Washington v. Philly showdown!


My Sweetest Boy
Flyers were great...can't say much for Theo he wasn't much of a goalie for the Avs either.


He didn't play badly. Actually he allowed four less goals than Emery. :biggrin: Varlamov had a tough go of it. He never looked in sync.

It was an awesome game! Congrats to Philly for the win.
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Man of Tomorrow
Great entertaining game from a fan's perspective, but you just can't give up 9 power plays to a very good offensive team like the Flyers. 6 penalties were called in the second, 5 of them were on the Caps. Also should be interesting to see how Varlamov bounces back. He needs to get much more mentally tough before he can be relied on as a #1. The last two he gave up were very soft.


Well-Known Member
Way to many penalties, Flyers only scored on one of those 6 power plays in the 2nd period, but that wears down the defense always killing penalties and they end up giving up 2 really soft goals in 15 seconds.