Washington Nationals....



dems4me said:
Has the season opener started yet? can't remember if it was at noon or 1:00... is their a score yet in the game :confused:


Warm up is about to start. The game is being broadcasted on Z104. :patriot:


khuseman said:
Warm up is about to start. The game is being broadcasted on Z104. :patriot:

We are not allowed to listen to radios here and my computer does not have a sound card... :bawl: What's the score :shrug:


Has anyone been to RFK from SoMD. Of course the answer is yes, but I was hoping for an idea about parking/directions from here. In particular, from Pax. I've got tickets to the home opener (Thursday), nosebleed seats, but in the park. Metro doesn't seem exactly user friendly, so I was hoping for some ideas on driving and parking. Thanks!


New Member
I love the Baltimore Orioles and that is why it hurts me so much to see what Peter Angelos has done to my team since he took over in 93. It truly is embarassing how he has decided to behave since 1999. He needs a serious smacking. If he wants to keep money flowing into his team, how about he puts a superior product on the field that wins? People will come to see winning teams, dumbass.

Nevertheless, I am very excited about the Nationals as well. Every game day I have the Orioles' game and Nationals' game splitting air time at my house.


You're all F'in Mad...
joedancer said:
Except they keep being referred to as the "Nats" which sounds like those annoying little bugs to me...

The long version sounds like an airport... :ohwell:
joedancer said:
Except they keep being referred to as the "Nats" which sounds like those annoying little bugs to me...

The Nasty Nats! Love the ring of that :smile:

Nice that we are able to preserve a bit of Senator history. I've officially burned all my Oriole's stuff! :banana:
ohstate said:
Has anyone been to RFK from SoMD. Of course the answer is yes, but I was hoping for an idea about parking/directions from here. In particular, from Pax. I've got tickets to the home opener (Thursday), nosebleed seats, but in the park. Metro doesn't seem exactly user friendly, so I was hoping for some ideas on driving and parking. Thanks!
I have driven to RFK. It sucks. There is a metro station right there. Drive to Branch Ave. and metro it to L'Enfant then transfer to blue line to the Stadium. Don't even THINK of parking in the 'hood around the stadium. IF, and it's a big IF, the neighborhood criminals don't steal it, you will come back to find a big fat ticket for illegally parking in the residential neighborhood without a permit.


joedancer said:
Except they keep being referred to as the "Nats" which sounds like those annoying little bugs to me...

someone on the radio station I was listening to suggested The Washington PotHoles a few months ago :yay:


Nothing to see here
Now, this is cool.

My son-in-law and grandson(6) went to RFK to try to buy tickets for tonights home opener game. He was prepared to pay big time for 2 tickets and some woman offered him 2 in section 521(row 10 upper deck,behind homeplate). She wanted FACE VALUE and he kept asking her.."Are you sure you don't want more???", she said "No" but since your son is so cute, I'll just give them to you and have a good time on me. Wow, hard to believe... :yay: :notworthy to the lady with the free tickets.


otter said:
My son-in-law and grandson(6) went to RFK to try to buy tickets for tonights home opener game. He was prepared to pay big time for 2 tickets and some woman offered him 2 in section 521(row 10 upper deck,behind homeplate). She wanted FACE VALUE and he kept asking her.."Are you sure you don't want more???", she said "No" but since your son is so cute, I'll just give them to you and have a good time on me. Wow, hard to believe... :yay: :notworthy to the lady with the free tickets.

That was awesome!!! It's soo nice hearing about nice folks that do unto others... :clap: :clap: that has made my day!!! Thanks for sharing Otter !!! :clap: :clap: :smile:
Growing up 45 miles from DC in Calvert County (whereas I was 60 miles from Baltimore), still I've honestly never felt that much of a connection with Washington or its sports teams. Don't get me wrong--DC is a great city. I loved going on field trips to DC and when it comes to culture and history, Washington is a world class city, but emotionally I have about as much attachment with the city or any of its teams as I would with, say, Kansas City or Denver or St. Louis. DC's teams could have played halfway across the country and I would have still felt just as ambivilent about them.

I don't know why--I've always considered myself a Baltimore type of guy. I watched Baltimore news, read the Baltimore paper, flew out of the Baltimore airport, and yes, rooted for Baltimore's sports teams. Before the Ravens came, I didn't have a favorite NFL team, and it wasn't the Redskins. When people ask me where the heck Calvert County is, I say "60 miles south of Baltimore" as opposed to "45 miles southeast of DC."

Am I opposed to a baseball team in DC? Not at all. Do I want the DC to fail? Certainly not. But it's strange....a major league team just started playing an hour from where I grew up and I have as much attachment to them as I do, I don't know, the Padres. Besides, living in South Florida now I already have a NL East team I follow on the side, that being the Marlins.

But the O's? I'll always bleed orange and black. Always. They were a part of me growing up, and they'll always be "my team" from "my city," Baltimore.

Now, I do have to say though, it looks like DC fans enjoyed themselves last night, and looks like they put on a helluva show. And I'm happy for them--I really am. But I can never identify with them.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
I knew baseball was going to be popular here, but I didn' think the tickets would be that hard to get. I want to go see the Astros, does anybody know how the seats are in the 514 section way up there in the nosebleed? I've never been to RFK.


My Sweetest Boy
Bustem' Down said:
I knew baseball was going to be popular here, but I didn' think the tickets would be that hard to get. I want to go see the Astros, does anybody know how the seats are in the 514 section way up there in the nosebleed? I've never been to RFK.
All of the seats in RFK are decent seats. If any have obstructed vision, it would be the ones in the lower part of the stadium that are further back under cover. It might not be that great for baseball. Some of the terrace seats at Camden Yards are like that....can't see the fly balls very well.