Visitor's Today


Well-Known Member
I've never had Jehovas Witnesses here, but years ago I had some Baptists, maybe, can't remember for sure, and the Mennonites used to drop off flyers. We don't live in an easy place to just walk by and go door-to-door, so I have to give them credit for the effort, both groups walked.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I've never had Jehovas Witnesses here, but years ago I had some Baptists, maybe, can't remember for sure, and the Mennonites used to drop off flyers. We don't live in an easy place to just walk by and go door-to-door, so I have to give them credit for the effort, both groups walked.
I happened to be teleworking today and was at the kitchen sink and saw two women walking up to my porch. I startled them when I met them at the locked storm door. They wanted to extend an invitation to a weekend retreat. I accepted their flyer and thanked them for stopping by. I must say, they were dressed very conservative and were beautiful AA women in their 60's. Their driver was a woman and had a bit of trouble backing down my driveway. They headed next door next.
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Well-Known Member
They used to come to my house regularly maybe 20 years ago. My son loved them. They were always well dressed, well spoken and kind. Never asked for anything except to share their message. It's part of their "mission" to spread their word.

My house was not an easy access but they came anyway. One lady was petrified of cats, so she stayed on the porch.
I kind of miss them. Good people.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
They used to come to my house regularly maybe 20 years ago. My son loved them. They were always well dressed, well spoken and kind. Never asked for anything except to share their message. It's part of their "mission" to spread their word.

My house was not an easy access but they came anyway. One lady was petrified of cats, so she stayed on the porch.
I kind of miss them. Good people.
They were very kind. The other lady seemed a bit disturbed when my black cat let herself out.


Well-Known Member
I knew a guy who years ago ( he was in his 70's then, and retired) would sit on his porch in Bowie and read the paper, pass the time with neighbors and such. He would be out most of the day and when JW came by he would engage them in conversation for hours. He loved learning, he loved talking, and he loved people. I think he had them ready to convert to the Catholic faith by the end of the day, he was such a smooth talker!😂

Homer J

Power Chord
Had a buddy when I was in the Navy who, after a hard night of partying, answered the door to JWs in nothing but boxers and a cowboy hat. Mind you, he is 6'8" tall and 280 lbs, so he made an imposing figure. He invited them in but they graciously declined.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Had a buddy when I was in the Navy who, after a hard night of partying, answered the door to JWs in nothing but boxers and a cowboy hat. Mind you, he is 6'8" tall and 280 lbs, so he made an imposing figure. He invited them in but they graciously declined.

When I lived in Los Altos, there was a Mormon Church around the corner. Every single weekend they would come around trying to recruit. One morning they came along and a friend that was over answered in his boxers, cigarette in his mouth, long neck Budweiser in his hand and Running with the Devil playing in the background. They stopped coming after that.


Well-Known Member
They came by a couple of weeks ago, I was home because husband had a medical procedure and couldnt be left alone for 24hours. They were very well dressed, very polite. I told them I wasnt interested and thanked them for stopping by.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
They came by a couple of weeks ago, I was home because husband had a medical procedure and couldnt be left alone for 24hours. They were very well dressed, very polite. I told them I wasnt interested and thanked them for stopping by.
I did glance at the flyer. The 3-day retreat is up in Silver Spring.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Us Druids need to up our recruitment game and stop sitting around drinking mead all day and get out and knock on some doors. Gonna hit RoseRed's place first.


Well-Known Member
Friend of mine used to have JW's come by all the time.

He then purchased these huge, seven foot tall demonic looking idols. When they came by again, he told them that he NOW worshiped THESE.
They never came back.


Well-Known Member
When I greet them at my door after finding out they're Jehovas I let them know they're in a sinned religion for rewriting the bible to suit their needs. They usually just turn and walk away.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Good point! And then I'll just follow her home.

And my wife will ask "why are you following that woman?"

And I'll divert my eyes.

This plan needs more work.
The phrase “it’s not what it looks like” works like a charm too.