Wal-Mart Expansion


New Member
I think what everyone's saying proves my point. Walmart is not putting stores like Target out of business, because lots of us (myself included) prefer to shop there. There's not doubt that Walmart has put pressure on stores like KMart and Target, which have had to improve their business processes in order to compete. Walmart is not at all a monopoly, in the way Microsoft is, because people really do have other choices. Walmart's aggressive dealings with their suppliers is not the result of their huge market share, it is the strategy they've used to get to where they are today. End result: consumers pay less, and other stores improve to stay competitive.

It seems to me that Walmart embodies the American Capitalistic ethic perfectly. Maybe that's why they're so intensly hated by the left.


Originally posted by MikeyBash
I think what everyone's saying proves my point. Walmart is not putting stores like Target out of business, because lots of us (myself included) prefer to shop there. There's not doubt that Walmart has put pressure on stores like KMart and Target, which have had to improve their business processes in order to compete. Walmart is not at all a monopoly, in the way Microsoft is, because people really do have other choices. Walmart's aggressive dealings with their suppliers is not the result of their huge market share, it is the strategy they've used to get to where they are today. End result: consumers pay less, and other stores improve to stay competitive.

It seems to me that Walmart embodies the American Capitalistic ethic perfectly. Maybe that's why they're so intensly hated by the left.

People often have other choices than Microsoft but they're either too brainwashed, too ignorant, or too apathetic to change.

I used to work at a Target. I hate the place. It's really no different than Walmart except they keep the aisles cleaner and actually close the store. I'll choose lower prices over things looking pretty.

I don't see how Walmart can be called a monopoly when the other stores can do the same things Walmart does with strong-arming wholesalers, etc. Now, the little guys are a different story.


Active Member
its not that walmart is am onopoly, its that they are everywhere crushing the little family owned stores...

microsoft is annother story... you come up with an idea and make software for it microsoft releases software similar to it and a windows update so yours doesnt work as well and theirs works better... their software is crap, how many products do you purchase then have to take back to get updated monthly so they work how they where originialy suposed to work... its like going out and buying a stereo with 4 speakers then upon setup you have to pay someone to make the 4th speaker work, even though you followed the directions...

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by otter
:yay: You FINALLY got something right!!
:yeahthat: :killingme And the crime for depositing items in another’s mailbox is "Postage unpaid on deposited mail matter". The post office has a monopoly here and you must pay them to use the mailboxes. No jail time but the violator could receive a fine for "each" offense.

Mikey Bash - notify the Post Office, you might get a reward to spend at Wal Mart for helping to catch this villain.


New Member
I think a super walmart would be beneficial.

Where I'm from, you have 3 super walmarts in a 20 mile radius. The locally owned stores are doing great. You even still have the small town feel.
I think competition is a good thing. With competition, the stores will have better sales to try to get your business.


Originally posted by Spoiled
its not that walmart is am onopoly, its that they are everywhere crushing the little family owned stores...

microsoft is annother story... you come up with an idea and make software for it microsoft releases software similar to it and a windows update so yours doesnt work as well and theirs works better... their software is crap, how many products do you purchase then have to take back to get updated monthly so they work how they where originialy suposed to work... its like going out and buying a stereo with 4 speakers then upon setup you have to pay someone to make the 4th speaker work, even though you followed the directions...

I was following you until you said "theirs works better."


Active Member
Originally posted by cmdrfunk
I was following you until you said "theirs works better."
you add code to make software more effient and run more smoothly, microsoft adds this code to their OS, and this code at the same time FUBARs their competitions software....


Originally posted by Spoiled
you add code to make software more effient and run more smoothly, microsoft adds this code to their OS, and this code at the same time FUBARs their competitions software....

...not what i meant :)


Originally posted by Spoiled
by better i mean more effiently than it previously worked... which, since its microsoft isnt saying much

i like you

let's be friends. :biggrin:


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by MikeyBash
So what is it about Wal-mart that brings out such intense hatrid in some people? If they're driving smaller stores out of business, that's because those stores charge more for the same things, and customers want choices. And some stores, like Woodburns, find a way to prosper by changing the way they do business. This whole prosess sounds like the American Way to me.

Go Wal-Mart!

