use to it, but I don't classify that as gangsta rap. Some people in the media have basically packaged the entire rap genre into the "gangsta rap" category, which isn't fair. Their lyrics might be "raw" and some of their songs might be gangsta related, but as a whole they don't come off that way. Many of the old school gangsta rappers have changed their tune. People such as Dr. Dre and Ice Cube of the old NWA days, and even Notorious B.I.G. was getting a little more mellow before he was shot.

You are sooo FOS. Well maybe not you're perception of reality is way skewed we all already knew that. Wasn't the big thing with Tupac and Big E a rival gang conflict? Oh but that wouldn't be gangsta rap now would it? Ever see the Mtv Cribs with Redman? Watch it. You're obviously full of it. I can't even post any Wutang lyrics cause I'd get banned. But if you think they're acceptable y all means you do it so everyone else can see what you don't consider gangsta rap. :rolleyes:


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Yeah, you know why? THEY HAVE KIDS NOW! Dre has been VERY outspoken about how he feels differently about his music than he did before his baby was born. Jesus, ST! What does someone have to do? Drop an anvil on your head? :duh:

Actually, he changed when he got married (or was serious with his chick)



Football season!
Originally posted by pixiegirl
You are sooo FOS. Well maybe not you're perception of reality is way skewed we all already knew that. Wasn't the big thing with Tupac and Big E a rival gang conflict? Oh but that wouldn't be gangsta rap now would it? Ever see the Mtv Cribs with Redman? Watch it. You're obviously full of it. I can't even post any Wutang lyrics cause I'd get banned. But if you think they're acceptable y all means you do it so everyone else can see what you don't consider gangsta rap. :rolleyes:

Depends on who you ask. The east-west thing was big back then. Nobody on the east liked guys on the west, and likewise for the west.

Bad lyrics? 2 Live Crew were definately one of the nastiest language groups, but they were heavy bass miami style, not gangsta. Their "Me So Horny" and "Dirty Nursery Rhymes" are real gangsta stuff

As for as the lyrics being acceptable, that is a different issue. We aren't talking about the lyrics being acceptable, we're talking about people hearing lyrics and then doing it. Which you always have simple minds which will bend to this, but as a whole it isn't a problem.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
When LL Cool J is writing children's books, you know the times are changin'.

Again, rap. Not gangsta rap. He tried to come out hard core one time, same with Hammer. didn't come out so good.

But LL is pretty cool. Always had a good beat.

and the Fresh Prince, AKA Will Smith. Some call him a sellout, but he always had really smooth lyrics and beats