Wash @ Miami


They call me ... Sarcasmo
There isn't a winnable game for the rest of this season for the Redskins. We do not have the talent, from the Pesident of football operations, all the way down to our #6 WR. Mike Shanahan has proven (yet again) that you cannot be in charge of personnel AND be head coach yet Shanahan tries to take it one step further by hiring his son as OC.

We've won too many games to be in the Suck for Luck contest, so we managed to screw that up too. I can guarantee you that there will much wailing and gnashing of teeth if there is not a QB drafted in the first round next year. My prediction is that Shanahan(s) get one more year to get us over .500 or they are gone.

Maybe it's pollution or malaise because teams in this area suck.

The only saving grace would be the Capitals, but they always choke in the playoffs.


Obama destroyed America
There isn't a winnable game for the rest of this season for the Redskins. We do not have the talent, from the Pesident of football operations, all the way down to our #6 WR. Mike Shanahan has proven (yet again) that you cannot be in charge of personnel AND be head coach yet Shanahan tries to take it one step further by hiring his son as OC.

We've won too many games to be in the Suck for Luck contest, so we managed to screw that up too. I can guarantee you that there will much wailing and gnashing of teeth if there is not a QB drafted in the first round next year. My prediction is that Shanahan(s) get one more year to get us over .500 or they are gone.

Maybe it's pollution or malaise because teams in this area suck.

The only saving grace would be the Capitals, but they always choke in the playoffs.


There isn't a winnable game for the rest of this season for the Redskins. We do not have the talent, from the Pesident of football operations, all the way down to our #6 WR. Mike Shanahan has proven (yet again) that you cannot be in charge of personnel AND be head coach yet Shanahan tries to take it one step further by hiring his son as OC.

We've won too many games to be in the Suck for Luck contest, so we managed to screw that up too. I can guarantee you that there will much wailing and gnashing of teeth if there is not a QB drafted in the first round next year. My prediction is that Shanahan(s) get one more year to get us over .500 or they are gone.

Maybe it's pollution or malaise because teams in this area suck.

The only saving grace would be the Capitals, but they always choke in the playoffs.

We are going to get Peyton Manning in a trade next year. It will be fine, he can wear a neck brace.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
There isn't a winnable game for the rest of this season for the Redskins. We do not have the talent, from the Pesident of football operations, all the way down to our #6 WR. Mike Shanahan has proven (yet again) that you cannot be in charge of personnel AND be head coach yet Shanahan tries to take it one step further by hiring his son as OC.

We've won too many games to be in the Suck for Luck contest, so we managed to screw that up too. I can guarantee you that there will much wailing and gnashing of teeth if there is not a QB drafted in the first round next year. My prediction is that Shanahan(s) get one more year to get us over .500 or they are gone.

It will be an interesting off season.

I don't see how Haslett stays. He has, on paper, the pieces for a solid defense.

As for the offense, we knew going in that the pieces simply ain't there; mediocre O line, low talent level at skill and quarterbacks that needed solid D and a good running game to be effective.

Injuries have eliminated any margin for error we had to begin with and the offense, instead of just being lame, actively makes things worse for the defense. We can't play a field position game which is what you have to do when you can't score; not make big mistakes.

As for Shanahan, would Snyder have the nerve to start over again? Does Shanahan have any interest in hanging around with so little offensive talent?



It will be an interesting off season.

I don't see how Haslett stays. He has, on paper, the pieces for a solid defense.

As for the offense, we knew going in that the pieces simply ain't there; mediocre O line, low talent level at skill and quarterbacks that needed solid D and a good running game to be effective.

Injuries have eliminated any margin for error we had to begin with and the offense, instead of just being lame, actively makes things worse for the defense. We can't play a field position game which is what you have to do when you can't score; not make big mistakes.

As for Shanahan, would Snyder have the nerve to start over again? Does Shanahan have any interest in hanging around with so little offensive talent?


Why do you give Shanahan that much credit? Has he ever done anything without John Elway?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Why do you give Shanahan that much credit? Has he ever done anything without John Elway?

That is along the lines of what I am saying. Far from giving Mike credit for being some sort of great, young new coach, like, say, Harbaugh in San Fran or even Payton in Nola, I am suggesting Mike knows damn well he ain't going anywhere fast in DC. He, for sure, has no Elway. He also is a long way from a decent line and has very little at skill.