It's not just WalMart. People enjoy hassling businesses in general, especially the successful ones. It doesn't matter if you're WalMart, or a restaurant or whatever. Look at Calvert County. They're going to make that Walmart plant a lawn on their roof to expand to a Super-WM. The bigger you are, the bigger the bullseye.

I doubt if you will have the local local businesspersons' mentioned, associated with the efforts to stop the expansion. More likely, it's someone who moved here, and now wants to stop the growth and deny to others, the same opportunity that brought them here. They want to preserve the rural character and save the children or the frogs, or whatever. And, they're probably the same folks who will go to WalMart next week looking for a case of soda's for their kid's baseball team.

For the record, I dislike the zoo atmosphere of WalMart. Hopefully an expansion will solve that. They need a bigger parking lot! But they do serve our county. They do try to contribute to our community and are pretty generous when an organization needs a donation.

I'm sure our local businesses would love to serve the customers who shop at WalMart. But they also have advantages that WM doesn't. I'd rather swing into McKays in Hollywood on my way home that fight for a parking place at any shopping center. I can be in and out of there in the same time it would take me to park and walk into a shopping center store. I'll pay 5% or 10% more to avoid the crush of people and to get better service.

Bottom line - we're here and they're here. We'd be better served to tell businesses what they can do to make our community a better place to live, than to always stomp on every effort they put forth. If they can get that access road between shopping centers done, then that will make 235 more bearable. To me, they get to expand, and we get badly needed infrastructure. Walmart customers benefit, and so does the community.

(Hey - who put this soapbox here!)


Re: Re: Wal-Mart Expansion

Originally posted by Oz

For the record, I dislike the zoo atmosphere of WalMart. Hopefully an expansion will solve that. They need a bigger parking lot! But they do serve our county. They do try to contribute to our community and are pretty generous when an organization needs a donation.

I'd rather swing into McKays in Hollywood on my way home that fight for a parking place at any shopping center. I can be in and out of there in the same time it would take me to park and walk into a shopping center store. I'll pay 5% or 10% more to avoid the crush of people and to get better service.

Fight for a parking space at walmart? I've only been here 2 weeks, but i've been to walmart 4 times already and didn't have to think twice about a parking space.

Of course, i don't mind the 20 second walk from the back of the parking lot to the front. I don't even look for a space near the front. I see people trying to get these front spaces, and if they'd just park in the first damn place they saw they'd already be inside and have a few extra calorie leeway.

Better service? I hear this all the time. What service am I getting at a grocery store? I walk in, pick up some crap, pay for it, and walk out. What else are they supposed to do? Are you talking about the lunch meat counter and whether or not the person smiles?

I want in the store. I want to find my stuff myself. I don't want employees talking to me except to say hi. And I want out. I abhore places like furniture stores and best buy where people come up to you and ask if you want help. GO AWAY!!! I am not stupid and can figure things out myself, and chances are the employee is out to screw me anyway.

off topic:
I have to give my gf specific instructions not to ask assistance of employees every time before we go into a store when i'm looking for something so the person isn't glued to me after giving me bullshit lines about why the printer i'm looking at isn't good enough and i should buy the other for $50 more. Go away comp usa employee, i have been doing this for 14 years and you've only been alive 18.

The other annoying thing is when i go to a furniture store by myself or with my gf and the employees don't talk to me but sorta lurk behind me while i walk through as if i'm going to run off with a recliner or take a healthy dump on a couch. But if i go in with my mom then they run up to her and want to be oh so helpful. Too bad i make $20k more than her =p

ok enough of this.. back to fighting school loan webpages...


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Re: Wal-Mart Expansion

Originally posted by Oz
More likely, it's someone who moved here, and now wants to stop the growth and deny to others, the same opportunity that brought them here. They want to preserve the rural character and save the children or the frogs, or whatever. And, they're probably the same folks who will go to WalMart next week looking for a case of soda's for their kid's baseball team.

In my experience, I hear just as many county natives as newcomers complain about growth. But these particular natives are wage-earners, not business owners.

Something to think about--remember the urban legend about Proctor & Gamble selling its soul to the devil? It turned out that one of the nation's larges Amway distributors was pushing the legend in a big way.


New Member
I spend money at WalMart and hate doing so. But financial circumstances dictate.

