
WE elect our city mayors, state governors, senators and representatives.
Why does W take the hit for what should have been done at the lowest level?

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
porfel said:
WE elect our city mayors, state governors, senators and representatives.
Why does W take the hit for what should have been done at the lowest level?
He's the boss. The boss always get's the blame, whether it's warrented or not.


Something that should have been handled by the state and local government is now politically foisted on the federal. Wrong.


New Member
It's more convenient to blame a white president for what went wrong than to hold a black mayor and his administration accountable for gross negligence and failing to fully carry out an established emergency preparedness plan.

To hold Nagin and his administration accountable for dropping the ball amounts to letting loose the shouts and cries of "Racism!"


New Member
bedazzle said:
It's more convenient to blame a white president for what went wrong than to hold a black mayor and his administration accountable for gross negligence and failing to fully carry out an established emergency preparedness plan.

To hold Nagin and his administration accountable for dropping the ball amounts to letting loose the shouts and cries of "Racism!"




Race has nothing to do with this. My point is the prez should not have taken it on the chin for something state and local government would have control over. Or over which the government has control, for you grammar freaks.


24/7 Single Dad
porfel said:
WE elect our city mayors, state governors, senators and representatives.
Why does W take the hit for what should have been done at the lowest level?

Maybe he's showing leadership

BATON ROUGE, La. -- Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco yesterday took responsibility for failures and missteps in the immediate response to Hurricane Katrina and pledged a united effort to rebuild areas ravaged by the storm.
"We all know that there were failures at every level of government: state, federal and local. At the state level, we must take a careful look at what went wrong and make sure it never happens again. The buck stops here, and as your governor, I take full responsibility," Mrs. Blanco told lawmakers in a special meeting of the Louisiana Legislature.


New Member
The chain of responsibility for the protection of the citizens in New Orleans is:

1. The Mayor
2. The New Orleans director of Homeland Security (a political appointee of the Governor who reports to the Governor)
3. The Governor
4. The Head of Homeland Security
5. The President


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
aps45819 said:
Maybe he's showing leadership
I don't think so. I think he's being a rollover liberal butt-licking wuss, just like he's been for the last 5 years. He's so afraid Qpid and her ilk will say something mean about him that he does ignorant things like expect the rest of us to pay for the damage to New Orleans (that wasn't our fault, we had nothing to do with, nor should we pay for it) and taking responsiblity for the LA grifters not doing their job.

Hey Bush - you have a mandate! It came from people like me, not people like Michael Moore! Get off your ass and start representing the people who put you and all those other Republicans in office, instead of sucking up to the DU!



Not dead yet.
bedazzle said:
The chain of responsibility for the protection of the citizens in New Orleans is:

1. The individuals themselves
2. The Mayor
3. The New Orleans director of Homeland Security (a political appointee of the Governor who reports to the Governor)
4. The Governor
5. The Head of Homeland Security
6. The President

Fixed to reflect my thoughts. Do you think the general population of NC is sitting around waiting to be protected right now? Heck no! They've battened the hatches, seen to their neighbors and gotten out.


I bowl overhand
porfel said:
If Maryland were to expierience something like Katrina, could we rely on our governor?
Governor is the least of our problems.. have you seen the local evacuation plans?


Iron City
itsbob said:
Governor is the least of our problems.. have you seen the local evacuation plans?
Yep, the evacuation plans if something happens at the power plant call for much of the Southern part of Calvert to drive North right past the plant. :confused:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
Governor is the least of our problems.. have you seen the local evacuation plans?
Yes, I have. I especially love the ones put out by CCNPP. Can you say 'total gridlock'? :rolleyes: