Volunteering with the community at large!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Isn't serving in a volunteer capacity, in a way, a further extension of repayment to the community? Just a thought...
I would say no, as it is not an ordered community service extension of his sentence.

I wonder did Mr. Crowder repay any of the roughly $1,000,000 that he estimated as his portion of the illegal activity?


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Why would you exclude them if they have paid their debt to society?

Since arson is as much a mental issue as a legal issue, I would be hesitant to place a person in a position where the temptation could be overwhelming.


Well-Known Member
I see what our first responders do on a day to day basis, I have been on the scene of over 100 fly outs, hundreds of accidents and must be getting close to 100 working fires. I know Tommy, we aren’t friends I would call him an acquaintance, I will also say that if my house were on fire I would want him or someone with his experience to show up on the scene to run the command. Or if I wrapped my car around a tree and looked up and saw him there I would have some sort of comfort that I will get the proper care until a full ambulance crew arrived. I can say that it would be a loss to the community if we lost him. It’s hard enough to get knowledgeable volunteers as it is.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>

Go G-Men

New Member
I have no problem with your disagreement. But I would like to ask if you would be okay with convicted sex offendors being allowed to be members too after they have served their time?

Really, you are comparing a sex offender to a fish poacher? Wow that might be the most ridiculous comparison I have ever read! But for the sake of argument. How often does this man report to a fire or accident scene and find an injured fish whom he may try to take advantage of?:sarcasm:

As far as I am concerned, there is a level of criminality that would preclude one from serving as a volunteer Firefighter (Chief or not) and this has not risen to that level. I say continue to serve you community in any capacity which you can. If your fellow firefighters request that you serve as Chief than do so.


I bowl overhand
I would say no, as it is not an ordered community service extension of his sentence.

I wonder did Mr. Crowder repay any of the roughly $1,000,000 that he estimated as his portion of the illegal activity?

WHO would you repay the 1,000,000 to?? The family of the dead fishes??

I have NO qualms on this person serving in any capacity on any VFD.. THANK doG he STILL wants to serve the public that equates him to a sex offendor or murderer..

I would bet he'd even put out your house fire even if you hadn't paid your dues...

Yeah, by the letter of the law he's a criminal.. but it's a felony to overfish? Was he out in the Bay in a TRAWLER pulling them up by the thousands?

He's not a child abuser, or a sex offendor.. and after serving his sentence, doing his time, he STILL wants to volunteer in his community..

He may be a felon, but I bet he's a better person than a lot of those have clean records (just an OPINION, I don't know him personally so I wouldn't know this to be a fact).
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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Really, you are comparing a sex offender to a fish poacher? Wow that might be the most ridiculous comparison I have ever read! But for the sake of argument. How often does this man report to a fire or accident scene and find an injured fish whom he may try to take advantage of?:sarcasm:

As far as I am concerned, there is a level of criminality that would preclude one from serving as a volunteer Firefighter (Chief or not) and this has not risen to that level. I say continue to serve you community in any capacity which you can. If your fellow firefighters request that you serve as Chief than do so.
No, no such comparison was made. What I was looking for, with the question I posed, was that level of criminality that you are now speaking of. Merlin expressed that once a sentence has been served the slate should be clean. He then went on to offer an exception in this instance for the crime of arson. He thinks it is a mental illness though I know of quite a few arsonists that have started fires for reasons other than being sick, namely money.

Whether you agree or not the acts that landed Mr. Crowder in hot water are quite a bit more than simple poaching. For me it is akin to thievery, at least in my mind, and the magnitude that he himself estimated as being his share was pretty astounding. Given that this was not an isolated incident but one that was ongoing for at least 4 years says to me that the person is of questionable character and shouldn’t be considered for membership regardless of his ability and skill at fighting fires or leading firefighters.

Knowing that the decision isn’t mine to make all I have done is offer an opinion as was asked for by Mr. Crowder. The decision will be one for the administration of the Second District VFD to make and if they are okay with it then who am I, or anyone else for that matter, to question that decision. Furthermore, should he be reinstated and the members vote him as chief so be it.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
WHO would you repay the 1,000,000 to?? The family of the dead fishes??

I have NO qualms on this person serving in any capacity on any VFD.. THANK doG he STILL wants to serve the public that equates him to a sex offendor or murderer..

I would bet he'd even put out your house fire even if you hadn't paid your dues...

Yeah, by the letter of the law he's a criminal.. but it's a felony to overfish? Was he out in the Bay in a TRAWLER pulling them up by the thousands?

He's not a child abuser, or a sex offendor.. and after serving his sentence, doing his time, he STILL wants to volunteer in his community..

He may be a felon, but I bet he's a better person than a lot of those have clean records (just an OPINION, I don't know him personally so I wouldn't know this to be a fact).
Who, DNR could probably find a use for the funds, clean up the bay program could probably use some of it too. Did he get to keep all of what he obtained illegally? I don't know, do you?

See my previous post, I was seeking a level of criminality that Merlin would accept since he feels that the slate should be wiped clean after serving one's time.

I don't know Bob, was he pulling them in by the thousands? His little group estimated that they were involved in over $2 million of illegal sales, seems like a lot of fish to me.

What dues are you talking about Bob? I think you've had a little too much salt or something because I doubt if you pay any dues for fire protection service either, taxes maybe, dues no.

He might be a better person than many with clean records, no one is arguing that. I am simply of the opinion that I don't think he should be allowed to.


Obama destroyed America
Why would you exclude them if they have paid their debt to society?
I would exclude pedophiles as they are sick and incurable.

Just for clarification, I'm referring to the ones that are say 16 and over abusing little, adolescent children.


Obama destroyed America
What a shock. The forum tool rears his ugly head again.
:poorbaby: I'm the tool? Who posted calling everyone who disagreed with you "mindless idiots"?? :duh:

A serious subject is someone with cancer or a child in a bad accident.
Someone asking for advice whether they should re-join a rescue squad is not serious! :killingme


Active Member
:poorbaby: I'm the tool? Who posted calling everyone who disagreed with you "mindless idiots"?? :duh:

A serious subject is someone with cancer or a child in a bad accident.
Someone asking for advice whether they should re-join a rescue squad is not serious! :killingme

Look BJ, can I call you BJ? It's seems to fit.
Try to make your pathetic point without the smilies. It's kind of gay. And yes, you are the tool!


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Look BJ, can I call you BJ? It's seems to fit.
Try to make your pathetic point without the smilies. It's kind of gay. And yes, you are the tool!

That's your argument, that he used smilies while making his point? kind of weak.:loser:


Sir, i salute you for service to the community, i am sorry about the mistake you made. I am behind you 100% to returning to the FD and continuing your service to the community.



Obama destroyed America
Look BJ, can I call you BJ? It's seems to fit.
Try to make your pathetic point without the smilies. It's kind of gay. And yes, you are the tool!
Look moron, may I call you moron? It seems to fit.
Since you never have a point or one that is idiotic, I suggest you stay in your room until your mom calls you for dinner.

I anxiously await your pathetic reply. :bigwhoop:


Active Member
That's it?!! You're reduced to using the "living in your mom's house" line?!!! That's pretty weak, BJ.


New Member
Look BJ, can I call you BJ? It's seems to fit.
Try to make your pathetic point without the smilies. It's kind of gay. And yes, you are the tool!

Hey Baja... Wear it with pride. He just called you a useful implement on the forum. It is good to be useful!

Oh wait... Forgot my gay smiley... :biggrin: There ya go!


New Member
And here all this time I thought it was heron stealing my Koi.

Keep on keepin' on. As long as you're illegal activity does not make you a presumed danger to my family or property, as far as I'm concerned you should be able to serve in any way you please, short of say, as a DNR fish counter or or or game warden something. :yay:

Bear in mind, though, as far as leadership positions go, one needs to put off fan air or perception of integrity, and you've sort of blown that. Even if you would never in a million years take advantage of your position, the perception that others carry is what counts when it comes right down to it. To be lead by someone who you constantly question, is to not have a leader. :shrug:


Obama destroyed America
That's it?!! You're reduced to using the "living in your mom's house" line?!!! That's pretty weak, BJ.
And he comes through!! :yahoo:

Hey Baja... Wear it with pride. He just called you a useful implement on the forum. It is good to be useful!
Oh wait... Forgot my gay smiley... :biggrin: There ya go!
These forums are great. We never fully know how many idiots are out there until they come here and post. :lol:

I will now close with one of our gay smileys. :kiss:


Obama destroyed America
He never said he was going to be chief. He was a past chief. He just wants to join and serve. I'm ok with that. :yay: