Ok, So I had 2 Quaker Parrots. 1 Recently passed away
With that, My other bird has become a HUGE pain in the arse. (not that it wasnt before lol)...
Korky (birds name), is a little tird, very demanding, huge attitude (but funny), and can be extremely affectionate.
When Im alone we kinda get along but he has become a little more aggresive and has fallen completely in love with my Girl Friend. If she is in the house and he is on her I need to just stay away.
He loves to give kisses and get kisses, the other day he was on her shoulder I leaned in to kiss him and the SOB bit a hole in my lip then laughed!!!!
I cant touch him or really her if they are together. Before I have Parrot for dinner is there something I can do to change things around or has he chosen his life mate and Im basically screwed