if you dont trust this mall than you mise well just stay locked up in a damn is ridiculous the amount of "claims" i see on this board saying waldorf is so ghetto and so is the mall.
with all the new expansion of stores coming, I hardly think investors would consider putting stores there if the place was the damn ghetto....
Waldorf is beautiful. Yes there are some trouble spots, but no different then there are down in St. Marys....ya'll always complain how there is nothing to do down in St. Marys no where to shop no where to eat and then you clog up traffic on route 5/leonardtown road all the while complaining how bad waldorf is....let it go....
I don't live in a bubble - and I "mise" as well refer you to the
police blotter and take a look for yourself and see... ride around Waldorf and take a look... watch the punk-azz kids and DC plates - stereo's "thumping" with no regard to the person next to you, driving like they are in a hurry to go nowhere with no respect for the people around them.
These are not "claims" - these are facts... the problem is in Calvert and St. Mary's as well, and it will only get worse in time.
The investors do not care about the area - they KNOW the shops WILL do well. New shops WILL attract business and Waldorf is already known for the mall/resteraunts and car dealerships, damn near a mini-Tysons Corner. The difference is we are closer and more convenient to the DC/PG County crowd - I am not saying everyone coming in from those areas are trash, but the majority of the crime committed HERE - in Waldorf is from people from those areas... read the
SOMD Headline News on a regular basis.
I am not trying to bust anyones chops here, but these are facts...
Waldorf is filled with narcissistic people... both visiting our mall and living in the area. The face of the county has changed do to piss-poor "planning" by the commisoners and county "planners"... Let's put in more shops and not expand the infrastructure. Their answer - Metro or Lite-Rail! Yeah right, let's make it easier for more trash to come in to the county to terrorize
our citizens.
Years ago, before 301 was a parking lot, you NEVER seen or heard of a fraction of the crap that goes on in Waldorf now.
I only go to Waldorf when I have to...
BTW - the ghetto is slowly moving to SMC, it is just a matter of time.