Waldorf Mall and Trick or Treating


I think I will try to bring my son to that First and then go to the Hollywood Church thing, Hubby and I help with it every year.I'd like to see the Trunks, sounds so cool!

Callie girl

New Member
Wildewood shopping center does trick or treating too. I heard something on the Libraries doing it to with not so spooky story time also maybe for little ones.


Big Poppa
Why do you guys make the mall sound so much worse than it realy is. IF you think st. charles is bad then you dont get out of SOMD very often. Il admit it isnt towson or arundel mills, but its not like there are roving gangs around with a fu**ing shot gun in there hands. AS for the candy selection and crowd (its a mall its going to be crowded), i never went trick or treating there when i was little.

AS for trick or treating like everyone else said the churches around here have things they usually do. And there are some rather large neighborhoods around here. The place my grandmother lives in la plata is very nice and they have alot of houses.
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Trick-or-Treat on the Square

Kids can dress up in their favorite costume and collect treats from participating merchants around the Leonardtown Square on Saturday, October 27th from 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. Bring your goodie bag! Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Sponsored by the Leonardtown Business Association. For more information call
Yeah, they double the manpower while maintaining their strict complacency standards.

They normally do - but with their security team (rent-a-cops). Charles County Sherrifs Office does start to patrol a but harder between now and through the holidays...

With that said - I would still go with someone. The crime around the mall is getting worse every year... always someones purse getting snatched or a car jack (becoming more and more frequent). It is mostly PG County / DC punks looking for a thrill at someones expense.

My wife WILL not go there alone (her choice) and she can hold her own.

By all means - do go, but with a couple of adults to be safe...


Im On 1.
Why do you guys make the mall sound so much worse than it realy is. IF you think st. charles is bad then you dont get out of SOMD very often. Il admit it isnt towson or arundel mills, but its not like there are roving gangs around with a fu**ing shot gun in there hands. AS for the candy selection and crowd (its a mall its going to be crowded), i never went trick or treating there when i was little.

AS for trick or treating like everyone else said the churches around here have things they usually do. And there are some rather large neighborhoods around here. The place my grandmother lives in la plata is very nice and they have alot of houses.


if you dont trust this mall than you mise well just stay locked up in a damn bubble.....it is ridiculous the amount of "claims" i see on this board saying waldorf is so ghetto and so is the mall.

with all the new expansion of stores coming, I hardly think investors would consider putting stores there if the place was the damn ghetto....

Waldorf is beautiful. Yes there are some trouble spots, but no different then there are down in St. Marys....ya'll always complain how there is nothing to do down in St. Marys no where to shop no where to eat and then you clog up traffic on route 5/leonardtown road all the while complaining how bad waldorf is....let it go....

if you dont trust this mall than you mise well just stay locked up in a damn bubble.....it is ridiculous the amount of "claims" i see on this board saying waldorf is so ghetto and so is the mall.

with all the new expansion of stores coming, I hardly think investors would consider putting stores there if the place was the damn ghetto....

Waldorf is beautiful. Yes there are some trouble spots, but no different then there are down in St. Marys....ya'll always complain how there is nothing to do down in St. Marys no where to shop no where to eat and then you clog up traffic on route 5/leonardtown road all the while complaining how bad waldorf is....let it go....

I don't live in a bubble - and I "mise" as well refer you to the police blotter and take a look for yourself and see... ride around Waldorf and take a look... watch the punk-azz kids and DC plates - stereo's "thumping" with no regard to the person next to you, driving like they are in a hurry to go nowhere with no respect for the people around them.

These are not "claims" - these are facts... the problem is in Calvert and St. Mary's as well, and it will only get worse in time.

The investors do not care about the area - they KNOW the shops WILL do well. New shops WILL attract business and Waldorf is already known for the mall/resteraunts and car dealerships, damn near a mini-Tysons Corner. The difference is we are closer and more convenient to the DC/PG County crowd - I am not saying everyone coming in from those areas are trash, but the majority of the crime committed HERE - in Waldorf is from people from those areas... read the SOMD Headline News on a regular basis.

I am not trying to bust anyones chops here, but these are facts...

