Bustem' Down said:
We supplied Iraq with millions of dollars just beffore they invaded Kuwait. Thay may be French made weapons, but they were bought with American money. Ronald Reagan gave him the money.
*Really*? I'm sorry, but your information is a little misleading - the leading suppliers of weapons and arms to Iraq has been Russia, China and France over the years - which even a cursory examination of their arsenal would clearly reveal. Over the last 20 years, we've supplied them with about 1% of their total.
And we're getting off topic here. My concern wasn't that France *ever* supplied them with weapons - my concern was that France was selling them weapons *IN THE MONTHS RUNNING UP TO THE WAR*! Just who were these weapons to be used against? They also supplied them with night vision goggles, and the high ranking officials caught at the Syrian border had recently issued *French* passports. We were fighting a war, and they were helping our enemy. Under most circumstances in the world, that makes you an enemy as well - but for *some* reason, there are those who think that's ok.
Well I guess it IS ok, because it's about normal for *France*.
Like it or not, we were the aggressors in this war, and I don't have a problem with that.
I guess it's perspective. Apparently, Saddam shooting at our planes for thirteen years ISN'T aggressive. Paying off Palestinian families for suicide attacks isn't aggressive. Invading Kuwait, and then subsequently thwarting all of his conditions of surrender for thirteen years while making bellicose threats, building secret weapons programs, re-building long-range missiles *after* they'd supposedly been destroyed - oh what's the point.
Anyway, we were talking about *France* - and there's no doubt to me, they behave - *towards US* - as an enemy. Or at best, as slightly hostile. They don't get partial credit for a battle they helped out with 224 years ago.