

100% Goapele Head!
Ok, I just found out that PC Restore will not get rid of Vista if you decide you want to go back to XP. Also, Vista business is running around $200 so the home version should be less than that. I don't know if I should upgrade for free by the deadline or not. I really don't want a new $900 pc to be a guinea pig.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Lugnut said:
1 gig of RAM just to run the operating system?! I think more people will be making the jump to Linux over the next few years.
If they don't, they are foolish in my opinion. Linux is free for the download bandwidth (Fedora Core 6 ) or very reasonable if your want burned CDs or DVD. With WINE on Linux, you can even run a lot of Windoze programs if you really need to, but that is rare. Occasionally some techno dork will create a web site that requires IE (stupid move but it is done) and IE6 runs very well under WINE. Otherwise there are free, open source, programs that do almost anything any user would want to do. OpenOffice is superior to MS Office in my opinion and is free and compatible, except for some really esoteric things I have been told about but never run into, with MS Office.
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Super Genius
2ndAmendment said:
If they don't, they are foolish in my opinion. Linux is free for the download bandwidth (Fedora Core 6 ) or very reasonable if your want burned CDs or DVD. With WINE on Linux, you can even run a lot of Windoze programs if you really need to, but that is rare. Occasionally some techno dork will create a web site that requires IE (stupid move but it is done) and IE6 runs very well under WINE. Otherwise there are free, open source, programs that do almost anything any user would want to do. OpenOffice is superior to MS Office in my opinion and is free and compatible, except for some really esoteric things I have been told about but never run into, with MS Office.
I tried Linux once (Fedora...forget which version)...didn't like it. Lots of hardware wouldn't work with it or it was a beotch to get it to work. Completely user unfriendly. And I say that as someone with higher-than-average computer skills. Sure, there are user forums, but they are full of Linux geeks who couldn't explain things in simple terms if their lives depended on it. I gave up and went to XP. Been reasonably happy ever since.


Active Member
LexiGirl75 said:
Ok, I just found out that PC Restore will not get rid of Vista if you decide you want to go back to XP. Also, Vista business is running around $200 so the home version should be less than that. I don't know if I should upgrade for free by the deadline or not. I really don't want a new $900 pc to be a guinea pig.
Microsoft is actually letting people purchase the OEM version, so it will cut the price down substantially. You can get the Business version for around $150 and Home Premium for around $120. Of course, you become your own support for resolving problems, but Microsoft support is pretty useless anyhow unless you move up the chain. You can find the same answers by searching their site that you'll get from the phone support guys.

News Article


Ok guys, I caved! I bought Vista! I am expecting it in about 2 weeks. I got the Ultimate package cause it sounded like the best deal. The reviews and the people I have talked to have assured me that if any bugs pop up that they will be handled swiftly and automatically. So I shouldn't have any worries. I will keep you posted! :howdy:


I'm the Boss of Me
I think this is one area that accurately describes the "bleeding edge of technology" problem.

Let the earlier adopters sort out the problems for Microsoft to fix, then take the plunge. When you do buy it, get it on a new system that was built especially for it. These sorts of upgrades are pure hell when they go wrong.

Also, as I understand it, Microsoft has locked down the Digital Rights Management so that you have less control over your computer than ever before.


Active Member
forestal said:
I think this is one area that accurately describes the "bleeding edge of technology" problem.

Let the earlier adopters sort out the problems for Microsoft to fix, then take the plunge. When you do buy it, get it on a new system that was built especially for it. These sorts of upgrades are pure hell when they go wrong.

Also, as I understand it, Microsoft has locked down the Digital Rights Management so that you have less control over your computer than ever before.

I'm considering doing that, I'll be upgrading my system this year sometime anyhow. Seems like a waste for me to get the 32 bit version now when I could run the 64 version once I finish building my new system.


Talked to Dell, as my machine is only 6 months old they did a systems check and I should have no problem running Vista Ultimate. I bought the top of the line laptop and you get what you pay for IMHO! :shrug:


:nono: Dont go telling me that I coulda built one cheaper. Probably so, but I don't know how to do such things. I would rather pay for a quality machine then buy parts here and there and screw things up royally! :lmao:


Ouch ....

Mousebaby said:
:nono: Dont go telling me that I coulda built one cheaper. Probably so, but I don't know how to do such things. I would rather pay for a quality machine then buy parts here and there and screw things up royally! :lmao:

:whistle: Sorry to hear you bought a Dell ........ they have had a lot of Quality Control issues buyingh the rock bottom cheapest parts I personally was involved in 12 Hard Drive replacements in Desktops and Laptops in a yr

one failed 2 weeks out of the box .... lots of $$ for me reinstalling everything after the Dell Tech left ......

Build your own Laptops aren't really a reality yet ( while you can get a striped down model from ASUS it is still fairly complete, compared to a desktop PC )

I was :poke: to the best of everything laptop comment - I used to price those thing for customers @ a former job, and would give my boss 2 quotes - what they really need $$$ and would be happy with, & what they will probably buy ¢ Cheap .... Users never understand when going from a desktop to a laptop - the laptop responds slower unless they put some money into it ..... :razz:
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Well, I did pay about 4000.00 for this one, and have already had to replace the hard drive. But I was smart enough to buy the 4 yr. warranty for it. So I get my parts for nothing. Otherwise, I've had all Dell's in my house for years and have never had any serious problems out of them. I love my Dell's! We now have the 2 laptops and a desktop. The desktop is about 4 yrs. old and still put putting along. For what its used for there is no reason for a newer machine as of yet. In fact, as parts start to fail in it I will probably just have them replaced with newer versions. Hubby is not too fired up to replace the desktop. And yeah your right, this is one rockin laptop. My other one was just a bare bones laptop which I gave to my son. When I got this one it blew the doors off the other one! I like the graphics card and the speed at which this one will fly! But since I did pay so much for it I want to make it last for a while! I will shut up now, just wanted you to know I meant no harm. :howdy:

RadioPatrol said:
:whistle: Sorry to hear you bought a Dell ........ they have had a lot of Quality Control issues buyingh the rock bottom cheapest parts I personally was involved in 12 Hard Drive replacements in Desktops and Laptops in a yr

one failed 2 weeks out of the box .... lots of $$ for me reinstalling everything after the Dell Tech left ......

Build your own Laptops aren't really a reality yet ( while you can get a striped down model from ASUS it is still fairly complete, compared to a desktop PC )

I was :poke: to the best of everything laptop comment - I used to price those thing for customers @ a former job, and would give my boss 2 quotes - what they really need $$$ and would be happy with, & what they will probably buy ¢ Cheap .... Users never understand when going from a desktop to a laptop - the laptop responds slower unless they put some money into it ..... :razz:


My Vista is with the delivery courier!! :yahoo: :banana:

I will let you guys know how it is! :howdy:


Well I have it installed and so far so good! This rocks! :banana:


Kernel panic: Aiee.......
Lugnut said:
Mac OSX is Linux. :smile:
OSX is not Linux; it's a derivative of BSD(derived from UNIX) with Aqua as it's GUI. Yes, OSX can run the same applications as Linux but many of these applications can be compiled to run on just about any UNIX derived system.


OEM PC's are great for someone who will never open the case

Mousebaby said:
SNIP I will shut up now, just wanted you to know I meant no harm. :howdy:

Neither did I ............ :popcorn:


off the shelf
The guy I contract for got his new computer with Vista already installed....he said that the only problem that he sees is that it doesn't run Peachtree(which is what he does his books with)

There is an "upgrade" that is going to cost him about $500