Remember a few years back WalMart was telling us how their goods were made in America? When I contacted headquarters to ask why the tag on a shirt I bought read "made in Mexico", the reply was that WalMart bought where they could offer the 'best' quality to their customers.

There's a situation going on in Kentucky regarding their health plan: an employee stepped in a puddle of grease in WalMart and went flying. Cannot walk, cannot work. The 'headquarter's health co-ordinator is refusing to authorize diagnostic procedures suggested by the physcian.

Nice to their employees? Not!


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by boomer
There's a situation going on in Kentucky regarding their health plan: an employee stepped in a puddle of grease in WalMart and went flying. Cannot walk, cannot work. The 'headquarter's health co-ordinator is refusing to authorize diagnostic procedures suggested by the physcian.

Nice to their employees? Not!

So Wal-mart owns their own insurance company so they can offer selected benefits to their workers? I don't follow.:confused:


I bowl overhand
Re: Re: Re: Wal-Mart Expansion

Originally posted by cmdrfunk
Fight for a parking space at walmart? I've only been here 2 weeks, but i've been to walmart 4 times already and didn't have to think twice about a parking space.

Of course, i don't mind the 20 second walk from the back of the parking lot to the front. I don't even look for a space near the front. I see people trying to get these front spaces, and if they'd just park in the first damn place they saw they'd already be inside and have a few extra calorie leeway.

Better service? I hear this all the time. What service am I getting at a grocery store? I walk in, pick up some crap, pay for it, and walk out. What else are they supposed to do? Are you talking about the lunch meat counter and whether or not the person smiles?

I want in the store. I want to find my stuff myself. I don't want employees talking to me except to say hi. And I want out. I abhore places like furniture stores and best buy where people come up to you and ask if you want help. GO AWAY!!! I am not stupid and can figure things out myself, and chances are the employee is out to screw me anyway.

off topic:
I have to give my gf specific instructions not to ask assistance of employees every time before we go into a store when i'm looking for something so the person isn't glued to me after giving me bullshit lines about why the printer i'm looking at isn't good enough and i should buy the other for $50 more. Go away comp usa employee, i have been doing this for 14 years and you've only been alive 18.

The other annoying thing is when i go to a furniture store by myself or with my gf and the employees don't talk to me but sorta lurk behind me while i walk through as if i'm going to run off with a recliner or take a healthy dump on a couch. But if i go in with my mom then they run up to her and want to be oh so helpful. Too bad i make $20k more than her =p

ok enough of this.. back to fighting school loan webpages...

Where you just came from, Wal-Mart was the #1 Employer.. and people couldn't wait for it to open so they could get one of those GREAT jobs that Wal-Mart offered!! Did they have furniture stores there?? I don't remember.. or was it just the lawn furniture from Wal-MArt, and the left overs from last years grads!?


Re: Re: Re: Re: Wal-Mart Expansion

Originally posted by itsbob
Where you just came from, Wal-Mart was the #1 Employer.. and people couldn't wait for it to open so they could get one of those GREAT jobs that Wal-Mart offered!! Did they have furniture stores there?? I don't remember.. or was it just the lawn furniture from Wal-MArt, and the left overs from last years grads!?

I went to school in white trash central but i am from pittsburgh.

we have a couple furniture stores there :)

Last years grads? I didn't even have furniture. I slept on skins from deer i wrestled to death and got my alcohol from the kindness of strangers.

Where have you been? i went to your office last thursday and one of the ladies there told me you were out for a month or two but she didn't know why or where. Who the hell has 2 months of vacation time?


Well-Known Member
Great news, Wal Mart Pays more if you have a license to sell guns or handle crickets

Judge OKs Wal-Mart Class-Action Lawsuit

Associated Press Writer

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- A sex-discrimination lawsuit against Wal-Mart Stores Inc. won class-action status Tuesday, allowing it to include up to 1.6 million current and former female employees in the largest private civil rights case in U.S. history.

The suit alleges that the retail giant set up a system that frequently pays its female workers less than their male counterparts for comparable jobs and bypasses them for key promotions.

Wal-Mart contends the suit ignores the thousands of women who earn more than their male counterparts. The retailer also says the lawsuit's allegations are flawed because ,they don't consider the factors that cause one job to pay more than another. For instance, some sales jobs require a gun license, while others pay a premium for workers skilled in handling live crickets sold for fishing Grossman said.