So, the only thing I am giving him credit for is recognizing he ain't got the horses on his side of the team and the D, most surprising, isn't there to give his side of the ball any wiggle room.


That is along the lines of what I am saying. Far from giving Mike credit for being some sort of great, young new coach, like, say, Harbaugh in San Fran or even Payton in Nola, I am suggesting Mike knows damn well he ain't going anywhere fast in DC. He, for sure, has no Elway. He also is a long way from a decent line and has very little at skill.

So, the only thing I am giving him credit for is recognizing he ain't got the horses on his side of the team and the D, most surprising, isn't there to give his side of the ball any wiggle room.

:buddies: Gotcha, I misunderstood. I didn't understand all of the hype when he came to DC. I think it's going to take a young fresh mind to come in and fix the debacle in Washington...well, that and getting rid of the owner....

And, on that note, wow....Harbaugh..he's something isn't he?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
:buddies: Gotcha, I misunderstood. I didn't understand all of the hype when he came to DC. I think it's going to take a young fresh mind to come in and fix the debacle in Washington...well, that and getting rid of the owner....

And, on that note, wow....Harbaugh..he's something isn't he?

Mike brought Kyle who was supposed to be the young, innovative new guy to Mike's stable, been there, done that over-seeing.

The thing I don't get is the fact that is does NOT matter who coaches this team; teams have gone 0-16, 1 win, 2, 3, 4 and ANYONE could walk into an NFL team as coach and get that much done. Anyone. On the other side, the odds of being a solid, really good team depends on ONE thing; a few key stars and a steady supply of young, fresh bodies. Any GOOD coach can win 9, 10, 11 games with that.

So, why not some young, new guy?

Well, Snyder has tried it all, from Zorn and Spurrier to Gibbs II to now Mike. Throw in Norv and Marty.

You've identified the problem and also, the improbability of change. Snyder wants to win, of that, I have NO doubt but, there isn't the patience and consistency on his part to be dedicated to making sure WHOMEVER is coaching, they have, at the very least, a steady supply of young, fresh bodies.

Oh, wait. He's tried that, too. We've drafted for WR's. We've drafted for defense. We've drafted for depth. The Redskins are just stuck in a vicious cycle of being out of sync with what we have and what we need. Just as soon as one need is addressed, it either doesn't work, the WR's (Thomas and Kelly) or another problem pops up. I mean, right now, the D SHOULD be good enough to get most teams to 8-8. Dan, by design or not, put a lot into the defense and it simply isn't working.

So, as usual, now what?


Mike brought Kyle who was supposed to be the young, innovative new guy to Mike's stable, been there, done that over-seeing.

The thing I don't get is the fact that is does NOT matter who coaches this team; teams have gone 0-16, 1 win, 2, 3, 4 and ANYONE could walk into an NFL team as coach and get that much done. Anyone. On the other side, the odds of being a solid, really good team depends on ONE thing; a few key stars and a steady supply of young, fresh bodies. Any GOOD coach can win 9, 10, 11 games with that.

So, why not some young, new guy?

Well, Snyder has tried it all, from Zorn and Spurrier to Gibbs II to now Mike. Throw in Norv and Marty.

You've identified the problem and also, the improbability of change. Snyder wants to win, of that, I have NO doubt but, there isn't the patience and consistency on his part to be dedicated to making sure WHOMEVER is coaching, they have, at the very least, a steady supply of young, fresh bodies.

Oh, wait. He's tried that, too. We've drafted for WR's. We've drafted for defense. We've drafted for depth. The Redskins are just stuck in a vicious cycle of being out of sync with what we have and what we need. Just as soon as one need is addressed, it either doesn't work, the WR's (Thomas and Kelly) or another problem pops up. I mean, right now, the D SHOULD be good enough to get most teams to 8-8. Dan, by design or not, put a lot into the defense and it simply isn't working.

So, as usual, now what?

I don't consider someone bringing his snotty kid along as the fresh innovative change required.

A. It's his kid, he didn't get there on his own merit....

B. It's his kid, if he has an idea that daddy doesn't like, do you think it really flies?

Unfortunately like you saw in Oakland, the great thing (for the owner) about being an owner is you never get fired for doing a crappy job. Snyder would have long since been gone if that was the case.

If you continue to do different things with the same result, and you are the only common thread, it's probably you...:killingme