Viva La France


Routinely Derailed
Ill will? I'd say probably that's a good contributor to their shrinking exports. There's way too much French Whine out there anyway - not enough good Wisconsin Sharp cheddar to go with it.
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Not only are they going to burn 66million bottles of premo French wine into rubbing alchohol and fuel, but they have to get EU approval, at the EU set price, and sell to an EU approved buyer.



Lovin' being Texican
Pete said:
Not only are they going to burn 66million bottles of premo French wine into rubbing alchohol and fuel, but they have to get EU approval, at the EU set price, and sell to an EU approved buyer.


"The measure is designed to partly finance winemakers struggling with surpluses. Vintners would get an EU-fixed price for wine sold to distillers, who in turn would get an EU pledge to buy up the alcohol they produce"

This the way the American farmers get rid of their surplusses and how bebe's mommas get commodity cheeze and groceries.


The hamster litter reject
Good grief. All this French/American bigotry is insane. The French think we're ignorant and arrogant and we think they're ignorant and arrogant. Maybe we're both right.


Routinely Derailed
hamsterfang said:
Good grief. All this French/American bigotry is insane. The French think we're ignorant and arrogant and we think they're ignorant and arrogant. Maybe we're both right.
One difference: when they needed our support, they got it. When we needed their support, they didn't give it. I have to say after serving with them in NATO, I don't trust them and neither did any of the others that were out there with us. The French aren't ignorant, IMHO, it's just that they have no commonsense and are a bunch of peacocks - all show and no go. So they make good wine and my mind the jury's still out on the cheese...and good bread - but not since Napoleon (IMHO) have they showed any backbone - and oh, by the way, Napoleon was wrong. So, I'm sympathetic with Mrs. Jones regarding her last name, but if I were her, I'd either change it or say it's actually Canadian (at least a little better).

I have a confession to make: I like Grey Poupon mustard and I still buy it. :blushing:
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Football season!
hamsterfang said:
Good grief. All this French/American bigotry is insane. The French think we're ignorant and arrogant and we think they're ignorant and arrogant. Maybe we're both right.
They sell some neat clothes :shrug:


The hamster litter reject
Railroad said:
One difference: when they needed our support, they got it. When we needed their support, they didn't give it. I have to say after serving with them in NATO, I don't trust them and neither did any of the others that were out there with us. The French aren't ignorant, IMHO, it's just that they have no commonsense and are a bunch of peacocks - all show and no go. So they make good wine and my mind the jury's still out on the cheese...and good bread - but not since Napoleon (IMHO) have they showed any backbone - and oh, by the way, Napoleon was wrong. So, I'm sympathetic with Mrs. Jones regarding her last name, but if I were her, I'd either change it or say it's actually Canadian (at least a little better).

I have a confession to make: I like Grey Poupon mustard and I still buy it. :blushing:

I have absolutely no problem if you disagree with their government and their decision to not support the U.S in the war in Iraq. My ony problem is that I dislike it when people say that they "hate" another person or race and forget that the government often does things that the people disagree with. :peace:


Routinely Derailed
hamsterfang said:
I have absolutely no problem if you disagree with their government and their decision to not support the U.S in the war in Iraq. My ony problem is that I dislike it when people say that they "hate" another person or race and forget that the government often does things that the people disagree with. :peace:
Yep. That's why I left the word "hate" out of it. Hate is a pretty serious thing. I don't do hate. :peace:

I do look down on pluralism and a few other things the French have practiced as a matter of routine for hundreds of years. The terribly ungrammerous expression "is you is, or is you ain't?" comes to mind (sorry, I have Jimi Hendrix playing right now).:blushing:


Material Girl
PREMO Member
hamsterfang said:
Good grief. All this French/American bigotry is insane. The French think we're ignorant and arrogant and we think they're ignorant and arrogant. Maybe we're both right.
I never said I hated anybody.

Railroad said:
So, I'm sympathetic with Mrs. Jones regarding her last name, but if I were her, I'd either change it or say it's actually Canadian (at least a little better).

I have a confession to make: I like Grey Poupon mustard and I still buy it. :blushing:
Actually, it is French Canadian!


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
hamsterfang said:
I have absolutely no problem if you disagree with their government and their decision to not support the U.S in the war in Iraq. My ony problem is that I dislike it when people say that they "hate" another person or race and forget that the government often does things that the people disagree with. :peace:
But if you believe the news reports at the time of our needing their support in the U.N., the French populace was behind old Jacques by about 70+%.

Next time their buns are in the fire, I say let them drink wine.


The hamster litter reject
Mrs. Jones said:
I never said I hated anybody.

I didnt mean you, sorry :dance: I think the post said **** the French was deleted shortly after vrai warned us of "language". My last name is also of French origin if you go back far enough, that and Scottish, methinks :razz:


New Member
Why is it so many people hate the French? Speaking of destroying or
boycoting French products is insane when you think about it. All they have done lately is disagree with bush on the war in Iraq. Maybe they did have selfish reasons, but so do we in many of our dealings with other countries. How many of you drive Vehicles made in Japan or China or Germany who we have fought directly in war? Would you buy an Iraqi car? This country would most likely be an English providence if it were not for the French fighting with us in the revolutionary war.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Sparx said:
This country would most likely be an English providence if it were not for the French fighting with us in the revolutionary war.
You don't know your history then. The French really only came to our aid at Yorktown, and only chose to come because it was convenient for them - they told us they were only planning to come within a certain window of opportunity. They were barely present at all throughout the rest of the war, having been useless in campaigns in the northeast.

We went to war with them again not long afterwards, and we were *AT WAR* with them only about a decade *before* the War for Independence. The French-Indian War was one of the most costly wars this nation has ever fought.

This is not just "they disagreed with us on the war". They've shown a very long history of half-heartedness, outright treachery and contempt for Americans. And during the run-up to THIS war, they didn't simply "disagree". The Canadians "disagreed". The French *campaigned* against us - they actively opposed us, drumming support against us. They even supplied Saddam with weapons until the start of the war.

Having almost no military power in the world, the French imagine themselves the political power behind a European counter-weight to American power. That power comes from their permanent seat on the Security Council (a position, I can never understand the reasoning behind, except that they are, or were, a nuclear power). To achieve this power, the French have opposed us almost everywhere.

They're as close to an enemy without being one as we could have, historically. The best they can claim is they helped us out when it was helping them fight the English. They were *never* on OUR side.


New Member
You're exactly right about the French and Indian war and about little help until Yorktown..BUT if they had not shown up at Yorktown the war would most definately been lost by the revolutionary forces. They have also been half hearted about most everything they have ever done not just in helping us. Just like the half hearted French nobody else wants to comment on the rest of my post? How many foreign cars are out there? I for one, have 3 cars all American made and I'm proud of it.