Waldorf is filled with narcissistic people... both visiting our mall and living in the area. The face of the county has changed do to piss-poor "planning" by the commisoners and county "planners"... Let's put in more shops and not expand the infrastructure. Their answer - Metro or Lite-Rail! Yeah right, let's make it easier for more trash to come in to the county to terrorize our citizens.

Years ago, before 301 was a parking lot, you NEVER seen or heard of a fraction of the crap that goes on in Waldorf now.

I only go to Waldorf when I have to...

BTW - the ghetto is slowly moving to SMC, it is just a matter of time.

Callie girl

New Member
I was just at the mall and I wasn't saying it was bad. It's as bad as Lexington Park - Great Mills area. I was simply just listing other options.

Callie girl

New Member
Thank you for the red who ever gave it to me I like the color personally. Can you please sign it next time and not be a coward about it TYIA
I was just at the mall and I wasn't saying it was bad. It's as bad as Lexington Park - Great Mills area. I was simply just listing other options.

You are right - it depends on the time you go... it is just prudent to go with a group.

Other options are great - thanks for posting other options besides the mall! :howdy:

I do know the St. Charles Mall did get crowded for this event...


AKA - Special K
Waldorf Mall

I would like to add my opinion on the Mall. first, there are teenagers who run around the mall causing havock, mostly they are in the food court. Second, the mall has changed in the last few years, it is not nor has it ever been SAFE. If you read any of the local news, there always robberies, thefts, rapes in the parking lots and break ins at the mall. They have increased their security but not with real police officers, they are rent-a-cops. They are only there for crowd control and to keep the teenagers at a moveable pace. There have numerous instances where people have been shot walking out of the mall. there have also been numerous instances where people have been jumped in the food court. The halloween parade at the mall is joke. Some stores participate some do not. The stores that participate are over rrun with kids who are young and teenagers who are only there to hang out and to get candy. Gangs are predominate in Charles, St. Mary and Calvert County. The 925 gang has been around for years and MS-13 have been moving to the tri-county area slowly. you just have to open your eyes and remove your rose colored glasses. People have been robbed in the bathrooms with their children with them. It is sad to say but this is reality. crime is increasing every where but if the county government would look into a place for teenagers to go rather than spending money on pay increases for themselves and numerous other projects the counties do not need, then i am sure the crime level would decrease. Just my opinion not a sermon.:lalala:


Cleopatra Jones
Good Lord.... Some of you people are really sheltered. The Waldorf Mall is nowhere near a classy place BUT it's not the streets of SE like some of you suggest. I was raised in Waldorf and while it's certainly no mecca the chances of you getting robbed or shot are fairly low considering population and the dynamics of the community. The day that I'm afraid to go to the mall by myself is the day I need to carry my ass away to BFE where there's no one else around. With population you get increased crime. If the Waldorf mall sucks its because of lack of decent stores.


Well-Known Member
Good Lord.... Some of you people are really sheltered. The Waldorf Mall is nowhere near a classy place BUT it's not the streets of SE like some of you suggest. I was raised in Waldorf and while it's certainly no mecca the chances of you getting robbed or shot are fairly low considering population and the dynamics of the community. The day that I'm afraid to go to the mall by myself is the day I need to carry my ass away to BFE where there's no one else around. With population you get increased crime. If the Waldorf mall sucks its because of lack of decent stores.

well, i agree with you...somewhat

i have no problem at all going to the mall and being alone, but i also wouldn't want to take a child there. Why put them in harms way when there are other options? Thinking about yourself and thinking about your child are two totally different things...


Cleopatra Jones
well, i agree with you...somewhat

i have no problem at all going to the mall and being alone, but i also wouldn't want to take a child there. Why put them in harms way when there are other options? Thinking about yourself and thinking about your child are two totally different things...

I wouldn't take my kid trick or treating there but it wouldn't be because of the crime. I take my kids shopping there when need be as do thousands of other parents.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Keep them inside, away from power outlets, knives, water, chords, steps and 2nd-story windows. Be sure to walk wherever you go...no wait, you could get hit by a vehicle. :banghead:

Don't forget clouds. Keep them away from clouds!! Clouds bring rain and rain brings thunder and thunder brings lightning! :jameo: :jameo: :jameo: