


Vista = Upgrade all your Apps ........

onebdzee said:
The guy I contract for got his new computer with Vista already installed....he said that the only problem that he sees is that it doesn't run Peachtree(which is what he does his books with)

There is an "upgrade" that is going to cost him about $500

I heard there was some 400 Apps that didn't work with Vista - even Apple is having trouble with iTunes and iPods w/Vista

and for you PC Gamers out there direct X 10 is not coming for XP only Vista, so when the "new" DX10 only games start coming out ....... :buttkick:
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I ran Vista Beta II and RC I on a 2.8Ghz P4, 1.5Gb RAM, 120Gb HDD, GEForce Video, SB Live Sound for several weeks each.

Had no major issues other than network printing problems.

I just can't see any driving reason to spend the extra money upgrading.

Fishn Guy

That's Dr. Fishn to you..

Please for the sake of saving yourselves a crap ton of wasted complaint time... Do NOT "upgrade" to Windows Vista... This is planned to be used with new installations and is designed to operate with newer Dual core technologies... Yes, It probably did install and may have worked for a time on your older machine but would have caused performance. After a bit and most of the bugs get worked out you will see the system requirements for the software dwindle down under a Gig of RAM. Even XP was extremely high maintenance until microsoft raped it with 4000 critical updates. Just because software is new and available does not make it good.
A fine example is Internet explorer 7. IE7 is not even authorized for use in most companies because it has issues dealing with upper level software (SAP, ORACLE, AGILE, ETC...)
Please becareful what you jump on to use... You will take notice very quickly that the best systems are the ones you dont play with.


Lovin' being Texican
Just found a frightening indictment of VISTA

Turns out M$ is so paranoid about piracy, they've made VISTA worse than the karma Nazis. This one is long, technical and Stephen King-like in its presentation.

Poor performance, future compatability problems, rampant DRM infestations, etc. Linux is looking a lot better if'n I have to give up Windows XP Professional soon.


Lenny said:
Turns out M$ is so paranoid about piracy, they've made VISTA worse than the karma Nazis. This one is long, technical and Stephen King-like in its presentation.

Poor performance, future compatability problems, rampant DRM infestations, etc. Linux is looking a lot better if'n I have to give up Windows XP Professional soon.

I have been running Vista for over a month, its working fine! No problems what so ever. Its also running some of my older programs with no problems. I happen to like Vista, I like the changes they've made. Especially the sleep mode where I can just open laptop and go and rarely have to reboot! The people that are having the major problems are the people that are trying to run it on cheap equipment! JMHO! :howdy:


Lovin' being Texican
Mousebaby said:
I have been running Vista for over a month, its working fine! No problems what so ever. Its also running some of my older programs with no problems. I happen to like Vista, I like the changes they've made. Especially the sleep mode where I can just open laptop and go and rarely have to reboot! The people that are having the major problems are the people that are trying to run it on cheap equipment! JMHO! :howdy:

What new and wonderful things does it do? I've not looked into the value of upgrading.


New Member
Lenny said:
Turns out M$ is so paranoid about piracy, they've made VISTA worse than the karma Nazis. This one is long, technical and Stephen King-like in its presentation.

Poor performance, future compatability problems, rampant DRM infestations, etc. Linux is looking a lot better if'n I have to give up Windows XP Professional soon.
And if Genuine Advantage tags your OS as pirated (EVEN if it's not), bye bye computer. And even GA is wrong.


New Member
Mousebaby said:
I have been running Vista for over a month, its working fine! No problems what so ever. Its also running some of my older programs with no problems. I happen to like Vista, I like the changes they've made. Especially the sleep mode where I can just open laptop and go and rarely have to reboot! The people that are having the major problems are the people that are trying to run it on cheap equipment! JMHO! :howdy:
The problem is you have to have a top of the ####ing line computer to run Vista.


AndyMarquisLIVE said:
The problem is you have to have a top of the ####ing line computer to run Vista.

But I do have a top of the line computer :neener: :dance:


New Member
Mousebaby said:
But I do have a top of the line computer :neener: :dance:
I have two that surpass the minimum requirements for Vista Ultimate. I just refuse to put it on there since you can realistically put XP on anything.